Sup Sup Forums this faggot is sending dick pics to my girlfriend after being told numerous times she has a boyfriend...

Sup Sup Forums this faggot is sending dick pics to my girlfriend after being told numerous times she has a boyfriend. Also his name is "Anime Lust" so you'd be doing the world and I a favor if you fucked with this guy. Kik: JockerBlood pic related it's the messages he's sent her do your worst




Not your personal army newfag kill tourself lirk more



I thought b would have some fun with this guy
if you wanna be a whiny fuck go to reddit

If your GF didn't want them, she'd block him. Since she hasn't done that then she's totally cool with getting them from the guy.

Go fuck yourself cunt.

NYPA, cucklord

lol no ty why are you still here

Fuck off faggot. Man up and deal with this shit on your own. Maybe your gf should leave you for that guy because at least he has balls you fucking pussy.

Deal with it on my own? this isn't my method of dealing with it. If you weren't autistic you would have seen that I literally just said that I posted this so /b could have fun with him. Once again, if you don't care so much, stop being a whiny bitch, and abandon thread

This. It's pretty obvious OP.

>being this mad
Sure thing you pathetic cuck.

>>I posted this so /b could have fun with him
You're the one being cucked by this guy, that's more fun for us to think about than thinking about 'helping' you since you're too much of a cuck to do anything about it yourself.

For one thing i'm not mad, just annoyed. Secondly I don't need any help. I told her to block him, and she did. If you don't wanna fuck with this guy then leave the thread and go into a loli one where you belong.

Go you need to man up OP. If your scrawny and wimpy I hope you are rich because you need to go buy some friends who will ruin Tatman Thundercock's day day.

I couldn't care less about him. What the fuck have I been saying this whole time?

>not mad
Good one. Kill yourself.

He is blowing ropes up in your gf, you fucking cuck

Are you mad that his dick is bigger than yours?

Somebody post the girlfriend's kik

You're the one trying to convince us you aren't made when you're the one who posted the info in the first place. You only post stuff like that when you're butthurt, so we all know you're butthurt. And of course she told you she blocked him. Protip: She didn't really block him. She told him to send her pics later.

Then what do you recommend I do?

I hope someone screencaps this thread and sends it to him. Hopefully he kicks your ass then fucks her in front of you while you bleed and cry

Enjoy taking care of his kid

Even if I admitted I was mad, how would that benefit you in any way shape or form?

fuck off you fucking cunt, grow some fucking balls, NYPA

Post more screens.

Leave her or sit and watch him fuck her from the corner while you jerk off and start a cuck thread like a faggot.

Kill yourself

for what reason? it's not like you're going to help.

How much of a wimp do you have to be to get cucked by a guy called Anime lust?

all these newfags need to take a shower with Hitler of some shit. Fucken 9gag, reddit, tumblr, fuckfaces here.

You sound upset, OP.


Sweet mee mee, faggot. Super edgy

OP here I know you guys don't give a shit and want me to kill myself but unless anyone has any ideas on how to get revenge on this guy (not because i'm mad because it'd be funny) please give me recommendations. Also that's not me lmao

Post more if the convo

Why exactly?

Because we want to point out more evidence that your gf os fucking him

She doesn't know this guy he isn't from our area, he's just a kik dick bandit.

lets go around posting this message "New Young Teen Kik : JockerBlood " and just put the kick up with photoshopeed image

Perhaps you should stop LMAOing and start concentrating on how to out-alpha this person before its too late

All these beta cucks not helping this faggot out. You should all kill yourselves you fat disgusting weeaboo's!

God this fucking fgt is mad.

That sounds interesting

yeah i'm furious

op's really mad now

I just sent him a message telling him about this thread.

bet this guy's from reddit.

ok op i just sent him a message in he gave me your gf number. i heard she like's big cocks is that true?


Nobody cares. Stop samefagging

nice bait

tell her to block him... and if she doesn't then break up with her, get some self-respect. And if you live near the dude, go fuck him up

She said she did but i'll check her phone to make sure. Thanks user you're the only one here that's not a prick

get the fuck off Sup Forums, you massive faggot

Good thing, because obviously if she didn't she obviously likes it.

Shit like this pisses me off, good luck fellow user.

