Dear Sup Forums my ex just got a fucking new boyfreind how do I deal with this shit?

Dear Sup Forums my ex just got a fucking new boyfreind how do I deal with this shit?

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Kill yourself faggot and gtfo my Sup Forums

>new pussy

Naah not becoming an hero...atleast yet

Deal with it

By drinking more burn.

tell me more about your Sup Forums you lard ass

First off delete her. Just delete and or block her on every social network / messenger. Then find something to distract you. I was really depressed for a year or so because my exes found new guys but doing that and thinking to myself "who cares, they're sluts anyway" helped me out. Now I don't even care anymore.You'll find a better one user

>fill shitty energy drink up with vodka
>chug it
>you've dealt with it

get over yourself you arent special and neither was she

Suicide is painless

She fucking wa special fuck I hate my impulsive actions they ruined my life naah if block her It will end up me unblock her after a while im afdicted to her Sup Forums



Cringy shit bro

Your age and I'm curious to see it meets my prediction. Dw I'm not going to ridicule you for it.

Age 20

no, no she wasnt, get over yourself, you and her most likely will never do anything significant ever i. your entire life, i will though, i plant entire forests every season

Fuck off she really was special otherwise I would not think about even though I got a new gf

Also fun for you faggot

Fuck, you should be boozing up. Not much you can do but have a drink and forget about it. Move on.

in 60 or 70 years you will have left no mark on the world in the slightest and the world will be worse off that you were in it

>go on Sup Forums and cry about it like a faggot.
Man the fuck up and get a new pussy.

I didn't know that playing Farming Simulator 2015 was a significant thing

How long were you with her op

fuck other bitches


>get tinder
>fuck pain away

Tfw I just took some pathetic r9K fags girl and have been waiting for a post like this

i take it your not a professional ?

3 or 4 months my impulsive instincy told brake up with her, yes I know went full retard there but hey It have haunting me for the rest of my life so far

You will get over it what was her name ?

Of course I am. Professional drinker that is...

oh wow

riiight, i wirk with the national wildlife organizations to help perserve endangered species by reforesting barren areas, when im dead ill have millions of trees left in my wake to show i did something last year we planted 8 million trees in the winter season

I rather not tell last time I did I got shit

Burn yourself with cigarettes until you feel better repeat this as needed.

Is it meagan? Only because it sounds like a Meagan

Well r9k faggots dont browse Sup Forums and also not even my ex you took faggot as it was a while we was together


How does it feel to fight against human greed? Must be depressing to know, that your planted trees will be gone because they got cut again by the time you're dead.

>That pro table flip

They do because you are one you pathetic price of shit go cry over your bad life choices somewhere else

>ctrl f
>tits or gtfo
>tits or gtfo

Naah I would not consider myself one of them go and read the threads and come back later


pushup challenge! last 2 digits of ur post

energy drinks are poison drink water instead

Dat ass

cant really cut out of a national forest, pretty sure thats illegal, i mostly work in the us and canada, we are losing alot of pines due to global warming because the pine beetles are able to move further south than ever because of the warming winter

i fucking second that

ah, okay.
Well, I respect you for doing it. Thanks

Get yourself a new girl... that's how it works, do not drown on her shit

its a losing battle but no ones gonna stop petrol and coal burning, but im not a fucking conservative treehugger i just like pines even though im super allergc to them and break out in hives every day

Everytime I got a new gf I still think about her and ends up me breaking up.with them

Is it just me or is this an obvious rip on monster? Its the M turned upside down and blurred. Where do you buy this succubus semen?


Get over it, faggot. She doesn't want you, find another slut

Based on my experience, something better always comes along, ALWAYS, wait for it and don't be a stupid immature child