Here come dat boi

here come dat boi
comment "oshit waddup" for 3 months of good luck

oshit waddup


"oshit waddup"

O shit, waddup

oh shit whaddup

Oshit waddup!

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

really Sup Forums, have you guys really fell this low?

I want you to die the way this meme did; over the course of a few days.

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

Thought this was dead

o shit dead meme

oh shit whaddup

oh shit whaddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

Found it.


oh shit waddup

Oshit waddup

kill yourself faggot

hey thats not coodsofksDF/ldsmlg/dAS:gVDGS:GKbdsaGKjdsa/kgjaeow'gjawmev'omEW



Oh shit, waddup?

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

hoy mierda quepasa?

oh shit waddup

oh and leave

Oh shit waddup

Oh Shit Waddup !


oshit whaddup

O shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

o shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

mods can you please put "o shit waddup" in the spam filter?

if you post "o shit what up" your dick will shrink 2 inches over 30 days

oh shit waddup

mods can you please put "o shit waddup" in the spam filter?

if you post "o shit waddup" your dick will shrink 2 inches over 30 days

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

o shit waddup

gimme that dick shrinkage


oh shit WADDUP

Ohshit waddup

Here comes dat boi

oshit waddup

oshit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

I found dat boi. I killed him. And I put him in a jar of fucking 91 % isopropyl alcohol. Dat boi.. My main man, he died. .by my own hand.

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

Godzilla thinks you're all niggers.

oshit WADDUP

oh shit waddup

Mordred is hungry.

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

‌ ‌ ▲
▲‌ ▲


oh shit waddup

o shit waddup


oh shit waddup

Oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

o shit waddup

>oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup

oshit waddup

oh shit waddup

Oh shit waddup

Oh shit waddup

oh shit waddup
ohshit waddup

Oh shit waddup

Oh Shit! Waddup

>When did memes get so retarded?