Sup Forums isnt your personal army, faggot go beat him up or some shit.

find your local backpage and craigslist, post him as a gay guy looking for fun, use his pics and number.

holy shit. fuck off with this nypa shit you pussies. if you honestly say this then you've probably been here for less that a year. lurk moar please

we've established this already. Not asking for anyone to do that anymore.

I would but apparently he's 17

>I would but apparently he's 17

Also no he's not. No 17 year old has that many tats. He's probably some fucking pedo trying to get some jailbait pussy.


>telling anyone to fuck off to reddit when that's clearly where your bitch ass came from

>hurr durr le epic Sup Forumsros please roast this guy because I'm too much of a pussy to do it myself

You're a beta bitch newfag OP. Don't post again until you're 18 and have lurked for a few years first. Sage.

Should have tried to find out his real name. Then track down his family and send pictures of his nudes while explaining the situation.

>being this mad

>I dont need any help!
>you're not going to help fuck you!

Top fucking kek OP you little beta faggot.

...said the obvious newfag. Kill yourself.


Because it's entertaining when fucking little faggots like you hear stories of the big bad Sup Forums and then come here and post stupid shit like this without lurking. It's funny to us. Fun, if you will.

This dude is trying to fuck your bitch and your only response is "pls block him honey, I'll post his kik on Sup Forums and my Sup Forumsros will have some fun with him".

We are literally on that guys side, bitchboy.

true. true. you showed me bud. grats on the first post btw

>‏complains there are no good raids anymore
>‏says nypa even in fucking habbo raid threads

You do realize that this was 40 minutes ago, right? Nobody gives a shit anymore except for you, lurking in this thread like a butt hurt child. Take your side with him, and shove it up your ass.

We need your gf kik, name, phone number, and several photos.

She's underage bro i'm a youngfag

Also, so what if I'm gay??

>obvious newfags trying to blend in

It's not working son.

Habbo raids have been dead for years retard.

This is literally a perfect example of NYPA. There is nothing morally or legally wrong going on, OP made no effort to rectify the situation himself, and he offered no incentive for others to help him. This is literally a "someone annoyed me and I'm too beta to even try and do something about it, help me out for nothing in return pls" thread.

>We are literally on that guys side, bitchboy.
No we're not you fucking faggot. That guy is obviously a giant fucking faggot too.

>‏congrats on having trouble processing information
Don't worry, we're all special.
Some more so than others.

>says the literal underaged butthurt child who can't handle being told off like the fucking retard he is when he posts stupid shit on Sup Forums

Ayy lmao. Thread just keeps getting better.

>how NOT to start a thread on Sup Forums

Don't kid yourself. There's something morally wrong going on and anyone in a similar position as OP would be pissed off. But we're all selfish fucks so we won't get involved.

Look at you user, you can't even post properly you're so mad and retarded.

Apparently you can't read either because you either quoted the wrong person or can't speak english very well.

I don't understand why everyone is so upset. Did I trigger you or something? Do you need some therapy?
Can't handle it? I'm still here, aren't I? That kind of disproves your point. And also, i'm well aware it's a bad thread, this was established years ago, but that still raises a point, why the fuck are you still here?

Post pics of your gf

So in a case of faggot who is trying to get laid vs faggot too beta to defend his pussy you're on the betas side?

She's a minor. Not gonna do that.

>‏something I'm pretty sure is sexual harassment

Im on that guy's side. He's already permanently outmanned OP & seems pretty chill and alpha. Plus his dick is bigger and better than OPs & OP is literally a cuck who dates whores

Those old 4chaners can hack him I bet!

Which one of the faggots is getting laid? OP.

Which one is a tattoo'd little degenerate nigger wannabe who is desperately trying to show women his dick on the internet? The faggot.

You must be some pathetic virgin who identifies with the pathetic struggle of the faggot trying to fuck someone elses girlfriend.

>heavy breathing intensifies

Alphas defend betas. But I can see why you wouldn't understand that.

nypa faggot

he has gauges though, might as well be a nigger.

>Can't handle it? I'm still here, aren't I? That kind of disproves your point

Your bitchy angry "well fuck you guys then" responses are what tell me you can't handle being told off. If you had any experience on this site whatsoever you would have instantly realized you made a shitty thread and fucked off instead of throwing a hissyfit at those who told you it was shitty.

>why the fuck are you still here?

>pls leave stop bullying me

Kek. Why do people linger at the scene of a trainwreck?


Just beat the shit out of that fucker
