Why is this stupid fat bitch so popular? Oh right...

Why is this stupid fat bitch so popular? Oh right, because most Americans are retarded and find this nonsense entertaining. Prove me wrong faggots

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You're right user, I refuse to watch this shit because I know it will be dumb as hell

I'm with OP on this one.

>hamplanet chewbacca is supposed to be funny
What am i missing?

I dont know dude....like every other shit...like the duck song (grapes) and many more...people are retarded...thats why im a squirrelkin

America as a nation is retrarded ,Prove me wrong

I can't prove you wrong. You're 100% right on this op, and you're not a faggot

She's seems happy and nice spirited. That's why everyone likes her. It's her love for life that made her so popular.

I dunno but she's giving khols some advertising.
Mfw I have stock in khols.

Amerifag here. We actually dont think this shit is funny. Its like extremists, you only hear about the crazies on the news, meanwhile the millions of normal people are being normal people.

Op its not polite to post on your own thread like this.

Why do you care faggot stop getting butt hurt about shit that happens on social media and get a life.

This man speaks truth.


>because the internet is full of retards who think nonsense is entertaining
>the internet is filled with 13 year old girls and grandmas

I'm Amerifat, and I don't find it the least bit funny.

Genuinely the fuck is going on in here

Op is actually not a fag for once and is %100 right. I haven't watched it but even the mainstream USA news reported about it. I was pretty pissed, this is stupid nonsense and just proves how stupid and narrow the American attention span is

She seems pretty intelligent and chill, plus I honestly thought her laugh was pretty funny. It's a breath of fresh air to see something so completely innocent go viral.

I am sick of seeing it everywhere though. It was funny the first time, now I really just don't care.

This. She has lot's of things that Sup Forumstards don't, like a life, happiness, a family...

don't like?

or don't have?

i'm not amerifat and i found it funny. simple as that. go smooth your edges down before you cut yourselves you pathetic little summer fags.

I think it's pretty funny actually.

I thought it was a dude.

OP here, it seems like more and more this kind of mindless trivial crap is what gets peoples attention now and days ( damn daniel,Alex from Target , Running man challenge) we are witnessing a whole generation of peolpe who want to be the next viral thing on the Internet but in reality it is making us all dumb


This is the truth

She's from Texas and overweight

you can replace americans with any nation. at least she isnt european.

fuck off. don't compare this lady sharing her genuine unbridled joy with people to those other fucking pigshit fads.

>love of life

Because she has a jovial laugh you infer that she has a love of life? You don't know anything about her user. How can you say that?

I'm not op, just a Canadian who is concerned for the intellectual downfall of the United States

The visual of this fat woman behind the mask is a funny image. Also, her immense expression of enjoyment over such a trivial object is comical.

Thank you user, pretty sure you are not a millenial.

That's why we need more people to take one for the team and get niggers to burn themselves and/or possibly other deadly stuff like that fire challenge



She better be in the next star wars movie.


Yes, she actually lives fairly close to me. You can imagine how my local news looks.

Majority of adults her age here are fat. I don't like that but it's how it is.
The fact that she hasn't been outed as a Confederate-flag-waving loon is enough for me to like her.

That's what I was thinking.... where in Texas is she from?

American entertainment is very intelligent you fucking faggot. It involves far more science and math than any of your shit. For example, this piece here is about whales trying to attract a mate. That is way more informative than anything you like.

She already has a mate, m8

Op you know you liked it after all you are freely advertising it.

It's called viral marketing for Star Wars.

Maybe some faggots can get on that soon. Do some digging and find some dirt on her. Candace what?

I'm american and I can agree that she is a faggot

Nah, I'm calling bullshit. Starwars is cashing in on it. But they are not the ones behind it.

Joy is contagious

Ooh that sexy double chin

How old you think she is Sup Forums?


>implying that no one else in the world is fat
>implying all Americans are fat
>implying the ratio to dumb american to smart ones and dumb Europeans to smart ones is any better.
>implying we care of your opinion which is obviously ignorant.
>implying by me responding I am some how upset.
>implying that just because something is stupid that it cant be a form of entertainment.
>implying that all the views from this video are only American...
>implying that stupid fat bitches can't be "
>implying that by saying all this that I am not also annoyed by her cancer.

inb4 tldr

fuck words are hard


i have seen the vid and enjoyed it for the minute or two at lasted. it has exactly the same mild entertainment value as ylyl threads on /wsg/ and if you are hating shit like this just because its popular with normies you are just a pretentious hipster faggot.

It's not funny, it's just nice to see someone legitimately happy.

She looks like chewbacca

If you think all Americans are the same, then you sir are retarded. All people in America are different in there own ways and hate each other

I'm not, I'm 40 year old fag. Gen Xer (OP)

I don't think they are all the same user. I fiND this kind of stuff stupid


Yet here you are also posting a picture and talking about her. Irony brought to you by OP.

did you buy your khols stock from some guy on a street corner

for the same reason that Hilary Clinton will be the next president of the united states.


>Americans are retarded
>Find nonsense entertaining
>Prove me wrong faggots
anyone on this site, posting in this thread in attempt to prove you wrong has already proved you right.

this thread is now pointless.

The internet is more than America.

Sorry Mr.Chewbacca mom husband. Won't happen again. Also, not irony


Why are you such a sensative faggot OP?

>This thread

I wouldn't characterize myself as sensitive user

My mom watched it twice yesterday, and despite having not seen it, hearing it was worse somehow. Her laugh is fucking cancer

Absolutely no fucking idea.

Fucking autists

trips speak truth

She's fat and has a cancerous laugh

secretly released by the government to judge how much of the american population is literally retarded.

it's worse than we thought.

Definition of tautology


the only correct person ITT
you guys know star wars is owned by the same media companies that keep playing this clip on tv all the fucking time, right?

cuck detected

You're saying she's popular because of stupid Americans but you're doing exactly what they do. You posting this thread is only gonna make people who don't know who she is, look her up.
Therefor making her more popular.


Might actually be true.


Use your knowledge of commas to answer the question yourself

*example of tautology

>you got the joke

nations can't have retardations, that is a category mistake.



autist detected
or is english a second language for you?


Laughter is contagious. I'm not American, but I found it hard not to laugh. The fact that it's become a fucking meme is overkill, but why do you care?

It's not the jovial laugh, it's her entire attitude that comes across

Some people enjoy things that you don't. Grow up, OP.

>Prove me wrong faggots

I can't. You're right. Fuck that fat retarded bitch and everyone who has watched her video.

That is a false equivalency fallacy user. I am not appearing on FB, good MorNingame America etc. I am simply stating my opinion on Sup Forums. Whether people look her up or not is not for me to decide. Just because you look something up does not make it popular or even agree with it. So if people on b look at the video , so what? They will either agree with me or not

Boys will be boys =tautology
It is what it is = tautology
Overweight Texans (not tautology)

And you know this how?

the video isnt about being funny to laugh at, its the fact the woman so genuinely enjoys her purchase. the fact that -she- loves it and is so alive because of it is infections.

I'm not the guy you are asking. I'm the guy that is telling you that you are a fucktard.

Carry on, Shitlord.

im stoned.