White kids and nigger music

This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed, white people from all over the world are in love with shitskin ghetto thug culture.

White people in the US and Europe listen to rap, white people in Spain listen to reggaton, white people in Brazil listen to baile funk.

How can we make white kids to stop listening to nigger music?

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oy vey shut it down etc etc

Hip hop has never made anyone kill another person. But white people music has. Now tell me which one is better?

stop being a nigger by always complaining about everything.

>Hip hop has never made anyone kill another person

>white people in Spain

>white people in Brazil

That's presented in all kids in Hispanoamerica 2bh, not only white

only white kids matter

That's because white kids aren't taught about their own culture and music so they seek the culture that is readily available which, in white countries, will always be the """progressive""" ones.

Tldr- Get rid of (((media))) and (((Schools)))

Yeah kids totally want to dress up in victorian gowns and wigs, or as dandies in top hats with stuffy cravats, and gloves, to fox trot around some dusty ball room. Even back then the youth broke away to go dance and listen to more raunchy and boisterous music.

White people's music sucks that's why no one wants to party to it.

>White people's music sucks that's why no one wants to party to it.

I'd call you out on your god awful taste, but being american it probably can't be helped.

Okay put this music on at the next party you go to and have fun.


>white people in the Americas

you're imagining what was yuppies back then.
there's nothing wrong with redneck euro peasants tradition.
vid slightly related.

Progressive leftists have brainwashed whites to hate their own culture. If we want to stop this, we must destroy all leftists.

Brazil is a lost cause.

>white people in Spain
>white people in Brazil
lol yeah

Are you fucking delusional or what

I was one of them.
Classic coast rap, feel no shame. Never copied, or act like wigger.

sounds like some mongolian wailing.

Not everyone listens to music to be a degenerate partier.

>'white' spaniard rape babies

only south americans do that lmao
last time i heard someone spanish listen to reaggueton it was 2006 or something

how about this?

OP posted a picture of two kids at a party so that's the context we're working with.

You never went to a party in your life?

This is not a bad song but I always think about stuff like this being played at kids parties or preteen middle school dances where the chaperones make sure you aren't dancing too close. Actual fun parties adult parties usually play hip-hop or one of the dance genres that spawned off of hip-hop.

There are pop dance songs but I've never seen anyone play Justin Beiber, Taylor Swift, or Meghan Trainor at a party for anyone over the age of 13.

I love my rap music and the memes within it, and still I'm a decent typical middle European person. You don't know shit.

Everyone should be listening to Taytay instead


There are many things that blacks can be criticized for but contemporary music is absolutely NOT one of them

why do you care what white kids listen to? youre not even white mestizo maligno


negroid music and rythm stimulate the most basic and vulgar instinct of the body, it's a disaster for the mind and spirit.

>negroid music and rythm stimulate the most basic and vulgar instinct of the body, it's a disaster for the mind and spirit.
THIS AND TOTALLY THIS. That shit also happens with reggayton shitty rythm, they look like chimpanzees.

>white people in Spain listen to reggaton

Do you mean english tourists in Magaluf?

Not only them, also inmigrant kids listen to that shit. Even Spaniards listen to it, it is a cancer. But I have to admit that here in Colombia is much more common and disgusting. BTW, brits, never stop making great music. The world needs you.

>even spaniards listen to it
no they don't you cokehead

>Not knowing there are documentaries about that
It is a shame for all of us but you have to accept it, young people DO listen to that shit, and if you deny it, you are lying to yourself and you know it.

I play the upright bass and bass and play jazz and funk, whatcha gonna do about it Henry

They do. In every spanish speaking country that shit spread like a virus.

ohhh my poor germanics gir´ls

they play reggeton in specific latin bars but in regular spanish bars that the vast majority of us go to its edm

they play dembow too in spain

i saw videos of it and a new dembow singer is touring in spain right now

see vid if you want


I dont give a shit how you call it
its latin music
they play it in spain, yes, in latin bars and clubs

But the vast majority of spaniards party in regular spanish clubs and bars, which play EDM

You can post the video with the teenagers in barcelona in the latin club if you want
What I'm telling you is latin music is not mainstream here

>its latin music
that is an insult to romans and latins

the word for it is hispanic american music

>You can post the video with the teenagers in barcelona in the latin club if you want
why would i?

>What I'm telling you is latin music is not mainstream here

Embrace your latin spic status, nobody is going to think better or worse than they do about you now.

Oshtia Manolo joder dejate de gilipoladash o te banteamosh hashta que te duela el orto

me vais a comer la polla indios de mierda


Pero esque tienen razón, las zorras españolas también les gusta eso

te crees la gran cosa, mongrel?

you are a iberian/ germanic mongrel

thanks romans and greeks for civ, imbecil

EDM es mierda y aquí están por igual el EDM que reggaeton

no en los sitios a los que voy yo

>Grandsons of the Ottomans

Niggers caused this. REEEEEEEEEEEE!

