Who are your Sup Forums bros?

Who are your Sup Forums bros?

We have some meme bros that support us for flags sake, others that have some autistic geo relationship with us and countries that for no real reason are usually nice with chile (Australia :3).

We also have argentina, that will always fight with chile as long as there's no mexicans or colombians in the thread, in that case we are brothers and we pretend to love each other.
Portugal was result of HDI memes and bullying.

Other urls found in this thread:


>colombia and mexico
>has an alliance with them
>not bros
wel fuck you too buddy

>on Sup Forums

Only business

literally none, everyone makes fun of us

>earth quake

>they prefer to ally with argentinean commies

Bruhs: Netherlands, Nordicks, Straya and Argentina
Unsure if bruh: Russia
Not bruh: USA :')

On fucking Sup Forums...

Also... looks at the fucking picture if you gonna talk about the argies

Everyone is bro if..
*unzips dick*

I don't get why aussies treat us so well, also most americans like chile too, cuz muh pinochet

My square-flag friend!

i like u too bro

>Sup Forums bros
No such thing

nice flag you got there


Much appreciated famalam. Upgraded Chile to Anglo Ally

I miss piƱera so much, he was trump-meme tier


>argentines commies are better bros than colombians


>>they prefer to ally with argentinean commies

Argies are cunts that will fuck up.
But they are not Colombians

Best mop

it's not their fault we get all of their scum, the average congolombian is chill and friendly

How are we not bros?

We too tried to steal a whole coast for ourselves. It's not like it's our fault the peninsula ended so soon so we got a bit stubby.

Everyone is against us

hard working:German
pervert:umm who is the second most perverted country in the world?


This is objectively true

not us

With some occasional bantz.

Bros: none
Not bros: everyone

I love every country tbqh.

This. Fuck you all.



luv u

pic relate, the holy alliance
also chile of course

Sweden is your ally.

We aren't very popular here

Why do you guys don't like colombians?
Are they really that bad?

Why people don't like you and your people, colombian?


in a word: memes

You're a fucking idiot for caring about it.

This is kinda sad even for a board that's largely dedicated to making sweeping generalizations about people, take any country you want as an example, I would consider a bro anyone with said flag who's not being obnoxious just for the sake of being edgy and is actually looking to advance a discusion or post something non retarded fun.

Now, I don't have a problem with people from say Chile or Argentine even if I strongly dislike certain cliques posting with their flags and generally not so subtly pushing /pol's agenda, which does tend to put them in a colision course with some Mexican posters, for no other reason our flag is a target for said agenda. This doesn't mean any given poster from Chile or Argentina is an edgy alt right fuck, some are pretty chill bro tier guys.

Really this is just a version of fuck/marry/kill with the not bro column being people who make you butthurt.

TL:DR OP is a colossal fag


why is chile so LONG

I wonder why...

we're just as annoying and yet people find it endearing
i wonder why

he'st just a butthurt autist from Hispachan called Chileno Obliterado. he's just a very fucked up person.

wena nido


Make your mind silly

canada is a mediocre shitposter at best

australia invented the art

wtf I hate chile now

>Argentina present in the 3 rows
Somo' lo mejore', somo'.

Is there a reason besides the similarities in flag that you posted texas.