Why haven't you served your country in military?

Why haven't you served your country in military?

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Why should I?

Implying I'm not active duty

>Yes let's take orders and die for faceless men in suits

Why are Finns the only ones who can't stop sperging out about their adult daycare that is nothing like serving in say the US?

I did


isäm maa talvi sota simo häyhä ukko metso popeda alkoholismi sauna terva kirvessurma 1939-1945 karjala takaisim vaikka pullo kerrallaan räh kjeh ;)))

I've developed a sense of nihilism after being frequently ignored and rejected by other human beings.

This means that I should not be trusted with weapons .

Cause I could easily gain C-papers.

Took boot camp and learned how to fire a gun. But given the allied bullshit and the possibility in me getting dragged in a war that I may not want to fight, I'd rather not.

Why should I?

my country has not offered me a female. Why serve my country? i m not a cuck

mehmet, my son
take it by force


Kill yourself, faggot.

I have to but dont't want to.

Because it's a camp for retards, and I don't approve of conscription on moral grounds.

All people are born free, and should be free to choose whether they want to serve or not. Any country that can't maintain large enough armed forces to keep their sovereignity on volunteers alone doesn't deserve it.

Every Swedish man has served his country in the military.

I have.

I do not care about my country.


Why should I?

Should you also be free to choose whether you want to pay taxes or not? Should states subsist on donations alone to appease your "morals"?

to man up you little cunt

Yes. Taxes are theft.

I got a fairly large benis and balls

Does it not make me a man enough?

I was called into conscription and wanted to even volunteer before that but I didn't pass because of my heart. However after going through doctors for nearly a year, I don't even want to anymore, because of how my country treats its people. I was very patriotic, kind of still am, but the truth is that this country is messed up. And doctors treat you like shit as well.

Because I actually have a future, so no need to join the army with all the people who barely graduated

i have a mental disorder

>man up

This 100%. Fuck America this place blows

lol its funny how kikes and their leftist mobs hijack nations and kingdoms only to have the goyim not fall in line for them.

Peaльнo или тoлькo для билeтa?

I did for a while, but left cause I realized my country sucks cock.

Also, because I'm a fucking loser afraid of failure, rather not try

>Also, because I'm a fucking loser afraid of failure, rather not try

I was deemed unfit to serve :DDD

But I expect that you still feel entitled to some form of basic security, rights and infrastructure? Please kill yourself for the betterment of humanity.

>to man up

You don't need taxes for those.

>basic security
Concealed carry.
Don't need taxes for those.

>like serving in say the US?
A lot of american servicemen just fuck around in their homebase doing fuck all for their service you know. Also when basic recruits from the US came to train with 6months service men here in finland they were not far superior in general, they were better in somethings and actually worse in others.

>russian conscription
I would avoid that if I could too desu, the finnish army has been cutting down on hazing so it's pretty much a non factor now but even when it was at it's worst in the finnish army I can imagine it being a daycare center compared to what goes on in russian conscription even today.


Because fuck f*nland and fuck the f*nnish people.
I hope this shithole gets bombed.

getting told what to do every waking hour doesn't sound very manly to me

I can't take that question seriously.

Wow! Calm down there buddy, heh!

I didn't want to, but I did.

I'd like to. But the time I spent in a prep camp for basic military training one summer taught me that I am way too weak for months of that horrifying schedule. Even if it was really fun.

I have.
I would suggest other better to avoid that

>Sweden brings back conscription

That is wrong though. They are reverting to 2010's survey-based drafting (check the "I don't want to" checkbox to not have to) to get less than 8000 people a year.

Swedish military is dead permanently

>why don't you become a suicidal butcher and knee in all fours for an abstract entity?

No, thanks. I'd rather continue being a man.

>concealed carry is basic security

Do you have to guard the border as a conscript or is that a job for the professional soldiers? What do conscripts do there other than training or do they do anything?

