TFW 22 years old loser

>TFW 22 years old loser
>TFW never graduated highschool
>TFW no drivers license
>TFW shitty, minimum wage part time job
>TFW fat dyel
>TFW low testosterone
>TFW kissless virgin
>TFW trying to lift but it's hardly working

Please help me...

How can I become normal?

>TFW 20 years old loser
>TFW barely graduated highschool
>TFW no drivers license
>TFW no job
>TFW skeletal
>TFW virgin
>TFW struggle lifting 40+ pounds


Think of your own meme

>TFW I can't think of my own meme

Fuck off ffs

Buzz off normalfag

>tfw 20 year old
>tfw never graduated highschool
>tfw never worked
>tfw recently found out I'm gay
>tfw no purpose in life
>tfw comfortable in my current state but angry at myself for not trying harder

At least I'm normal here.

Someone please permaban this fucking faggot. I am so sick of seeing this stupid fucking thread

I hope he does kill himself

Stop, or I'll take you out

edge lord

When is Hiroshima going to gas all the fucking normals on Sup Forums desu


>tfw 21 years old
>dropped out in middle school
>work as a janitor at said middle school
>barely enough to pay my half of the rent
>dinner 5 nights a week is ramen
>usually skip lunch
>suicide at some point when i can buy a gun

>tfw 25 years old
>parents dead
>work 2 minimum wage jobs
>dropped out of college
>make thread on /trv/ about my lost dreams
>user starts argument with me
>i get angry
>re-apply to college
>somehow get accepted back into college and get financial aid approved
>mfw this is my LAST CHANCE EVER to not fuck up college
>just gave 2 weeks notice to one of my two jobs

this is it r9k
this is the last chance for me

wish me luck

>tfw lonely virgin
>tfw good degree, nice guy, take care of myself
>tfw still lonely virgin
>tfw ugly manlet loser rapefugees get laid but I don't

There is no justice

what are you using your degree for?

a degree is a very powerful thing when used correctly

>tfw 25 and started working a pretty good job right after getting my BSc
>getting that MSc is getting more and more impractical

I'm still in school but I had a good internship at a bank. Girls don't care though, they go for rapefugees living on welfare.

I own a condo and once I sell it I can purchase 2 condos in Vancouver outright and rent it out.

I basically create my own basic income amounting that of an average Canadian salary without having to lift a finger.

give us some dosh

move to japan

one of the best things your bachlelor's will net you

>tfw so horny and lonely that I let a 45 year old twink powerfuck me last night even though I'm not gay

>Move to Japan
This isn't anime Takumi, no want wants to learn Japanese and live in a shithole country that treats forigners like they're there for the nips entertainment.

That's how you get pozzed you dumb yodelling biskla borsch.

B-but those cute animoos!

good luck user sorry about your parents
sorry bud get your GED or real estate license