Cringe thread:

Cringe thread:
Minion Edition





as if you still wouldn't hit it


I would hit that so hard.






Imagine being slightly retarded and thinking all objects in the world were alive, like in the brave little toaster.

Such strong waifus :3




how is this even possible



But what is cringe about this

This is like cringe for the wrong reason.
She's actually doing something fun and normal, and you are involuntarily cringing due to massive self esteem issues making you think this is embarrassing.

your father is homosexual

I would hit it unconscious with a tire iron then fuck it.

This is not cringe, she has a good body

she probably ain't wearing a bra


keep telling yourself that you weeaboo faggot




u jelly



Nothing, and it makes me worry how people are projecting their self-image issues onto others.

Because he put on a costume to look "cool" but just ends up looking like a faggot

Dude, u'r ashamed of yourself and of what others can think of you.

hawt a ferk. what's not to like

ossis sind kriechen

>brown belt
>black shoes


Some other this was posted said the cringe was that this was actually a trap or something

using Sup Forums on phone is definitely cringeworthy






Like, I get why the bronies feel cringey, I feel it too. But you gotta realize they have a happy community and that whole event was probably a really good time. There is literally zero negative emotion to take out of it except that which you create yourself deliberately. You dick.

This is a man who knows what he wants out of life. I hope to one day achieve the peace of mind that he has.


Lol i never fucking understood this shit. Like that jesus cult and couples swinging cult.


>something fun
Dancing like a complete retard is fun? Fun is subjective and I'm sure most people would deny the fun -> not fun considered by the masses
>something normal
Dancing in homage of a videogame or anime (I have no clue) is by all means not normal -> not considered normal by the masses

It's so funny how you use the word "normal" like you can decide what it stands for, you weeaboo loser.

Dat tit bounce tho


dat filename



The left reminds me of pic related

Hello new friends.

No a while back this dude posted this pic of himself expecting everyone to reply "that's not cringe" which makes it cringe and now he make an appearance in every one of these threads


Can anybody please explain to me whats the story behind this picture?

Fucking thespians

Well aren't you the edgiest faggot alive. Moron.


You're too far gone. You really think a girl dancing in public is obscene.
The anime part, the retard part, that's all in your head. The people passing by just see a girl dancing and smiling.

Most faggots on Sup Forums

She is not dancing like a complete retard, I've seen shit litteraly worse than this ad it was considered dance. Just let the fucking girl dance.

Can you at least dance before speaking for her?

She is enjoying herself while you rant behind your pc.

"gneh gneh weeboh"

Fucking childish


obvious samefag thread

Thanks, go fuck yourself

Refer to
Seriously, you're cringier than she is.


>not knowing he did this ironically on 2chan

Seriously, you're more autistic than she is.


The guy in the picture posted that in a cringe thread hoping to bait anons by saying "that is not cringe" or "this guy pretty cute etc".

Lol yisus. Now I feel guilty for being such a lazy POS.


Theyre both 10's

Wouldn't even know what pussy smells like.

>tattoo of an old socialist jew who didn't even get his parties nomination

why do people do this?

So uh, where do you put those ice cubes?

Nothing wrong with this, they're all clean and whatnot.



you're a fag if bouncing tits make you cringe


Not cringe, but def "u laugh u lose" material and I always lose to this one.


I just came in my mouth a little

>ironically spreading your dirty chink asshole for the internet




pretty sure i dated this chick in HS

Gold mine beer? Lol