Use an image to represent the current state of your life

use an image to represent the current state of your life

Other urls found in this thread:




Trump will make our great again, faggot

I lost my shit





Are you the cows, the police or the farmer? Or perhaps the guy enjoying the show?



this is going to be my life for the next 40 years
someone hold me

Life is good :))

this tbqh lads
I fell in love last night



oooh poor fella, having a job and your own place oooooh I feel so sorry





agreed. i am happy for u, hrvatchan






can't shake the gut feeling that my girl is hiding something from me despite the lack of evidence.

Thanks man, everybody deserves love
I wish it for every single person on this board



>tfw not financially independent
>tfw not living alone in your own house

fuck off, you're fine

Got a sweet new job at the local furniture factory.

I miss 2006 - 2009-10 era Sup Forums.
The good old days before this website got mainstream as fuck.
It has always been a bit shitty though.




I don't even know exactly, so no pics sorry


>2006 - 2009-10
>before this website got mainstream
i literally came here in 2007 from digg because fox did that report on Sup Forums using the footage of an exploding van.eternal september is a meme.

Everything i do ends out wrong

Yeah it got pretty popular around 2006-7 because of that and the habbo raiding shit.
But that's still nothing compared to todays usage, the boards are faster than ever, and more and more kids end up here after seeing us mentioned on reddit, fappening and gamergate brought a bunch of newcomers too.

Back then there was a more clear-cut board culture, you would get saged to oblivion if you didn't comply with it, nowadays nobody gives a shit.

There was a more clear-cut board culture on boards other than Sup Forums that is.
Sup Forums has always been abysmal.

That mostly counts for b and pol. Int still has its own unique board culture



We drink so much that it's normal.

Considering that Russia and Finland are neighbors it's even hard to identify that there's a fucking problem.

This pic is me, today morning


lol iktf

>saged to oblivion if you didn't comply with it,
sounds islamic




Sup Forums is one of the few boards left that still do this.
It was like that on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and other boards also before, if you made a thread about Halo or Call of Duty on Sup Forums you would get saged until the thread 404'd.

It was to keep the kids and newcomers out, and to get them to lurk more before posting.




I guess the real moot doing moot works for other boards have move on in their life, hence the constant janitor application announcement.

Sup Forums used to have cool threads back in 2007. Back before Sup Forums became synonymous with "porn reposting".

I stopped going to Sup Forums when the boxxy spam reached its peak.
It was good for a laugh when I was new myself, but after a while you realize that it's 90% reposts and that it's the newfag containment board.
Raiding habbo was fun though, and the people recording themselves calling gamestop and asking for battletoads was pretty funny too.


I remember some of the raids. I loved that feeling of "belonging" and taking part in something bigger than me, even though some of it was fucking retarded in retrospective.

I really don't see why they still keep Sup Forums running.





Ever since i graduated high school




>feeling sorry for having a job, a car, your own apartment and free time.

Sort your fucking life out mate, you have it so good you dont even know it






>my German girlfriend loves me
>my Spanish mistress loves me
>my French friend is falling in love with me

and I don't like any of them but I don't want to be alone

tell me about it

europe needs to fuckin stick together now






thanks to Sup Forums and their shitty trump meme


It must be a real pleasure to clean that whole floor carpeting.
Honestly, how do you live with those filth harvesters?


i like you



To contain the retards and underage faggots. And I'm glad.



My life is a constant mess but I just learned how to properly chill.


