Best country to start your life over?

I am very disillusioned with the job prospects i have and with what is available to me in general. I've been poor all my life and this is a never ending cycle. If I'm going to be poor I should at least be happy. I want to move to a country where I can go to school (unaffordable to me) study and just assimilate into the culture. I have no allegiance to any country maybe just my state. I have few family left. I just want to move go to church study and contribute the best I can. What country would i be able to do this? I cant take it anymore I cant get any sleep. I know this type of question belongs on r9k but they never even leave their rooms what would they know about other countries. Please no bully i have it hard enough as it is. Also any questions ama I want to improve my life

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ethnic background?
languages other than english?

don't worry I'll try to advise you but let me know those details

also what state do you live in?

>I have an associated. I know it's a meme degree but it's the best I can do working 50hr a week
>Spanish. I'm thriving to learn French but it's pretty meme and I could only use in Quebec assuming I stay in America.

State. Only the most beautiful in the world. California

I want to avoid Asian countries because I feel they're racists. I'm sorry this is just how I feel. Whites are bros but Asians will always look down on mestizo imo

You could come to Europe pretending you're a Syrian refugee.

Fuck off spic
Go back down south.

that's alright my man. I asked about ethnicity because of that very same reason, the world is racist and it is what it is.

are you in southern or northern cali?

I'm assuming you're 2nd or 3rd generation hispanic, correct?

what is your meme degree?

ever been to your parent's country and what country is that?

3rd generation. I am half white half subhuman. I am hated everywhere I go. I hate this ride

Muslims and blacks scare me desu ;.;

get out of California. go to New Mexico or Colorado where your Spanish can be useful. honestly this is probably the best answer for you.

And people wonder why we hate chicanos.

You are arrogant and dumb. Stay right where you are.

>im from Santa Cruz (middle). Liberal af which I hate
>my dad is mex and my mom white. I'm a light skinned Mexican I know this is a common joke and meme but it's how I would describe myself.

I should've answered all these in a single reply sorry

You guys great me like sgit for having an accent when I speak Spanish. You guys call me a faggot or "fresa" whenever I'm with you. You make it clear I'm not welcomed back home. Why wouldn't i hate where i grew. It's not my fault I grew up Americanized. I have no country to call mine. I have nothing. No culture to relate to. This is the only reason mexico isnt my first choice

You have serious problems if you are a self hater because of your skin color. I know it can be hard to be in the u.s as a minority, and specially because you browse Sup Forums... but you cannot let the Sup Forums memes make you hate yourself because of the color of your skin.

>I want to avoid Asian countries because I feel they're racists
are we?

I do t hate the color of my skin i hate how I'm treated for having the color of skin I have i hate the smug faces of trump supporters who look at me. I hate being seen as acharaicature.

American ones are VERY elitists. They will do anything to get a higher social status andd i mean anything. Until Latin American countries get their shit together well be bottom of the race totten pole

>I have no country to call mine. I have nothing. No culture to relate to.
It's called being American.

I'm struggling with an identity. I grew up skate g listening to nirvana. I even went through a faggy emo phase. I'm told to be Mexican by Mexicans andd I'm told to be American by Americans. I can't hit a moving target.

you sure are conveniently ignoring my advice. New Mexico is just like you - more balanced between white and Mexican compared to California.

I live feel kinda the same bro.Mom white dad mexican 23 white people dont accpt me and mexcan think i am white.I am planing on moving china user

If you whine so much there is no wonder people call you a faggot.

Are the whites there conservatives because god damn they've been harnessing me since Donald President elect. I was for Jeb btw. He was a retard
d but a retard on meds.

I wish my parents hit me so i wouldn't be the fag i am today desu. Not even trolling. Dead serious.

Yeah I understand, but at the end of the day they are pieces of shit, so why would you really care what they think. There are options and really nice places for you to go and experience. Don't call yourself a sub human again.

Ok here's the first part of my advice, become a sc/out/ You live in a really beautiful area and there's a ton to explore. This is so you get used to traveling.

How does that sound?

Also you mentioned you are interested in learning more about the Bible?

check these pictures out

I live in the most degenerate part of California drug related. Gays I dont care or mind as long as they don't sexually harrasss me.

I want to find myself a qt wife to go to church with. Work and provide for and just go to school and better myself and as a byproduct the society i live in.

Also I do browse pol often and that place has taken a toll on my mental health.

Also thanks user you're kind. I wish you health and prosperity.

I planing to move to Latin country where we will be like gods since we are Americans and are more familiar with.I want to open my own, little anime store/ game stop and live on second floor.

Costa Rica looks comfy. My grandparents are from guanajuato. They got buried there because that's where they wanted to be in their resting place. I'll definitely pay my respects

>I planing to move to Latin country where we will be like gods since we are Americans.
Back to robot.

