Hey Sup Forums I need your help

Hey Sup Forums I need your help
>be me
>5 years old
>get gift of a kitten on bday
>never bit or scratched me once
>fast forward to today
>cat is 19
>thyroid problem
>3 years past life expectancy
>demensia (he shits on my couch, yard, and floor without a second thought)
>can't invite anyone over in fear the cat shit somewhere while I was away
>been like this for the past 2 years

Should I finally euthinize him or wait for him to pass on naturaly

Is the cat in any pain?

Is time. Enjoy the final moments. Go to the vet, tell them what needs to be done and hold the cat until they give you the injection.

I honestly don't know, he eats fine, has no trouble walking, running, and jumping. It's just that he deteriatated so much.

He's lived too long.
Like my grandparents.
Specified thread doesn't exizt fag.


Honestly, from what you've told me, I think its time. He's old, worn, and likely no longer able to think straight. Let him sleep the good sleep.

Specified thread doesn't exizt fag.

Dont wait for him to be innpain. Do it now before he becomes unwell and unhappy. I held on with mine too long i fear. He had diabetes and was miserable for last 12 months. Trust me you will feel so much happier in long run.

I like cats and think they are alot of fun, but if a fucking cat is keeping you from having friends over you should put i down. Because its so old, adoption isnt an option (dank rhyme). Your cat has lived a long and seemingly happy catlife. Put him to rest and get a kitten.

When cats pass on naturally it is often slow and very painful for everyone

OP here
Thank you for your general consensus on euthanizing my cat. You all make valid point, and I appreciate that. I'll schedual his final appointment for saterday, for now I'll go be with him. Goodbye.

Best to you, OP! Always sucks to put down a four legged pal.

Fuck you. YOU should be euthanized. You're just gonna buy more shit, do absolutely NOTHING with it, then when it doesn't work or you're bored, you will throw it away like an ignoramus because thats your solution to every problem.


Never kill a pet because they're a nuisance. You took the responsibilities, you dont abandon him.

Not even,

I had a longer post but i fucked up and refreshed page.

The youthful generation is a wasteful bunch. They dump toxic waste in rivers, and emit a bunch of gasses from big machines. They dont care where their waste goes, as long as its not around them because "they have no use for it, and it is harmful"

Well fuck lets just take a problem and push it away, other humans will deal with it.

Fuck no. Finish what you start, you selfish fucking prick.


We are the ones that has to clean up your fucking shit! Kill yourself


Op here
I don't want him to hurt


when it exits life naturally you will have learned much more than if you forcibly push it out the door. ESPECIALLY if you pay to let some prick doctor kill it. the fuck kind of deal is that anyway? The worlds laziest hitman. Got a sick animal? I wont come to you, BRING it to me, PAY me, I KILL it, then you GET THE FUCK OUT. what the fuck man....the fucking decisions you idiots allow yourselves to make.

I wouldn't say naive, but if the cats still happy, don't kill it. Just because it's a "nuisance" doesn't mean it should die. Adoption may not be an alternative, but at 19, it's only going to live so much longer. Op should just let it enjoy it's last few moments. I've had quite a many cats in my lifetime, with different events in each of their lives, so I know it'd be best.

Same user. That's the point. Put him down if he's in pain (or she). Being a nuisance shouldnt be a death sentence.

PLZPLZPLZPLZ if he is in no pain and can still run/ jump eats and drinks fine do not kill him he will like longer, please don't put him down


The only decent reason to euthanize him is to prevent undue suffering.

If he isn't in pain, and you aren't saving him from anything, then it isn't euthanasia its killing him for your convenience.

Agreed 100%


Don't kill your cat bro. Just be there for him. Clean up his shit, his puke, etc. When he finally passes, trust me, you'll miss the ever loving hell out of him. Killing him is just going to make you feel worse.

Op here
He suffers from hyperthyroid, I can't afford medical procedure, and meds will lead to liver faluar. It'd not that cat shit makes me want to kill him, its that I don't want him to feel that pain

Endocrine disease. Senility. Incontinence. Your argument is shit. It's a poor quality of life. I had to end the life of my elderly cat last week. To trigger you further, know who did it? Not some stranger with a syringe of KCl. Me. He got a lovely meal, some love and attention, and then I put one in the back of his head. Instant, and he wasn't handed to a stranger like some pussy faggot. We owe our pets more than that.

strangle it to death. make sure you wrap it in a towel first so it doesn't scratch you and so the shit and piss doesn't get everywhere.

He's not in any pain though. If he's happy, let him live.

False dichotomy. It doesn't have to be one of two extremes. I had my cat put down by a vet but he was on my lap when they did it.

There are also home-euthanasia services.

talk to a vet about it.

But you didn't administer the injection, did you? That's a cop out, and a weak one at that. You and I both know it. Kudos to you for recognizing what had to be done though. I get sick when I see people who let a sick pet languish just for their own selfish feelings.

I'm not even slightly triggered?

Im literally just saying that the owner will have an idea of if the cat has any quality of life and enjoys being alive.

If he does, and you still kill him, don't fool yourself in to thinking it was the right thing to do.

Cap your cat in the skull all you like.

Go shoot up a school already you retarded faggot.

I'm with you on this one. I'm gonna take a guess and say you were raised rural or on a farm. Don't even bother arguing with city folk. They'll never understand. Shit, half of them think meat magically appears in grocery store packages and milk comes from cartons.

Actually, neither of us know that. Because it's not true. There is no rational argument for why I should personally inject him. Especially considering I had been personally injecting him every couple of weeks with subcutaneous fluid because of dehydration. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove (it's clear you're trying to prove something to yourself, not me) but you personally injecting him makes no difference. As long as you were the last person he/she felt and saw, it makes no difference.

Not remotely close. I hold all life in high regard. I also know undue suffering at the hands of emotion is an evil thing.

>fucking giggled like a little bitch
Good post Sup Forumsro