"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Post girls that are considered attractive by your country's beauty standards but are considered average by international eyes.

Grimes. She's a solid 8/10 here but euros think she's ugly.

nigga that pic you posted can't be female. i demand proofs


She's a feminist and she'd get triggered reading your leaf post.


grimes is cute. CUTE

You already spammed this ugly bitch on Sup Forums, fuck off

I don't get the obsession with this frigid board.


I've lost erections seeing pictures of her. She's not ugly but I don't know why people have raised her up as a symbol of beauty.

look at the guy's moustache
if it rocks your boat good for you but i pass

>he doesn't want to rub moustaches with his gf
what the hell is wrong with you

8/10 here? Where's here?


Taytay is universally attractive, every guy on this planet wants to fug her

really makes you think

where do i fucking start

>Post girls
That's a boy. Your thread is faulted from the begginning. I demand refund.

excellent work, comade

ew gross. it's itchy and shit

she can't have a mustache she is a girl (female)
>deformed mongoloid face

>lives in south america
>hates moustache
i thought south america was gibilized

You'd stick your micropeen in her given the opportunity, don't lie

>taylor swift
>deformed face