What happens here?

What happens here?

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Let a New York SJW Jewess spell it for you: awanderingcasiedilla.com/2015/06/01/i-lived-in-a-spanish-village-for-8-months-and-it-changed-me-forever/

Almost ALL the central americans have their european side from there

we dont even know what happens there


Absolutely nothing. No one lives in Spain outside of the coasts and Madrid.

a rightful portuguese clay

I live there

No thanks

So what's it like? Post pics. That's what this fucking board is for.


It's just a big extension of fucking nothing. One of the least interesting parts of spain, it literally looks just like your mexican border.

Yeah I hate chaparral. It's like that where I live too. Pretty much the default to me desu.

I bet the food is good in this part though.

This is right in front of my house

Spaghetti western shoots.

we have no idea
farmers i think
also the only place poorer than Galicia

you're probably thinking of almeria

conquistador land

Oh, that's right.

Well then nothing much happens there at all. There's a town Portugal considers its clay that sometimes gets invaded by Portuguese autists with megaphones shouting embarrassing shit. The protagonist of For Whom The Bell Tolls used to live there and learned Spanish there. The last uncodified Iberian language is spoken in a few places there. That's all I know about it, I think. Literally.

Why so knowledgeable.