Today's my birthday and I demand reaction pics

Today's my birthday and I demand reaction pics

Preferably hateful ones



You're a fucking autist.



Happy birthday, OP. You fucking faggot.

Happy birthday faggot


You are a fucking autist

no u

OP here, keep 'em coming

>Being this autistic


god tier reaction








best anime



OKOK. I'll give you Simpsons. That's pretty underground as far as anime goes. So yeah, it's a REAL anime. But Cory in the House? Shut the fuck up, you god damn normie. Any true otaku (anime fanatic, for you baka gaijins out there not fluent in the superior tongue of Nippon) will tell you that Cory in the House is nothing but bullshit moeblob fluff. Cory-chan is as underdeveloped as a character can be, and don't even get me started on Newt-Kun. Typical 1-dimensional 'cute anime boy' archetype. Useless fucking piece of shit mainstream anime made to pander to normies on facebook rather than REAL otakus like me. Yeah, you can fake being into anime to impress all your shit American Eagle football jock friends.TRUE OTAKU can see right through you. You're not sugoi. You're a fucking ポーズ



you fucking casual know nothing about anime. Cory-chan fucking super Saiyan the shit of the president of the motherfucking united states. Did any jap anime meet there president? fuck no.



no u


Don't die on me

That is literally what I have posted.
>Being this autistic.

>the autism ITT


a reaction thread will never die






It's my birthday too, 31 today. have a good one, mate.



>Being this autistic.



>Posting smug anime pictures.
Wow we got king autismus right here.


"as to thialo" is go to hell greek (pronounced aeis to dthialo)

"gami sou" is fuck you in greek




>Posting fat balding faggot.
Nice autism post bro, it's at least +1 level above autism post.
>Being this autistic.

Nice autism bro.








>Not an argument.
>Going on Sup Forums.
Hey you better admit being that bulgarian guy from that shitpostthread 3 weeks ago you fucking meme poster.xcummed.
>Autism reached a new height.
>+100000 autism points for your 100000000000000000000000000 points +5 memeposting status.
Nice Ironic Sarcastic shitposting brah.




>Doesn't make sense
Come on, you can do better than atleast +1 Ironic sarcastic memeposting you cuck.



>this thread is on the verge of death


>Go to reddit
>Just +0.00000000001 pre Sup Forums Alpha release Irony posting.
What an autist.


Too soon


>Just +0.00000000000000000008 post Sup Forums beta before the release sarcasm post.
wew lad.






>0.0000065+ Meme post
>Just 99999999999999+ posts, and you wont be autistic newfag cuckboi anymore.







>Cuck below 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007860000000000000000001231230000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000nine00000000000000000000123+ posting.





>Going to Sup Forums
>Not understanding pre 0.0057659q237653-0650793825235-23581230512-5151-42-412+02451u613451q5-AbcdcsMetalPorloolrls==_+asfhaofj2poj424>_>np lel
You will get there one day girl.




You'll get it one day brah.
>Just get past that level 0.012758192659189274759850d9y9ayf9ahsfihsa9fuy9asyf9ya9sfya level of shitposting FIRST.
>It's okay brah
[You need a level 10+ of seeing Sup Forums platinum-Silver-Pass to view this part]
It's okay brah just level up.
