French ''''''''''chili'''''''''''

>French ''''''''''chili'''''''''''

hahaha what a stupid country

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There isn't no Chili inside
what the fuck are you talking about?

That's a nice looking 'go 'za.

> 'go 'za.

What it is?

Yes we are so stupids, excuse us mister i-can't-says-hell-at-tv and boobies-are-bad-censor-it-now!
you are more smart i guess.

My benis just exploded thanks for that

>Murrikans censored La Liberté guidant le peuple in the Civ 6 trailer

American haute cuisine

I'd eat it look good

you should try the bacon and cheese stuffed pizza burger

Doesn't look like chili, but it looks good.
You're really pushing it
The most delicious heart attack you will ever have.

>not deep fried butter


Is not that the restaurant who was founded by a Cardiologist because he was mad that no one listen to him so he open a restaurant that sell heart-attack inducing food?

aligot is fucking based

50% cheese, 50% potatos

all your arteries are insta-clogged

I would murder a young child in front of its parents for that. God damn it I wish I'd been born French.

It looks good though. I'd eat it!

cassoulet, pot-au-feu, blanquette de veau, boeuf bourguignon... all this stuff is the true French cuisine. Too bad only think about fancy artsy 3 stars restaurant haute cuisine when they think about it.

>Be me in store with friend.
>Over in the cooler near dairy, just browsing
>See a box of deep fried twinkies
I was torn between some sick form of pride and disgust.

don't know, maybe

it seems it actually succeded at killing a customer not so long ago

I wish fatties would drop down en mass