
>nothing personel, kid

Other urls found in this thread:




silly penis haha

>5 times runner up

Wtf! Stop black washing anime


why are you so cruel to me?

teerasil dangdut

>tfw Siam Bomoh reign supreme


Indon beat by ladyboy?



Too dark. Light brown is ok

Female (male) toilet at Comic Fiesta


Nice save

I'd bang one of them from behind without looking at their faces, at all.


Lighter shade of brown pls

It smells

I think you just motivated me to go tomorrow

Just meet me at sunway, lad. I don't want to go back to PWTC anymore.

chimp out

that pink haired shoujo girl(men) with darker hand


lol i got picture of Ram(s) and Rem(s)

there's just so many of them and i have the urge to kick their ass

eaaaaaaaa kalah

post pic


WTF!! Stop blackening anime girls. Only brown allowed

yeah im trying to find it

I want to dress like grill... but I'm too fat...

>tfw no malaysian gf

protect our anime girls from being blacked

we killed you lucas asjkasjkasjkjkasjkas

Sorry, I think I'm going home
I don't want to miss the LRT and my butt is hurting after using a butt plug for an entire day

Come find me if you still going tomorrow

Fuck the meetup. I'm going home. See you tomorrow.


Hello whitest country in the world

Definitely. I'm working at sunway anyway.


What you do

To the Malayfags here, anyone here from Sepang? Anyone here who knows this song?

Ever heard of Animax Carnival?

its time to localize anime


who is this man

Are you a girl?

Our lord and savior.


Your master

Protect anime girls from the black menance

Good evening /asean/?

Will you guys been spending Christmas Eve with your gfs in a motel?

No, but I'm in a hotel right now.


Makati Shangri-La

you want 2 kisses?

Meet you there
t.recto killer


this one please po


this one too po

Chink's dog


right eye of the forbidden one

should've left the hair blond.
>rambut karat

but black hair is pure


He means Sunway Putra Mall, we have two Sunways but yeah I've been to Animax Carnival at Sunway Pyramid this year

Yanagi Nagi performed there, got to watch a famous Japanese singer for FREE
Too bad they didn't allow photographs and any other recordings

Why are you people like this?

>lip fucking sync while some of those autistic fuckers can actually sing
>almost 2017

thanks po



ako po ito
anong problema mo po?

Why are you doing this!?

love you po

What the fuck are you talking about that's me.

Im from sepang. and desu lad never knew that song b4

ako po ang totoong Geoffrey





fuck i accidentally pressed add friend

i hope he didnt notice

Namo Amitabha


Ako si Geoffrey


me on the right

Please don't bring facebook here

I wish I had friends like Geoffrey
they are having lots of fun together even if it's cringey :(

add me on facebook and i'll post our cringy messages with each other on Sup Forums and call it filipino """""culture"""""

I be your friend guy. lets play some game together sometimes

>FUCKING LIP SYNC by those hapa autists

Who dis guy?

Is this kino or Sup Forumscore?

thank you.I'm less sad now

>another attempt at a local gaypop group whose name this time is derided for being retarded

another target for recto killer

RIP in piece