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do you feel lonely


>Lol dude how can you be a Spanish virgin, Spanish women are such whores


>Lol dude how can you be a Swedish virgin, Swedish women are such whores


Sometimes, yeah. The antidepressants seem to be killing my sex drive, but the loneliness remains.

>be lonely when warm
>be lonely when cold af

Have you learned nothing?
Must I BEAT some sense i to you?

All the time

when i dont have alcohol


Guys, I'm here for all of you don't be sad!


Nigga I've been alone for 3 years straight now, it has no effect on me anymore

being alone is the best


I lik beein' alone


All day, every day

Yes, very often.

Yes, I live hours away from the second most isolated capital city in the world. Overall we're on a big fucking island that has little to no culture. The idea of family is quite lost here unless you're filthy rich or dirt poor (in those cases you usually have strong relationships with your family); as for the middle class though, everyone's just as selfish as can be.

Shit internet, expensive to buy everything, online shopping costs 50% more and takes weeks to get here, everything in general takes an extra decade for us to realise it's good and adopt it

and still no gf

Living on my own for 6 years now, haven't visited relatives in 2 and haven't left my house for anything that isn't buying food for the same amount of time.

I am immune to loneliness because I have life goals.
One of the life goals is finding a life-long partner, but that's a really long-term thing.

If you love yourself, you don't need others' love. In fact, you are able to give other people the love they need.

not really

>tfw can't pick a girl or a guy

Where do you live? I can pay you a cerva and bolinhos de bacalhau if you feel lonely.


I don't mind being lonely, just hate being bothered while at it

Used to be almost all the time, with few, blissful exceptions.
Now the sparks are gone, warmth no more, shared from our flames, hushed away.

Yes, mainly because I don't go out unless I need to do shopping or work

Very often.

Life is loneliness

I guess at some point everyone feels lonely.

The key to endure is...enduring it and seeing it in the proper light.

You ain't got shit on Cirno


I am a bit sick and there are some parties going on, had a lor of work on my hands lately so yes ._.