Who is Sup Forums's favorite philosopher?

Who is Sup Forums's favorite philosopher?

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Plato for sure, regardless of the criticism aimed at him for being borderline socialist

Marshall Herff Applewhite

They would love Diogenes if they knew what he got up to.
>Was one of the first stoics.
>Lived in a barrel when he wasn't going on one of his long walks into the great unknown.
>Thought women were a waste of time.
>Purposefully liked flaunting social conventions to show everyone how contrived and silly they were.
>Was an avid public masturbator.

>inb4 edgy teen


Also you're all a bunch of introverted faggots

since he was greek he probably would have loved traps too

Shopenhauer bitches

Robert Anton Wilson

Henry David Thoreau
The idea of noble poverty and his critique of society and authority in general really influenced me as a teenager when I read Walden. It really makes you question the materialist culture we in the west are brought up in.

Edgy teen

Albert Einstein

I wanna learn philosophy, where do I start?

Jim Jones

Anyone else a fan of John Stuart Mills and utilitarian theory? Fuck the individual as long as it benefits society

Go to university.

Rationalism i.e. Plato

his discourse on the origin of inequality is a great read!

yeah he's pretty much the best

Filthy collectivist

Diogenes was a complete troll, and the incarnation of Sup Forums itself.

Check out Plato's allegory of the cave if you want a simple intro to rationalism

There is a great book called "Sophie's world" . It's a novel that is kind of thick to get through, but the entire premise is this girl learning philosophy from the ground up. You get introduced all the way from Greek natural philosophers all the way to near modern thought. It's a great introduction to the most famous philosophic concepts.

Wittgenstein. Also admire Kant. But I'm generally more into systematic stuff and don't bother too much with persons.

Foucault and postmodern philosophy. Self as language, and a Machiavellian account for our motivations.

Thanks, I'll check it out

just become a self important leech on society and criticise those that give you handouts, you'll be there in no time



I fucking love that book. Highly recommended.

Definitely agree with his criticism of religion

Also used to heckle other philosophers in public,
When Alexander the Great visited him in Sinope he asked: what can Alexander do for Diogenes?
Diogenes replied: get the fuck out of my way, you're blocking my sun.

Basically the worlds first troll

I have this painting in my living room

I don't wanna be a leech, I'm a libertarian

Principia Discordia
after reading that just think about stuff yourself, it's faster than reading other people's ramblings.

Bertrand Russell

Not really philosophy, but I enjoy reading Machiavelli




Heidegger, although I can rarely grasp what he's on about

Thnx, I'll check it
Hope they translated it into my language

>not acknowledging Jayden's contemplations as superior to all previous philosophical though

It's really good. When it gets all existentialist like halfway through its fucking awesome.

- Is there an honest man amongst us ?

What language do you speak? I think it was originally in Norwegian, but they translated it to English and a few others.


ma nigra

Or you could just watch The Matrix.

Or you could read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Rationalism

to be fair to the other greats, mirrors hadnt been invented back in their day


>Diogenes of Sinope
Easily my second favorite.

It's apparently been translated into like 50 languages, so you should be good man. Good luck on your journey!

best philosopher for sure

Sartre, also, Descartes
>Being and Nothingness

He's basically a more articulate, modern day Descartes

Dont have one.
But /b in general is 95% Ayn Rand mixed with a touch of Hitler.

It was translated, Imma read it, thnx man

absurdism ftw

representing west side

Spinoza. If you can't agree with anthropomorphic gods, change the definition. Pantheism isn't very demanding.

my nigga


He dindu nuthin

Life without pain has no meaning.

I wish to give your life meaning.

honestly, I would chuckle if it weren't for the power of liberal phenomenology these days
>lil wang said something remarkable on his last track
>it's equally as valid when you factor in the racist opression of these old white philosophers.

John Lennon. He was a philosopher

You weren't in the "going away" team?

Chuck Norris

'Sometimes people write novels and they just be so wordy and so self-absorbed. I am not a fan of books. I would never want a book's autograph. I am a proud non-reader of books.' - Kanye West

Super Ego doesn't even start, Freud


I started with "An Introduction to Philosophy" It's pretty good to start with.

Spinoza is like this weird ass philosopher who anybody could claim to be an expert in by making some loose references to substance, attributes, modes and pantheism, because nobody actually reads him. Literally the only seminar about spinoza in all my years at university didn't even focus on his on writings, but on his reception by german idealists.



and also a wife beater.
>I like him already

By whom?

Didn't he die of yellow fever or something?

I am my favorite philosopher but Diogenes is great, at least he kept words in good, light humor, even if it was only to keep himself moderately sane...or society's appropriation of sane.

So humble

no, just his musical talent. John died after arranging a hit on himself

Are you Buddha?

Bullshit, he died from unchecked obesity.

I'm pretty almost positive that Jarrod Leto killed him.

Immanuel Kant or Adam Watt.

>Sarcasm is the surest sign of intelligence lost and a fool found
Git gud.

Hardly but I make the same expression when my belly is rubbed.

Britinius maximus

I think you need a dictionary there my good chum

Here is a handy link to help you out my friend


I would rub your belly for days

Robert Solomon. He's a professor of Philosophy and Business at the University of Texas in Austin.

I'd fuck her

so, one of the greats then?


I guess you could call him that.

Philosophy is a fallacy. The only lies worth believing are the ones in the bible.

Could use a bit more context


No, he was the guy who played guitar in the Beatles.

Pop stars != philosophers FFS.

Time to class this thread up with my homeboy Epicurus.

Pleasure is the point of life. Prove me (and him) wrong.