I am a Korean

I am a Korean.
I have a message to convey to you foreigners.
It has been revealed Samsung has been giving shit tons of bribes to the impeached """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""president"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" bitch park.


Do not buy Samsung.
Boycott Samsung.

Do not care if their products are good or not. They are bad.

But Apple, HTC, Google, Huawei, OnePlus, anything. Buy your neighbor's shit, rather than Samsung.

Thanks for reading.

By buying Samsung, you contribute to the evil of the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


my fridge is samsung what do

>samsung is real life umbrella corp
fuck yeah im going to buy their shit.
based samsung has tactical phones that explode now

not going to happen.

use it. buy something else next time.
do not buy samsung. they need to go bankrupt.
buy oneplus. or Google's pixel.

oh shit I have a 52" and a 32" TVs samsung what do I do? It's to late! to change them
anyway, post some article

Reading this post on my Samsung Galaxy s7

Were Samsung Group’s contributions to Choi Sun-sil bribes?

Samsung Offices Raided as Scandal Around President Park Grows

>what do I do
Use them. Don't buy Samsung next time. Tell your neighbors that samsung is bad.
Their next televisions are gonna explode anyway. Trust me.

mate, it's dangerous

But Huawei, Oneplus and others chinks companies has been giving shit tons of bribes to the chink government.

that's their problem. my goal is to make Samsung bankrupt.

Also don't buy Hyundai. but i guessed i don't have to tell you this because no one buys hyundai outside korea unless they are poor.

but even if you are poor, don't buy hyundai. you contribute to a corrupt country and risk your life.

hyundai is called "weapon on roads" in korea.

But if Samsung and Hyundai go down, wouldn't your whole economy break down?

>Their next televisions are gonna explode anyway
fug, at least my new phone isn't samsung

>But if Samsung and Hyundai go down, wouldn't your whole economy break down?
It doesn't matter. It is better to collapse than stay corrupt.

>at least my new phone isn't samsung
You did a very good job. Bravo.
what did you buy?

life's good

>life's good
no. there are still sheeple buying samsung.

What about KIA ? Almost all cop cars in my country are KIAs

asus, I didn't want to spend a lot of money, it does it's work, alas my prior phone had a better touchscreen and quality (s4) it was the newest when I bought it

this is samsung's new leader

Remember that everytime you buy Samsung, this greasy corrupt bastard gets richer and richer.

Don't let this happen.
A young girl who worked in Samsung's factory got leukemia. Samsung ditched her and refused to compensate, saying that "it's her genetics." No record of leukemia in any relatives.

The girl sues Samsung. Samsung sues her for defamation. Samsung wins.

This is Korea. This is Samsung. Every time you buy Samsung, you prolong this injustice.

Yes boycott samsung, buy upcoming Nokia androids in 2017

I never buy korean stuff anyway

Wheren't Nokia's smartphone part of windows?
I would be glad to buy a Nokia

OnePlus and Google's Pixel are almost as good as Samsung and cheaper. asus never heard of.

Kia is a bitch company to Hyundai.

> Almost all cop cars in my country are KIAs
I am sorry.

Buy Peugeot, BMW, Ford, etc.
Buy Toyota.
In Korea, hyundai and kia are called Hyun-Ki-cha (cha means car) because they are same company. just different brand.


people change it to


Hyung-Ki means weapons for manslaughter



Yeah, but they got rid of that shit mobile OS

Bribes for what?

I'd like to understand what's happening there

Yes. This is a very good idea. Finland is a transparent company. Help out Finns. Help them get out of recession. You can do something good with your money. Buy Nokia instead of Samsung.

You are doing a very good job. Korean companies need to go bankrupt or they will continue their ways. They stay corrupt because they do well that way because of sheeple buying their stuff. When they face bankruptcy, they will change their ways.

Shit tons of Koreans have made oaths never to buy anything Samsung or Hyundai. So if foreigners start boycotting it, they will go to dogs.

If Samsung goes bankrupt, a lot of jobs will disappear in Korea and Korea will become poorer country.

Asus has a ton of laptop and computer screens, never saw a phone from them.

Is LG okay to buy ?

It is better to be honorable and poor than corrupt and wealthy.

If Samsung dies, Korea dies.

You only think that because you have never been poor.

LG is called Hell-G in Korea because of their hellish customer service. So no.

In general don't buy anything Korean.

HTC, Huawei, Google's pixel, Nokia, Sony, Apple, OnePlus ...

I recommend Pixel, OnePlus, and Nokia.

Do they make them indestructible, just to proof 9gag memes right?

A corrupt being does not deserve to live.

I have been poor. Went 2 weeks without eating anything.

How old are you btw?

>this guy didn't own a 3310
you must be young

Old enough that my first phone was a Siemens C25 - and everyone was jelly.

I have not been a poorfag, so I had pic related...

>his first phone was out when mp3 on phone where a thing
still young


aww shit

pic related was my first phone, i kept using it until 2011

I still have it laying around somewhere

>tfw trump hasnt even been inaugurated and already anime is real and corruption gets dealt with
Truly the god emperor of man

It literally was the first MP3 phone on the market 15 years ago... do your math.

To add: most phones where indestructible back then. Had pic related at some point, which I dropped running at full speed on concrete, steped onto it and nearly fall. Only thing happend was a few little scratches on the back...

>trying this hard to prove you arent actually 12

the aerial is the first breakable thing, the silver part is easy to scrape

Please, Mbutu, are there no blonde girls to rape?

>the aerial is the first breakable thing

Pretty sure you could stab someone with that.
These things (most phones back then) where massive.

Korea was on the same level as Ghana only a few decades ago


all smartphones i've bought so far was samsung
suck dick english teacher