Ask a guy who's eaten fast food at least 2 times a day for a year anything.

I did this as an experiment.

I am fully aware of health hazards I put myself at risk for.


Have you seen supersize me?

How much money do you think you spent each day?
I sense amarican currency

how are you feeling?

It's actually not that bad for you like watching supersize me...all foodie technically bad for you in the long run. Unless it's some green vegetable shit that has barely anything good for you

Why didn't you record it and try to make big bucks?



Why did you stop?

What did you order and what was your favorite meal?

That's nothing. I've been doing that for 7 years so far and I haven't gained a single pound. Although I have been bleeding anally for about 3 years so there's that.

Weight gain from start to finish? Also what is activity level?

I feel fat and lazy. I've gone up a shirt size. And added 10 inches to my waist.

Not OP but I'm this guy No weight gain, and I get a minimum of 20 minutes exercise a day.

I was 175 pounds in now pushing 220.

You didn't do it right. You should not have gained any weight.

You're no Don Gorske.

Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself

Before I was still kinda fat.

Not OP, but it's not really a big deal.

Clearly Wendy's is your go to, what other places did you frequent?

And now.... I'm very fat.

What is your favorite race in Morrowind?

20 dollars or so.

>Did it as an experiment
Yeah keep telling yourself that fat ass



When there's such drastic weight gain yeah it kinda fucking is

Arbys, mcdonalds, I ate alot of doughnuts too.

It amazes me how some men don't gain weight in the breast

Why are you a huge faggot and a liar?

Go to /fit/ and see their reaction

How is he lying? I've done it for 7 years and I'm fine.

What like gain more?

It's really not that big of a deal I got fat big whoop if I quit eating fast food I'll probably drop it.

i did this for 4 years in college with a few month long breaks to eat normal food. it didn't have any effect on my day to day life and i only gained weight when i wasn't at least walking every day. my weight was usually around 150, went up to 160 for a little bit but once i saw my belly get bigger i stopped being as lazy.

i also had 4-6 month periods at 23 and 25 doing the same thing. i eat something like yogurt for breakfast, a muffin or sandwich at lunch, then two fast food meals (burger/tacos, fries, soda). same deal, i started walking and listening to podcasts and some pushups/situps and the belly goes away/muscles come back regardless of the food.

i imagine the salty fries do some shit to more than a few organs. i feel like the weight gain gets real if i start drinking alcohol regularly as well, but there's not actually that much in fast food to make you fat unless you're a slob about it.

the guys talking about supersize me, that shit was fake i think it's been debunked a long time ago. on the other hand, eating food that is prepared/healthy is cheaper and tastes a lot better. i just don't care that much about food, so it took getting with a woman to start eating real shit again. from what i've understood about diet as a student and biologist, your body adjusts really fucking well to anything you put in it. the only way you can go wrong is if you eat too much or too little, which will show in your mood and shape.

Well it deffinitely showed in my shape.

Yep, this guy knows his shit. I've been doing it for 7 years, just recently stopped after getting married. I'm perfectly fine, and we just had our second child.

right but that's not just because it's fast food. there's the idea that it has more sugar/fat proportionally to the nutrients you "need," but it turns out your body will take what it needs and doesn't necessarily store the rest.

the guys i've seen become fat or maintain those bitchtits needed like 4-5 times as much food as i was ever eating, and I'm pretty sure they had years of total inactivity.

Ok I'm not really following why did I get so fat then?

post moar pics



Wow OP got fat! Lol can you see your feet without bending over?

omg wow....

pics of dick plz?

this pic is also fucking hot

OP here. If I look straight down I cannot see my feet.

How many situps can you do in a minute?



would you eat these nachos?

OP here honestly I would eat all of them I'm freaking hungry right now.

can i please suck your cock OP?

Do you like fat guys?

yes sir, very much


they're masculine and big and warm

Fair enough but the OP seems like hes going to loose the weight.

good thing it doesn't take me that long to suck dick

OP here I actually intend on packing on another 50-75 pounds

thats hot. i bet you'd keep the bed really really warm at night

There's literally nothing masculine about being fat.
Carrying extra body fat is a female trait..

OP here im not really into huge but thanks I'll take that as a compliment.

ok i like the masc fat guys?

* dudes not huge.

ITT; OP couldn't stay on his diet and went on a 1 year binge

I did this for 5 years. Didn't gain any weight. If you gain weight on fast food, that means you'd gain weight anyway because you are a lazy slob.

Just like any other murrifat, except for the experiment part

I have a friend who eats mcDs pretty much every day. He also drinks everyday and still he's seen as a 10/10- every girl on earth wants to fuck him. It's a strange occurrence.

Yeah I mean it's been a long road but it is hard to constantly try and keep eating in excess.