I wholeheartedly agree, i mean, look at this shit



we must ban negroid music for the future of the aryan race, etc, etc

It's because niggers appropriated the "popular music" and american merchandising export this bullshit all over the world.
the funny thing is this music is full of hidden black supremacist messages but nobody seems to cares, it's strangely accepted.

>muh buzzwords
Neck yourself. Or, you know, stop being an antisocial faggot and go out sometime

>full of hidden black supremacist messages
like what?
the music is trash any way but it aint some black propaganda 2bh, idk why the mainstream likes it now

same guy
This is getting out of control, there must be hidden dgenerate propaganda in this, surely made by communists too



>basically rap about killing and muh gangstas


Fuck you Chile you're the epicenter of reggaeton right now. You should be proud. I wish i was born in Puerto Rico

I agree to a point, but I don't fully understand what's going on myself.
For example, rock music and all it's ramifications come from blues, which is indeed, black music. However, rock, jazz, and most intellectual modern music was made by poor yet intellectual negros from the suburbs of the US as a means to protest against society.

Considering this, hip-hop fits more or less in the same context, so when was it exactly that things went wrong?

This is all I can say right now regarding my country's situation:

Most smart people would listen to any kind of music as long as it's pleasant. Be it rock, classical, murga, anti systemic hip-hop and sometimes even reggaeton (to a lesser degree ofc)

Dumb people would only listen to reggaeton and dull show business hip-hop


I mean, like, for real, the Jews must be involved with this



>negros from the suburbs of the US as a means to protest against society.
Will they ever stop protesting against society? It's been how many years since slavery ended? I don't see the Chinese or any other group protesting every single decde.

Let me rephrase.
>negros from the suburbs of the US as a means to deal with their pain, without hurting anyone nor causing social chaos.

around that time racial tension in US was pretty high i guess
i dont rly give a fuck what people listen to, most of black hip hop sounds like shit any way imo tho

>Hip hop has never made anyone kill another person
are you fucking real

it's too late, this generation is doomed

>400 years of slavery
oh come on, concerning united states it was mostly something like 80 years.

Brazillian music is some of the most disgusting "music" I've ever heard

But the girls in the videos have such great bundas I can't stop watching

actually you're right
when i asked each and every normie how can they stand reggeton they always come out with the same answer:
"i don't care when i'm drunk. plus it's just an excuse so chicks shake their asses"

i don't gives a fuck too, the problem is a lot of people listen this kind of shit because it's considered "cool" not realizing it's actually a negro communautarist music with a lot of racial hostility and hatred of middle class.
Eminem for exemple was a try to make white people interest on this music....and it worked.

anyway you live on the balkans, so i don't think the youth of your country is affected by negro bullshit.

absolute disgusting
please god kill all blacks in the planet

>he doesn't listen to gangster rap
wew youtube.com/watch?v=SX7KsU9MwEo

the cypress hill response is funnier imo.

>when was it exactly that things went wrong?
when jews got into the music business
so around the end of the 90s

there isnt any white guilt in eastern europe since we have way bigger problems to worry about but hip hop is still popular among kids now a days tho, along with terrible mass produced neo-folk/pop balkan music, club music is really terrible, no wonder every one gets drunk

never heard it.

that is some high quality art



Been listening to classical jazz all day, Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Charles Mingus - VERY comfy. Black music only started getting shit about 10 years ago desu.

The fast beat in King of The Hill is a lot better imo.

Just teach your kids to play an instrument.
Never seen someone who's good at playing a piano or violin listening to gangster rap or lowlife pop music like miley cyrus etc

I play bass trombone and organ and I listen to Gangster rap. You don't have to have a certain taste in music to play an instrument.

No, but it teaches you about what good music is.

>what good music is.
Good music is such a fucking broad term. Obviously there are bad hip hop and gangster rap artists, just as there are bad ones for classical music, and jazz.

>just as there are bad ones for classical music, and jazz
now you're bullshitting us
there is no bad composition/song at those because those are already long buried and forgotten. only the good survives

>tfw everyone ignores your posts because you're not posting the hip-hop scene



Yes, bad and good music is not defined by genre.
There is good rap, there also are great popsongs.
My point still stands, if you are good at playing an instrument, you won't fall for lowlife music.


I can play three blind mice on the piano and strongly disagree with your statement

>I can play a song which takes 15min-1 hour to learn for a beginner on a piano

>Not being able to play a song which takes 15min-1 hour to learn for a beginner on a piano

Pero Manolo ya empethasteish con tuth ethtupidethesh me cago en la leche tio onda vital

you didn't understand my greentext.
i was talking about people who could actually call themselves proficient at playing an instrument

Brazil is a mutt country in the first place, why do you care

Profiency is subjective. Playing three blind mice can be considered "good"

god no.
Maybe good for a literal retard, but in the general sense of being a piano player, playing that songs doesn't make you "good".

The very nature of art means it can be good.