How do I get a qt German gf?

How do I get a qt German gf?

Be a cuck and invite your black friend along.

But you still have to have a gf first.


Be Turk

OP here, pic unrelated as Asuka a shit and Rei is best girl.

Childhood is arguing over Asuka and Rei. Adulthood is realizing that Misato is best girl.

Honestly she is best girl, but for shitposting a flame war purposes I chose rei. Asuka really is shit tho baka.

that's surprisingly accurate

any normie would choose misato

Just get in the robot FAGGOT.

first 2 are literally children

3d girls are whores and that girl in particular has probably sucked a million dicks before.

Be a goatfucking rapist subhuman.

>tall and handsome
>had many sexual partners
>$100k a year

I highly doubt people like that watch even watch Evangelion.

t. rei fan

dont post my gf

>yellow monkey girl
ah!! dame !!! ya,yamete,,,, nn,,, ki,,kimochi,,,aa,,,

>yankee girl
>oh shhhhhhh yes oh OHH uh! shhhhhhh good

>german girl

chose one


what is her favorite zelda

Mmm german really seems interesting

I've got einen Apfel.
I've got einen Kugelschreiber.



totally agreed

How do dutch people get a qt german gf?

I'm not as loudmouthed and direct as most of my countrimen, if that's a plus.

Why are nips consistently the best posters?

>Why are english teachers consistently the best posters?
Dead end career forcing you to develop humour to prevent suicide.

go to germany
don't be an autistic sperg


Misato is a fucking roastie slut.

Asuka is a hysteric bitch with mommy issues.

Rei is a perfect calm woman and would make a great wife.