Do you think it's possible for us to get her to feed herself to a snake?

> Do you think it's possible for us to get her to feed herself to a snake?
Some of you said yes, so niw we need to plan how. And I wish to know why

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this video will help you

Why what

You do realize Anaconda wasn't a documentary, yes?
Unless she's the size of a preteen child, this isn't going to work.

long time since i read that word

100 lbs and five foot one

Moar of grill

She needs to be in asnake


Okay. Mix of ecstacy & LSD with alcohol in a girly cocktail. Plenty of vore fetish shit involving snakes online; print a bunch out. Sudden power outage, only thing to do is laugh with her at vore fetish shit. More LSD & X cocktails. Couple hours of this. Then introduce her to the snake. Convince her either she'll go right through it, it's a door to another dimension, etc. Some shit like that.
If the force is with you she'll be wearing that snake like a full body condom soon enough.

>so close
We need her willingly. And we need the snake first

This is what the drugs are for.
Verger didn't want to cut off his face until Lecter gave him drugs & talked him into it.
Then he was willing.

Godspeed you crazy fucker.

And the snake?

Anyone want to help?

Fuck no. This is all you, brother.
Hopefully she'll be dumb enough to fall for this shit; she'll have to be pretty stupid to not feel the drugs kicking in & bail the fuck out of there in the Cosby age.
I just get a kick out of the thought experiment.
Fully aware I'm not sane.

She looks niave enough

>If the force is with you she'll be wearing that snake like a full body condom soon enough.
my dick