Would you date a foreign girl who hates your country but loves you?

Would you date a foreign girl who hates your country but loves you?

I hate this country too, no problem


No. I'd date a boy, tho.

Yes, yes, yes
If she hated and loved me at the same time I would lust after her more

i already did it, btw this

Yes, although I wouldn't know why

I dated a Serb in university, so do the math.

i hate my country as well

Yes, but I doubt that any girl is assburger enough to care about other countries. Apart from those where brainwashed normies are teached to hate countries like USA or Russia. But I am from neither.

How you aren't purged by erdogans yet?

Don't be silly OP girls can't love anything

Russia is tied for the greatest country on earth, Churkas and Cockholes have to go back.




How's my fetish connected with my nationality?
Gibe Hohol/Polish/Balt gf

Already did. They're no feeling better than fucking the shit out of a "religious" Algerian girl who would never to anyone that she loves the BFC.

Everyone hates my country so I'm used to it.

Yea why not.

Well as long as she doesn't force me to move to whatever shit hole she comes from, why not.

I'm sure plenty of them hate it anyways so why not?

Yes, yes, yes

You mean a racist/nationalist cunt?

>Implying making british/french girls scream "Viva España" isn't my goal in life

You have a bad reputation because of gipsies desu

I'm aware.

No way Pedro, if she really loved me then she'd love my Queen and country too

Yes, I suppose so if it wasn't all she ever talked about. However, we couldn't be living here because then she'd be a fucking moron. You can't move to a country and then do nothing but trash it.

I would cry "VIVE LA FRANCE" while cuming in her.

what a joke! You're implying that 1) a girl could ever love me, and 2) that anyone could hate Finland. Get the fuck out with these twisted jokes of yours OP

you're cute
нaхy Финляндию

look at them puddins jiggling

Hell yeah, this country fluctuates too much between "Fucking awesome" and "Holy shit wtf is going on?" We'd have an infinite amount of conversation pieces.

>carpet in a bathroom
She's literally standing in absorbed piss, bacteria and shit particles.
Absolute pass



h*ll yes!

wew lad calm down

You betrayed us in ww2 :(

Yeah sure, this place is slowing turning shit anyway

"Betrayed" is too simple a word for what was an extremely complex situation. What happened was that:
1. The young King Michael was deposed by his father Carol II, even though Michael was Ferdinand's heir and the rightful king.
2. Carol was an extremely shitty and incompetent king, and under him the ultranationalist party got a lot of power through assassinations and subterfuge.
3. When Germany invaded Poland, Carol declared neutrality even though we were allies with Poland. Everyone hated him for it.
4. He tried to wait it out and see who wins before joining a side. He joined Germany after France got shitter shattered, and immediatly lost northern Transylvania in the second vienna award, this is after losing Basarabia to the soviets. At this point the entire population wanted to hang him.
5. He decided to give power to Antonescu, and he immediatly forced him to abdicate. Antonescu tried to salvage the situation as best he could and he decided to join Germany and try to regain Basarabia since he hated soviets. The entire population hated the soviets, too, and it was the only reason we didn't outright revolt when we joined the AXIS.
6. After Stalingrad, when soviets were approaching, Michael and his supporters overthrew Antonescu in a palace coup and forced the country to switch sides to the Allies, and therefore the Soviets. It was an entirely new government that pulled the country out of the AXIS and threw our lot in with the soviets, helmed by the legitimate "king".

In the end, it was all politics and it didn't reflect what the population thought and wanted. And though I personally don't see it as a betrayal as much as politics at work, the majority of the population here see the switching of sides as a great stain on our nation and feel as if we should've stayed with Germany 'till the end.

>Would you date a girl


Fuck, no.
This. Why would she come here while hating it, that would be some kind of mental retardation.



If she is hot, yes

i would fug her but not date her.