>I planing to move to Latin country where we will be like gods since we are Americans

The Philippines come to mind, as they speak English and yet are very poor without being Africans.

Do you think it's different for other people in the US when they go back to their ancestral homelands? California is expensive for everyone. Move to Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas where it's cheaper to live and find a nice hispanic/white/amerindian such as yourself to settle down with.

m8 I live just a couple hours up north in the bay and can def relate. I'm actually getting pretty serious about being /out/

Recently went to AZ just for the sake it of it and I know I want to explore national parks and stuff like that this year. This is actually one of my new years resolutions.

I have had the experience to travel to different Latin American countries and I really enjoy it. I will move there once the moment is right but you must absolutely travel there first and plan ahead because being broke and in Latin America isn't the greatest place to be.

Mate there's something really weird because when I am there I tend to feel more have and grateful to be alive.

it's pretty balanced between liberal and conservative. nm almost always votes Democrat but is very Republican. very rural outside of Albuquerque and Santa Fe, oil industry, farming ranching, etc.

You're thinking of European Americans.

Being so close to mexico our cultures cross pollinate and it's a rug of war. You guys brought what you could (food inventions etc) and started from scratch making a renovated Europe which we don't fit into

There's your problem.

You should also listen to these guys regarding those State. The U.S is a pretty comfy place to and it would be a shame to leave without getting to the place.

Besides trying to live like a king. It's a neat idea. You anons would have a discount official merchandise store.

Its the true.when I visit my family in both Mexico and Uruguay family friend are trying to get me marry to their 16 year daughter and i am 23 lol.Stack money here and invest there.we fit right in,until we open are mouth lol

Move to south America, teach English to hot girls, and fuck them

I was quoting OP who thinks he's a fish out of water in a US border state where hispanics outnumber everyone else.

getting to know*

I will find free national parks to visit when I am not working. This honestly looks comfy as fuck.

I mean it's expensive as shit in California. I feel so inadequate nearly able to provide for myself. A

Also thanks user you honestly made my day/night

I'm a hard working person and Ive tried every self help book and resume trick and i still can't find a decent job. Im stuck at jack in the box. I know it's a shit job but i do it with pride and am always nice to the customers and make sure they have a nice experience. I just need a job opportunity to prove myself


>see flag
Oh wait... then the problem is not your country. No bully.

I'm trying to make an honest living. Take your English teacher to get a waifu fantasy the fuck out of here. It's pathetic

In which kind of hellhole your family lives? Goddamn poor people.

Then just kill yourself beaner faggot

OP is a fucking fag, i have a lot of family in the US and they don't have any "identity" problems, if you have them it's because of you, like that french said, you don't need to be related to any different culture, just be related to your own, american culture, that's where you where born

I most likely am.

Hope you don't.

Have you looked into getting a job that gives you a flexible schedule? I do the ride-share and it works quite well for me. Traveling and going to national parks is really cheap because you go out camping and bring your own food.

And don't listen to these faggots, don't kill yourself. I get it, you don't want a whore you want a wife but the English teaching part can come in handy if you decide to travel down south.

Whites as overseers.
Mulatto (or mestizo) in the house.
Darkest in the fields.

This is because your family can easily cut off ties to it's former country because its so far away. Media/people/celebrations are not as readily available as they are for a CHI

This desu.
t. First generation immigrant

Try not being a dickhead when people try to help, you're on fucking Sup Forums in the middle of the night. No one feels pity for you

you're practically seen as white in asian countries,.

most asians who grew up in asia cannot even tell apart swedes from italians, and think all whitish people lookalike.

>This is because your family can easily cut off ties to it's former country because its so far away.
m8 they live in fucking Miami, they are by no means away from "their culture", you live in fucking California, probably in the south, that's basically fucking Mexico, i doubt you have "identity" problems, you just have problems

Pic related is me. I don't pass off as white.


You're right. I'm sorry. Im just sick and tired of living this way. I know it's only my fault and I appreciate all tue help from all you anons.

I'm on a piece of crap phone. I hope you cam all understand through these typos and terrible grammar.

whitish people are vaguely generalized as being white.

they mistaken turks and northern arabs as white all the time. you won't be accepted because you'd be treated as a foreigner but you won't be discriminated since that's exclusively for blacks.

I volunteer at the animal shelter. I rescued this dog as a puppy.

totally different vibe

miami is literally south america and the caribbean with u.s tier freeways and some black people and few whites. being a south american in miami is like being at home.

cali and the part where he's at has a lot more white people and mexicans are looked down upon. I can see where the identity crisis can occur.

yo you honestly just sound like you have self-esteem issues.

its better and easier to fix that, get /fit/ and get your shit in order than packing up and going away.

