Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?
What's your rank?

>Bronze IV
Tfw only really good with Ekko

You build tank or AP?

>Bronze IV
>Really good with Ekko

Diamond 4 NA

It's his teammates. man. Always keeping him in elo hell.

Plat 3 atm(Diamond 5 last season)

Akali (top)

Rengar, Gold 2, was Plat 5 last season

Usually pick abyssal or Rylais depending on who I'm up against and then build randuins

Twisted Fate
Gold V

one trick bard jungle
plat 2 EZ // Euw

plat 2

Just got back into it after a year break. Been playing pretty much only Jhin

>Kha'Zix, Jhin, Alistar
>Plat 5

aurelion sol
diamond 1

What's the first skill you max in Jhin?




Mostly Ashe, Varus, and Jhin.
I'm trying to branch out to jungle/assassins, particularly Yasuo, Yi, and Xin. Anyone got tips for jungling?

use smite

Can confirm...im bronze 3 btw

gank early

Sion akali aatrox top
Akali lux mid
Twitch bot
Lulu supp
I dont play jng.

Bronze 2 atm

Play Zac gank level 3

Garen/Jax/Vel Koz and sometimes ashe brand and zilean jarvan and sejuani. And i almost only play normal so no rank

>League of legends
Do you faggots know where you're posting?

Volibear. Diamond 2


promos to silver 1


Voli and baby sit top. Enemy top will flame and quit lol.


Plat 1 shaco scrub
Bring forth the salt

nidalee kindred if i get main role,
lux or cait if i have to off role
Gold 5

>Plat 3

>I'm bronze

idk why but top always feeds when someone is playing against Voli then he is unkillable

kha'zix jungle/ ezreal bottom/ ziggs mid
plat 2

carry pink wards, look at your map to see if enemy lanes are playing aggro, keep looking at camp timers, if the jungler shows take his jungle on the other side off the map, and always show up to dragon/ baron with smite off CD

on a far leftist anime website filled with tumblrinas and beta cucks? oh and 14 year old redditors

Akali is pretty much freelo in low to mid elo

teemo mid/top
silver 1


Everyone is Diamond and Platinum in Sup Forums.

Silver V Udyr

you know its dynamic quoe s6 and getting plat or diamond is easy as fuck?

it's almost like some people actually understand the game

I've played at least once a month since the beta, more often than not 3 games a day. I've never once played ranked because there are too many retards freaking the fuck out over video games as is.

Malzahar, Jihn, MF (Goddamn that black cleaver/ghostblade combo) and Ekko.

Also Teemoe, errybody needs some mushroom in they life.

Really because the percentage in diamond and platinum is too fucking low in comparison to silver and gold.

Silver V

Kindred jungle

Zilean bitches !

Gragas mid
Plat 2

Lol, wrong.

Were that the case, more people would be diamond or plat and those people wouldn't be crying about dynamic queue making their queue times so fucking long.

That being said, I main Velkoz and Morgana support and am gold II.

yeah cuz everyone is from the same server in Sup Forums

nigga once you get to plat or diamond you will just see how cancer dynamic que is and how many boosted animals those divisions have

I dont.

Dota 2 masterrace you fgts


Gold III

not everyone has friends who play league or are good at it

I dont and I would prefer to play my rank purely solo anyways

Zyra mid
Silver IV

plat 3
Zed, Riven, Lee Sin

>>inb4 riven is broken riven is no skill all trash blah blah


yeah must be awesome to play with 4 man premades in normals

all those champions are no skill trash

Most of the time I just max Q just so I don't have to worry about missing 1-2 creep/wave over the Q not doing enough damage (I miss that Q buff).

Zed is the easiest shit to counter when I use Talon or Fizz.

can confirm. Other team attempts to queue as three people in a mid plat game but decide to bring a gold 2 vel'koz into mid lane. I destroy vel'koz and we win what's basically a 5v4

diamond 5

i'm guessing you main Master Yi?


Bronze V. But I don't play much anymore.

>Gold 4

Current. I play a lot of ranked with my bronze friends. Prolly holding me back tbh. Got gold 3 last season, out of like 200 games maybe. :/

Gnar Mastery 7 Gold IV

no lv6 mastery tho, no blue essence :(

I duo with someone, that's it. Just the same as the old queue used to be.

Solo queue was just as cancerous, are you kidding me?

I've been playing this game since open beta, it's always been cancer. Always.

I regularly play with mid plat people, and they really don't impress me. I am very good at Vel'koz. One trick, but it's a trick that I do well.

>Shaco 5
What a try hard

nah man. he was my first champ season 1. He is my favorite champion by far. He doesn't carry games unfortunately... unless you get god fed, even then its hit or miss.

Been looking for a new build for Azir what do u recommend?

Do you guys agree that yasuo is the most broken shit lol has ever met?

Its the only motherfucker I can't handle at mid.

> Riven main
> Gold 5 scrub

goml silvers

He plays like such a bitch early. That's my I hate him. At least you play him over Yasou or Vayne.

Didnt league have a pure solo que back in the day?

In any case, duo que wasnt that bad, it was cancer but not nearly as cancer as it is now with these faggots sucking each others cock with same tags

Yasou isnt really broken but its a stupid as fuck champion and pretty much the pick for 12 year old edgy kids cuz they want to make le flashy plays XDD

A bit like Zed

I wasn't trying to say that vel'koz is bad, just that them queing as 3 attempting to take advantage of dynamic que doesn't work when they bring people entire divisions lower with them

The most annoying thing about him is not the wind wall but his passive shield.

Zed on the other hand, is easy to counter if you avoid the death mark.

>if you avoid the death mark

All he has to do is press one button. You cant even QSS that shit.

The hardest part about maining riven and zed is to tell your parents that you're gay.

Noskill faceroll champs.

Fizz's w avoids it and QSS does the work. Why not?

No. Motherfucker, build iceborn gauntlet, Runic Echoes jungle item, rylais, merc treads, then two ap items if you're ahead, two defensive items if you're behind.

for sure when i duo with my "good" friends and jungle its great fun. lvl 2 ganks and constant camping of 2 lanes. It can be super troll. I'm an adc main though. I don't play much jungle these days. Also I'm not on board with the AP shaco, unless urf. Yasuo is cancer, I play vayne (lvl 4 i think) but she is boring imo.

Yasou, Ekko, and Fizz are all like that. It's one thing losing lane, I can handle that, but not when it gets to the point that the other person is so obnoxious about it. "gg ez git gud swaggin on you"

QSS hasn't worked for a while on Zed mark.
And who the fuck plays Fizz? Try playing an ADC or something other squishy against zed, see how fun that is

The only reason you should hate Zed is because of the new Assassin item that basically gives him two ults. Otherwise he can be handled.

Yasuo and Lucian
Platinum 3

All those champions are cancer

Sometimes it does. We deal with our low silver friend just fine usually.

No. Never.

Saying something is more cancer is like saying someone is more dead.

It's always been cancer, you're just more aware of it.

I'm gold II because in season two, in my promo games, nine of them had at least one or two AFK's. So I just stopped playing ranked. Probably would be higher if it weren't for that traumatic experience.

But, my buddies and I played dynamic fives for a few games, got my confidence up, yelled at me for raging so much, and now I'm a much better player and can tolerate the fucknuts now that I duo with my buddy.

Mid: Annie, Azir, Brand
Top: Nasus, Pantheon
Jg: Vi
Supp: Lulu, Annie
Weird because, I have a 70% win rate with vi lel