
let's all do a suicide edition

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what makes you feel suicidal? you live in a sunny hot climate will lots of fruits and vitamins

not today

maisie williams

You're in for a big surprise if you ever see a normal woman naked lad

shame i don't like the heat


aaaaaaah yes

the so-called "jews"

australia has a very high suicide rate (obviously not as high as russia)
I dont know why

Britain has a quite low suicide rate for some reason


I don't have a Russian bf named Yuri fucking my throat ;_;

you don't have to be mad to post here - but it helps!

didn't know Jedward had transitioned, good on 'em

>I dont know why
we live in chad: the country (but not actually the country chad haha)

hate glasses like that
hate makeup like that
hate girls like this


heres one

Healthy young lad goes to /brit/, gets pumped with massive shot of Maisie images, doesn't feel good and changes - BALLBASHING. Many such cases!

I had a look earlier for another thread I was in

Britain has a lower rate than the US, France, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and AusNZ

ah yes, suicide


hardly news lol


when's the next big war lads?

fuck everyone in this thread

Adnan Januzaj feeds Jermain Defoe.

Jermain Defoe feeds Patrick van Aanholt.

Van Aanholt swivels, turns, and pokes home from inside the box.

Nice move from Sunderland and, potentially, a big goal in the relegation fight.

>will lots of fruits and vitamins
Are you sure?

You lads should've came to Vietnam, it was a riot

any man just finish watching bill and ted?


I'm here, bby.
*puts on huge latex dildo*

could do with a shag actually

Next decade, massive civil unrest in europe due to islam.

actualy no. 3,1,2, i live three's excited smile


just want to give him a hug


jesus christ look at the difference in rank of lithuanian men and women. do lithuanian women just spend their entire life bullying the men or something

You better not try anything Pierre.

but on the other hand i wouln't mind being strangled by 1's thighs.

cant choose

All three baltic states unironically have the highest rates of bullying in school of any country

There won't be one.

economics ties us together too closely

nearest thing to big will be another proxy war in some shithole
maybe africa this time


rasputin died 100 years ago today

bit mental

ah yes, im developing a fucking stye again

>living in tropics
>not having tropical oranges

yeah definitely care

>100 years ago

make up your mind senpai

>muh enevitable race war

literally won't happen.

t. Boney M trying to get back in the charts


seen this one already mate


he lands in the water and survives lmao

love his song


>60,000 men on that boat


I didn't say race war. And it already happened in Lebanon. Islam doesn't do cohabitation.

only a small part of Australia experiences tropical weather lad

would barely 60 brits

or 6 yanks

just another statistic

this one's better


Likes cuddles


6 yanks could decimate 60 brits, or 60k frenchmen

Why do aussies all kill themselves lads?


>he thinks Rasputin is dead

>Is there anything wrong with being a virgin? The idea that you aren't worth anything if you don't have sex is false. Sexual intercourse isn't that important. Unless you want to reproduce, it's actually completely pointless.
reddit everybody

I live with a bunch of muslims and other than the hallal meat they're pretty safe
They sell tasty samosas and are always down for bant when they see me in the chicken shop

because their centrelink payments get cut off

one of the greatest lovemakers in history

He seems on perpetual verge of tears.

men can't find a good job in Eastern Europe -> they can't afford a woman and a family -> lost any interests in life -> suicide

woman can't find a good job in Eastern Europe -> becomes a lover of the richer man (who has harem of women already) or works as a hooker in another country -> she's sexually and financiallly satisfied and happy


Friends with a muslim lad at work
Seems alright 2bf

business idea: cut down the world's population to sensible levels

wouldn't you be if you were a meme that was the literal embodiment of failure

cannot stop wanking it's getting silly now

you first

all your population lives near the sealine

errrmmmm tights?

First post I have ever made on Sup Forums.

Hello everyone!

What actually happened to him to cause the famous meme?

is it normal to have a sexual partner but keep wankng?

but its not tropical mostly

umm no sweetie
>leamington spa

Look up how much he has to pay in alimony

ok, part of it is subtropical and temperate - there're still oranges growing over there.

Leamington is full of unbearable uni runts.

t. lecturer at Warwick

got absolutely RAPED in a divorce settlement forcing him to choose shitty projects to make enough money just to keep himself out of jail

*puts on square toed pleather shoes*

alright ready to head out lads wbu?

fuck off

I'm posting on reddit rn and theres nothing you can do about it

Imagine all the mini yous you produce after you wank


If Stefan Molyneux posted here, his flag above his post would be a fucking leaf

If Nige posted here while at work, his flag would be a Belgian one

If Trump, Reviewbrah, or any other American posted here, you might've told him to FOY at one point

>spilling your seed
Enjoy eternal damnation

>Top five cities in UK
1. Edinburgh
2. Glasgow
3. Cardiff
4. Swansea
5. Belfast

Good for you. It won't last.

and i'd stand by all of it

radical centrist here

alri danelad

Not an argument.

Lads, would you let your girl go out like this?