In my opinion you do have an allegiance to your country whether you know it or not, it's something deep in the psyche. That's what nationality is.
So you'll get culture shock probably


that's a great advice

I think moving to latin country is redpill as fuck.Low taxes,cheap food,easy bitches.Build a big house here and play game all day if you like.You need goal user.Listen work here and save money even if its minimal wage.Labor is what cheap there.Open resturant with american food like chicken teriyaki,boba shop,vapor bar,little specialty shop.Regulation is what kill it for us here in usa.You need only need like 20k to invest in. which is year of saving.invest in stock,bonds. I hate all chinks opening up shop here in socal.You'll be chink of latin america lol

You live in the richest, most prosperous, and powerful country that ever existed in human history. I'm also a first generation American and I had zero problems making friends and fitting into the culture. I don't understand how you can possiblly not fit in here, it's almost like you have to try to not accept American culture and what being an American is about. Moving to a different country will not solve your problems, and it will fill the empty void inside you. If you can't fit in Mexico Jr aka. California, why do you think you'll fit in anywhere else?

My friend is 1) married 2) with two children 3) living in their first house 4) with an associates degree. Move anywhere else

>implying I'm not already a Latin stallion.

I'd suggest some nice african country. Namibia seems to be the best option.

>I don't pass off as white.

Looks pretty white skin tone to me

Im more on the indigenous side. The five feet four inches manletism gives it away

so what plans do you have to change things in your life since reading our advice user?

>low taxes
Colombia and Chile have the lowest taxes and our communist presidents will increase them, if you care about taxes the US is probably the best country in the world

You won't be able to move anywhere.

I am telling user to save up and move.You can come back and forth like a powerful business men.with money come power and bitches.

Look into new mexico or Colorado. Most likely Colorado since it's based and I can find a small town where i can gain a reputation for being a good guy in the community. Keep volunteer g and take as many classes. Maybe get credentials as a personal trainer and uber as jobs until I get a steady opportunity. I refuse to get on welfare or government aide. I am healthy and it would be shameful for me to accept it while i cam still do something to better myself. Those options are for the elderly and disabled imo I hate minorities who use it for gibbs

Dude In american WE have too much competition from best people all over the world.People come to America to work hard.People are hungry and go Beast mode.People like user dont have that killer instinct to survive because he never had to struggle.He just want a normal life.He said he just want to get marry with church girl and have kids.some people just dont got it

Yeah like I said I do uber in SF and it's actually a great way to start getting unwagecucked(if that makes sense) and getting an entrepreneur mindset. Congrats on being a hard worker man.

I feel like you have to go hyper Jew mode to make it as a businessman and I am too much of a softie to be ruthless. I would be eaten alive.

I'll try my best. It's all i can really do desu. I appreciate all your help. I really do.

do you do telegram? if you want I wouldn't mind keeping in touch. good luck user

What is telegram? I would LOVE to do this. I would repay you for the life changing talk in one way or another.

exactly.How can you compete with chink who has no soul and used to work 13 hours a day in factory.My mom sleep outside for first month in usa.I met a salvdorain guy saying he saw his dead body at 12 year old buying and he was just trying to buy candy.I meet indian guy who was some slave for rich family and escape.Etc.
They cry their eyes out and had to survive or die.They used up all their tears long ago.I cry reading a meme on facebook.Suck a bitch lol

I just looked it up and downloaded the app. Send me your contact info. I dont know how safe that is since I usually just browse this site

it's an app like whatsapp but it doesn't use your phone number to add people but rather usernames and has mega groups, it's actually much better. hit me up through leonardo369 at and i'll get back to you if you figure it out.

exactly this. I am way way too compassionate. I would give the shirt off my back to a stranger. I could never cut any corners in business and obviously this is a huge disadvantage. I do t want to be a 6 figure rich person. I just want to have a middle class family somewhere nice.

go on settings and create an user name

I'll give you a message tommorow when I'm not sleep deprived and am feeling better from sleeping this off a bit.

Is it safe to give you my username?

yeah it's an hypercapitalist society no doubt, there's no soul just money for most ppl
yeah sleep well user, talk soon boss

well once you have that I could give you a link here that would take you on a group through the app.

yeah man.ill just save up money here and buy a place in city cheap.Ill open a boba shop/anime/gameshack.Ill have cosplay bitches modeling for me lol.Live on second floor.No health department or zoning department telling me empolyee 10 bucks a day to run shop make around 2 grand a month.

Send the link. I made the account and username

try going on that link which should take you to this group with like 3000 ppl... and if you are successful let me know you're there and ill talk to you through in that chatroom