
Air fryer edition

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plymouth is actually an alright place

Gonna post this until someone laughs


There are actually people ITT who think getting a hug from a girl is a big deal


2016 has been incredibly hard, but I meant it when I said that I'm thankful for communism and resistance.

Gordon Ramsay is justfuckmyshitup-tier. Can't put my finger on why but he just is.

might get the gary rhodes


don't reckon are soros exercises at all desu

note: counting /brit/ as networking


wew lads


reckon he's a little bit more successful than you if I'm honest


like patrick bateman? i should start doing that desu, but i work a night-shift so everything's fucked up.


might be the fact his face looks like my balls on a cold day

gonna do an ol' 'cide

those aren't slags, they're tarts

got the 50 inch telly hooked up to the laptop lads

love having two screens on the go

dunno how my mind can tell these are silicon dolls but it just can somehow

are those realdolls

they look like mannequins

dont get it
was there an east anglia uprising?

those aren't slags, they're strumpets

Where do people actually meet girls after they finish university?

Haven't made my own bed since I was a uni student tbqh.

God bless domestic help.

uncanny valley

If I remember right, it's got something to do with The Absolute MadMan Oliver Cromwell

Why does men.com STILL use condoms???

never made a bed in my life

work, weddings, other social events

reading about WW2 again


don't understand the point in making beds. i'm just going to lie in it again anyway?

You may remember that yesterday I was getting my haircut and wanted the normie special.

Well it worked lads. Actually have a great haircut now, very normie. Had an attractive girl gaze at me just a second too long in a bookshop some hours afterward and I reckon she was keen for it.

I've finally cracked it lads. This is the exact combination of words you need to say for a normie haircut:

>hi can I get a low, skin fade on the back and sides with it just sort of messy coming forward on the top?

oh right. I didnt know it happened in east anglia im a bit of a mong

how do people drink whiskey straight from the bottle

reading secrets of methamphetamine manufacture edition 8 lads

what's the point of living if I'm gonna die anyway

You're a faggot though

organised and clean house makes you feel better about yourself

>I would rather have a gf on the pill so she gets fat and depressed
ah yes, sure way to maintain a healthy relationship is to hormonally damage your partner


for some reason getting in a made bed feels better than an unmade one

there's also a psychological thing where if you do something "productive" like making the bed encourages you to be productive in other ways

they pick the bottle up and put it in their mouth

t. mum cuts his hair

the absolute state of anyone who's mood changes depending on their sheets

You fucking bender, anytime I see some weak jawed runt with an undercut I immediately assume he's bent beyond repair.

What occupations have the qtest girls?

When a darkie comes round my way

i get the same haircut and this is what i say
>Hi can i get a grade 2 back and sides? cheers
also the normie supreme is the undercut, short back and sides is a good haircut for /brit/ lads

Have been shaving my head bald for nine years now.

only works if you can grow a beard/have a decent jawline

Your mum cuts my pubes when my dick is in her mouth

Think you misunderstood me there.

Getting hold of english books is surprisingly easy here

Got a haircut tuesday and have had 7 or 8 girls compliment me

ive got a lot of ingrown hairs at the base of my head/neck tho. if they fade it then they risk cutting them and oozing puss and blood will come out. then i look like gross unhygenic freak which i am

dunno mate

>he doesn't say, "just the usual please mate"

then wear a condom to protect yourself from a disease

did he died?

Joe Owens > Owen Jones

not had my hair cut in two years
getting a pain to wash tbdesu

What happened there?

To anyone itt with a runt cut:you are sheep. You follow basic societal trends due to low testosterone (much like women)

good lad

doubtful. He got a blood choke for a couple seconds, probs would've felt pretty dazed but no damage done

post image of your own or someone elses that looks like yours

I just let it grow tbqh lads

>grade 3 back and sides and just a bit of the top please mate

if you ask for anything else you're a veritable wanker

same - nov.2014
am sick of how hard it is to dry after a shower

>grade 3
fucking hell alri john lennon
grade 2 or nothing at all


imagine killing yourself over a gyal

lol f

can't believe there are """""people""""" in this thread that go to barbers for generic deano chop #4

actual state of you lot, would hate to have such deadout hair


Tousled but mid length hair is the only haircut to have. Anything else and you're a confirmed trend following bender

men are mentally ill


post exmple

fade to 0.5 on back and sides is the only true trim

i ask for a number 2 on the sides and about half off the top when i go to my barbers

Said that and she didn't know who I was or what the usual is.

Bit embarrassing.

hahaha gay cunt

>cutting your hair at all

Hooting n hollering, sign of a complacent consumerist sheep who can't think for himself, long haired master race

choose your gender




>To remember the good times I shared with people I'd like my favourite song to be played for me - Lion King circle of life.

the gf wants to drag me to see rogue one, she's a huge star wars fan but i always thought it was overrated toss desu

she's a pastry chef and has a pet eel btw


and u?

definitely goy

gender pirate sounds fun

STATE of you
sort it out

>all these people stating their cuts to make themselves look like a normie to others on an italian pasta forum

Got a gf but this other girl I used to be obsessed with and actually creeped out kissed me on the cheek after leaving

she never kisses anyone on the cheek

girls eh

this is the true debated, undeniable, concrete comfy temperature