There are no words. what a massive cunt

there are no words. what a massive cunt.

Other urls found in this thread:

lol semen

where did this picture come from? Need more info. Want to pass this on

Memorial Day, faggot


stop calling hats "cover"

fucking military fags

it's just a hat

Hillary is just a crazy old women but not fun crazy liek me XD

No, it's a cover. Fuck off civilian

Youre all fucking crazy. I hope this election brings 99.9% of you behind bars so I can go fishing in peace.

It was a meme you dip

Honestly it's a hat, boot.
nobody actually cares outside of training, friend.

holy fuck this makes me hate her so much more and i didn't think that was possible... the look on her stupid fucking face next to that POG... probably not even a pog, probably just stolen valour

>Hillary:I support women's rights
>Sup Forums: Women card Women card Women card Women card Women card Women card Women card

here are some more pics in this article.

>implying you talk for all of US armed forces.
Cuz you dont.
Your just a one termer who didn't know what they wanted to do after high school. So now you spend all your money on booze cigs and dip. Grow up kid. Remember those uniforms aren't just shit to where. They represent something more. I suggest you take a look on how you live your life.

More like
>Hillary campaigning with the slogan "I AM MAN ENOUGH TO VOTE FOR A WOMAN"
>Not highlighting fucking any opinion of value other than I AM A WOMAN

uniforms are just shit to where. it's the man that represents the uniform. clothes are just clothes. no matter what lies they tell you.

Kek try *wear, stupid armyfag

So how did you get your oth discharge?

looks kinda like ted cruz

idk. Same guy in the parade with her two years ago.?

forgot link.

You have elected a President who pronounces the word corps as "corpse". I am sure you are also stupid enough to vote Shillary into office