What are the Ethics regarding marrying a girl in a 3rd world country and bringing her to a 1st world country to make a...

What are the Ethics regarding marrying a girl in a 3rd world country and bringing her to a 1st world country to make a family together. I don't really believe in "love." I am more inclined to friendship and family. Love never lasts but friendship does. I am not terribly interested in banging lots of bitches etc... I just want a pretty girl who will be loyal. Explaining this to an American girl seems to be as effective as explaining it to a brick wall.

Also these types of marriages have a much lower divorce rate than regular marriages. less than 20% while in the US closer to 50% of marriages end in divorce.

I met a wonderful girl who lives in Columbia online... should I pursue this?

How do you know she's wonderful? Or even a girl?

Absolutely you should pursue this.

I met my (now) wife on a language exchange site. She's southern Chinese.

I met her on chatubate lol


I only have a high school education x_x

green card marriage. theres tons of those bitches out there. language barriers suck. and generally they are less intelligent.

Its okay user you just needed to know
Your plan won't work 100% of the time but that doesn't make it a bad idea

Been dating foreign chicks the last 5 years.. it's awesome. Get good one though, mine were tech industry chicks. I found them via tinder, just search in areas that have tech companies with a gps spoofer. Girls I dated:

>Korean 26 - linkedin - sales
>Taiwanese 25 - Google - data science
>Chinese 22 - MS - software engineer
>Chinese 31 - Dropbox - data science

They all want green cards and get paid like 150k a year.. tight pussy and skinny body.. definitely persue this shit OP

dating them only online or in person?

In person.. don't spoof your gps to fn silicon valley if you don't live at least an hour away etc... But, you could social engineer it in a way where you get them to buy you a plane ticket to visit.... All the girls I dated traveled like crazy and blew a ton of money on it.

That is riddled with problems...

Colombian women have a rough background and are almost all fucking nuts. She would probably beat you and your children if you leave the door unlocked or something very minor...

Imagine a woman like that raising your children?

If you want a family, just adopt I suppose?

Maybe a Russian wife?

I am military, not home enough to deal with being a single dad.

Honestly I don't really care about nationality, I don't really have a preference.

honestly op I bet you the love you get from the situation you proposed would be more "real" than love you find here. Women from those countries would be more loyal to you if you went through the trouble of bringing them here and had kids with them.

ok, im going to try this. Thanks mate.

yea, my main detractor from girls here is I have seen a lot of disloyal spouses in the military community. It seems like a culture issue in the US. Everything is instant gratification.

I thought many of these women simply see $$$ -- they come over here, marry you, and then several years later (forget the exact length maybe it's like 5 or 7) they can divorce you, keep your money, and stay in the country.

That's why you date the ones that make more money than you user.

This man knows

op said
>marrying a girl in a 3rd world country and bringing her to a 1st world country to make a family together

Not going to find a chick in a 3rd world country making much at all

First of all, no women can take your money from you after a divorce, given you have a stable mind state and sign pre-nuptial agreements protecting all of your assets. The fact that people don't sign pre-nuptial agreements bewilders me.

Second off any mail order bride that does something like that gets a lot of questioning from US immigration.

shouldn't she have gone yellow freight?

Ah true, I thought it was more specified towards foreign women in general because of the divorce percentages..

the statistics show there is a much lower divorce rate.

pre-nup isn't going to protect post-marriage gains. And it doesn't matter what US immigration thinks because after so many years married she's "free"

>I met her on chatubate lol
>met her on chatubate

foreign women in general is fine.

got something against sex workers m8?

pfhahahaha you think she cares a shit about you man?
who is she? dulce? kendal? those are fucking whores dude. specially those two.

lol, thanks for your input.

My advice as a Latin American, make sure you insist on holding traditional/family values and you'll be alright as long as she doesn't need to hold a job. She'll understand her place is as a homemaker especially since most women doing this tend to come from lower socio-economic strata where this was until recently the norm.If you can afford to have her send some money home things will go swimmingly, already her family should be predisposed to look at you as a source of social mobility (even if only in terms of prestige) you don't need to be a rich fag, just have some spare cash, be aware that while you can expect some support if things go south financially you won't get a lot of patience unless the girl isn't hot... It's kinda like the deal and you should walk in with open eyes... Make rules clear from the start in that you expect a clean home and hot meals, call it "partnership" otherwise she may americanize too fast... Look out for previous children, many women hide this in the begining, it's ok if you're willing to take charge but make sure there are no surprises...Finally introduce her to your life gently, people in lat am may see things like anime or gun culture as immature/dangerous nonsense... Latin women do expect you to be romantic, cheerful and afectionate so don't give her any speeches on friendship and dutifully say "I love you", if you cheat be discreet as fuck and don't fucking let her catch you, they'll take that from a macho (you don't want the dynamic of screaming and emotional blackmail) not from a mild manered gringo... If you want something less emotionally demanding try East Asian, sex won't be as good tho...