Who is your main overwatch character?

Who is your main overwatch character?


Reinhardt is a cutey

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underage faggots, kill yourselves.

also >Sup Forums

I hate playing her but someone has to carry the team since this is the worst "team" based shooter going.


is shitty game

Sup Forums = random you faggot

Probs cause you can't afford it... sad


Tracer master race


yeah yous a fagget

I make 40k ;)


heres why


D.va or hanzo

Yikes. Lower income

Enough for shitty game.


bastion, reason is pretty clear
bastion is a hero that reqiures a lot of skill and I also get potg almost every game with my superior skills

>having a main

Get good pleb


I love playing Mercy!
I'm only player level 15, but if anyone needs an overwatch support buddy let me know. I'm all about that 20% exp boost.

Also want to throw out some cheap advice for my fellow richfags. Preorder games through amazon prime for a 20% discount.
I purchased collectors and origins edition and saved enough money to buy another copy of origins for a friend

tracer. I ve played seven hours and 6 and a half of them was with tracer



>basically you are bad
More like you're the bad one for playing as roadhoad

nothing wrong with roadhog :/

Yeah. Everything wrong with that fat faggot. That and that Swedish cuck faggot torbjörn

all over watch players are "bad" lol

Just people who use
Soldier 76

im assuming you constantly get rekt by them both

Pic related

Nope. Just trash characters that hold your hand the entire time throughout the game. Lmao I love how that's the first conclusion you faggots always jump to

I main Bastion!

The easymode heroes are Soldier 76, Bastion, Roadhog, Reinhardt, and McCree. The rest aren't hard, but noticeably less entry-level than those five.

tank: D,va
support: Mercy
builder: Torbjörn
sniper: windowmaker

how exactly are they trash chars tho?

its on threads like these is how you see how salty Sup Forums can be

That's just how competitive gaming in general is. Everything that works against you is broken and needs to be nerfed.

Like I said bud. I know how to counter them. They're just trash characters. They take literally no skill to use. Mei all you have to do is aim and shoot and you slow people down. Wow!!!
Reaper is just edgy 12 year old trash.
Soldier 76 is for cod faggots trying out the game.

you shouldnt main faggots

Except nobody's salty here. Good job looking dumb my man

>all you have to do is aim and shoot

You really need to revise your criticism.

shit tier game
game is shit

with so many folks going, these chars are trash, when they all are in actual fact, balanced. sounds like salt to me

Not really but whatever you say my man

Literally all you have to do. If you want a character that takes no skill use mei who freezes people in 3 seconds.

>Aim and shoot
>In a game with guns





A lot of that stems from people not knowing how to actually play the game. The meat of the game is switching heroes to adapt to your opponent's roster. People who think characters are broken are the people who play the same hero on every map/objective regardless of situation.

Can confirm. Play overwatch. Suck at it

Most characters have some sort of movement ability that can get them away from her freeze. And the range on the gun itself isn't that far.


No I get that but when I'm the only one who's trying to hold the fucking objective and the entire other team is rushing me not much I can do with that Chinese cunt freezing me


Then your team has a rotation issue. Teams that aren't coordinating their attack/defense are asking to get cheesed. Gotta hold up for some of your teammates to back you up. Attacking/defending in small waves against a whole team is bad news.

The friendly loli

There's no Loli in the game. D.va isn't a loli

She's not friendly either. She's pretty rude.


>not the carbon fiber version
Come on man

Having a "main" in this game is fucking scrub tier. Play whatever you need to fucking play to counter the enemy heroes.

Sick of joining games with fucking 2 or more hanzos, he's literally useless to the team. If you "main" hanzo you should kill yourself.

I just picked the first one that popped up.

>using the word scrub
Go back to call of duty kid

spy. shit sorry


But of course.

Found the guy that picks based on what he wants to play rather than what he needs to play

Try playing solo. There's no such thing as a coordinated team. People are playing like it's tdm. The matchmaking system is also a fucking joke. I really regret buying this game. It's basically just a worse version of TF2. At least the game spawned plenty of jerkoff material.

It's his game and he bought it
Why not let him play however he wants?

The word scrub is older than you, kid.

Nah D.Va actually kinda sucks IMO. Her shotguns suck, and while the gun she has outside of the suit is better, she's super squishy. Her ult seems super strong at first, but once you figure out your hero's movement ability, it's pretty easy to get away from.

People who get shrekt by D.Va are doing something wrong.

Because it's annoying when you lose because some fucking cunt wants to be the cool samurai sniper

You just need to play her as a fat tracer.

So true. Got.killed by her self destruct twice.never again after that
Just gota listen out for that stupid about to.blow.up sound and go take.cover.

Because he's ruining the experience for everyone else. If he wants tdm then he can go play a game with a tdm mode, there are plenty of options.


Nah. I change characters to whatever suits the team best. Nice try tho retard lmao
Excited for the modern warfare remaster kiddo?

I usually do play solo. At that point, I focus less on winning and more on padding the rest of my stats. It's about having fun.

Actually that's true. Agreed

I think not!

>Nah. I change characters to whatever suits the team best

Yeah, I bet.

>Nice try tho retard lmao

What are you, 13?

I see where you guys are coming from.

Lmao you sure love assuming things about people based off no evidence. What a fucking loser.

Main is just the char you find yourself on the most, the widowfaggots you hate so much aren't even here.
Also, Roadhog of for dayz

Never played CoD and never will, but you seem to know an awful lot about the game.

>yeah I bet
Ok? lol don't believe me then faggot. I'm not gonna lose sleep over it

>knowing the name of a game=knowing a lot about it
Yikes. You tried

shall we my friend?

Fair enough, I can dig that. Then in my case it's Mercy.

The hypocrisy is strong with this one.

After you.

>saying yikes unironically

who the fuck do you think you are?

You know there's going to be a remastered modern warfare. Are you so fucking dense you don't even know what the fuck you're typing? Go get some sleep, kiddo.