Because we dont have conscription

I have. Yet, I fail to see it's usefulness as we would be assfucked by Russia within seconds.

Wasted 11 months of my life playing war games in woods.
>CoD with better graphics le le xD
Got poor eyesight so I can't even say the graphics were worth it

>Dying for corporate US and Saudi Oil interests
>Being a welfare queen because M-MUH IRAQ

lmao, fuck that.

I was conscript truck driver in GOP, mortar base. Officers are usually do some paper things, and sarge and conscript do other actual move and training.

prrr my english sucks so can't explain


So if your not-so-liberal neighbouring country decides to invade you, you'll just fire at them with your Glock and ther tanks and airplanes magically go away?

pacifist faggot

It's so fucking easy being all "hurr durr my freedoms" when you have a huge military force guarding that freedom. Take that away, and you won't have shit.

i did

I guess I understand a little. Now a simpler question. Are conscripts put in places where there is the possibility of danger, like the border or something like that?

what boot camp, do you mean cadets?

I'd rather serve my country with a high income job and taxes tbqh. We practically don't even need a military

No, private citizens would of course be able to have anti-tank weaponry. Occupying a nation with loads of armed individuals would be very costly.

Because I was lucky enough to be born into an upper middle class family where I received a top quality education and plenty of career opportunities.

sure, most of dmz recon teams are made of conscripts and lead sarge
also finding lost mine is.

>private citizens would of course be able to have anti-tank weaponry

Yes. I'd really like a couple of RPGs or maybe AT4s.

I have

Because I hate France.

And I a bmp-2 with a couple belts of 30mm ammo

For traffic jams and such

I'm in complete support of that, just as long as you don't infringe on others' rights with your bmp.

While i support your notion of "weapons for all" and low taxes, how delusional are you?
Organisation is as much if not more important than actual weapons.

Poorfag not getting a cv90.

Well of course you would be encouraged to form militias and train regularly.

Because the pay is shit

He is pretending to be an anarcho-capitalist. He doesn't really understand what that would mean.

I was drafted, but was considered not healthy enough to serve. Anyway, I did not wanted to serve.

Becuase it's a literal private army for corporations.

our countrys got enough weapons and fit guys that it doesn't need my autistic and near-sighted self to serve

but i've worked on a missile and artillery factory for about a year so you could say i did my part a little


its too gay

Nigger you need an actual army and not a militia. Why do you think we lost so many men in 2014? We had basically no training, no tactics, nothing. We had an "army" that was BTFOd by it's own stupidity and volunteer militias that were BTFOd by their own stupidity but at least they learned something in the process.
>tl/dr militias is a shit way to defend.

I don't respect my country enough.

I’m Greek

> Why do you think we lost so many men in 2014?
because you only have so many retard who REALLY want to shoot their own people. with low morale you can't fight

if Crimea had an almost unorganized 500-strong militia with good morale and with aks, a 100 machineguns and 200 RPGs with 3 shots each, Russian marines would have bathed in blood

What was your health problem?

Because I'm C-paper master race. I'll spend the next war fucking the wifes and girlfriends of A- and B-cucks while they die in the frontlines.

>a wild Russian appears

I have a dislocate shoulder

I'm unable to serve in my military

Sounds exactly like your army didn't do shit for you.

Military training is pretty laughable. Fucking airsofters are better at moving and communicating than conscripts, and I as a civilservicefaggot shoot better than 95% of people with military training.

If there are 2 million people with a gun, each gun owner needs to just kill a single person to destroy an army with 2 million soldiers.

Motivation and training are the things that matter, and you don't need an army for those.

> thinks Finland needs to learn from Ukraine how to defend itself
well you clearly needed me

I would if my country wasn't cucked.



I have, for 4 years

serving in military as a soldier not an officer is literally what only plebs can do

it's worse than working at McD as a part timer


Our army exists for russian guys to be raped in the toilets by dagestani and chechenian soldiers. I'm not gay to wish it for myself.