Does anyone else like sniffing and eating their penis cheese?

Does anyone else like sniffing and eating their penis cheese?
Ive become seriously addicted to curing it for different periods of time and enjoying the different scents that come with different cure lengths.
It progressed from that to eating a bit of it daily but my penis cant keep up manufacturing enough.

Anyone else into this?

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Stop making these bullshit bait threads for reactions, it's pathetic.

The only cheese you eat comes from the milk of your autism fucking nigger.

nope, I was circumcised and know how to wash so I do not get smegma.

This is my first time on Sup Forums in like 3 years..
another reason I like not being cut.

Fucking kill yourself you liar you'll never make a best of 4change thread.

I am circumcised, i am clean ! You fucking homeless

>uncutfags will defend this

all you cut faggots are missing out on premium cheese. The unique odor too is intoxicating. I love it. When I jizz as well I can have some cheese to wash away t

This is disguising............ die please

jesus man just wash it already


What a tiny dick

seek help for this mental illness yo have acquired.

Holy fucking shit stop it now.
Just fucking wash it please.

>steals user's anus cheese meme
you fucking asshole

Its a grower I promise

Dont think its illness just like to use everything my body can produce tbh

Just looking to see if other people do this. Dont know user anus cheese meme

Seems I am alone on this one :((

No one else enjoys this? Actually thinking of setting up a subreddit to discuss how we could speed up the cheese.

/b used to be full of freaks like me... too many normies now it seems :(

Honestly this was a great attempt, I'm a legit old fag and this repulsed me and I expected some legendary thread.
Summer fags can't hack it though and ruin it for everyone spamming cuck threads.

ur not alone m8

This is why im circumsized... And enjoy bathing



God has abandoned us

Thanks mate. I had loads more pics lined up too but no one is interested so I bailed. I was going to make a cheese ball and put it on some bread.

Do it

please proceed. I think you should add some cum on it before you sleep

Do it, first pic made me throw up a little in my mouth, Sup Forums hasn't done that to me in years.

I'm proud of you OP

Eat it you faggot



Home made bread, grass fed butter and some home made human cheese.

Wtf am I looking at

I like to rub my hands on my balls from time to time to get a good whiff, but that's about it.

dick cheese my nigga

I am diamond hard OP, please proceed


7/10.. needed more cheese and a longer curing time.


Oh Jesus I threw up a little. Based OP

hmmmm looks delicious

Glad I was able to influence your emotions :)
It was. Great bread. Butter is real, 100% from milk and the cheese was 100% homegrown.

If people want I can start to save my cheese and eventually make something like lasagne? But it would take about a year I think if not more. Id just freeze the cheese as I go along I think and probably vacuum pack it too to keep it okay.

Amazing, be sure to make another thread when you grow some more, we are interested in hearing from ya


I have to bail. Must get back to work. Ill see you around and may update ya'll on my lasagne with 100% home made human cheese. Thanks for watching. Peace soup.

thats nasty m8

Postan on epic bread

Please continue venerable master



