Ask a drunk Romanian in the UK anything

Ask a drunk Romanian in the UK anything

When you go back ?

Probably in February 2018 but if it all works out I'll go further west.

Sa-mi bag pula-n mortii tai azi si maine fraiere, suge-mi-ai pula pan' se face lac gura ta de tigan

pisa-m-as pe albina care polenizeaza mortii matii

Salut si tie tovarase

further west to canada?

Or maybe America, all dem mormon folk over here sure paint a pretty picture of Utah and Idaho


i got shot in idaho

You'll do fukken nuthin, who da fook r u anyway to call me rumeno, who da fook r u

With a potato gun?

You won't be getting a visa my friend

Stop trying to keep me here, I'm highly qualified my bruv-friend


Oh I'm sorry, I assumed you're in England, I didn't count the soon to be independent Northern Irish and Scottish lands. Please do carry on my 2 weight world champion McGoat friendo.

Remember to wipe Mr. Wilson good, you don't want him to stain his pants do you, know?

Nu prea inteleg, ce vrei sa zici? Ca lucrez ca carer sau ca sunt Polonez? Nici una nu se aplica.


>not sure if this works on Sup Forums 2.0

Ask me stuff pl0z kthxbai

Here we have a majestic picture of something something directly from my patrie

Yet more of something something. Behold this solitary clitoris decorating the renowned capital of Budapest

Why you're in UK and not here as millions of your people?

Because you guys are shit poor, got no amazon-height blond qts and you're ever so ingrained with corruption.

And I don't speak the language. Ei Giancarlo va bene va fan culo eiiiiii si si caesare

>And I don't speak the language.
So the Romanians who say that they can understand 90% of Italian are bullshitting us

Are you from Moldova?

Oh I can understand it perfectly fine, especially the written one... and I always have 20 locally established cousins one whatsapp message away to translate but I can't speak it.

Moldovan Romania yes, not Basarabia

The filename says

>Bucharest seen from the 21st floor.

Truly spectacular.

You can always say something in Italian and I'll do my best to translate.

moldovene pleaca acum

Am plecat deja

>Northern Italy
>''Poor as shit''

Ok... (cry)

Giovana por fa please, no te cry-us, yo entendounderstand, mucho love-o

Really though, even the likes of Milan and stuff have a very poor reception of lower call immigrants whereas England does offer you the opportunity to climb the proverbial ladder. Might be quite different for a native I assume

The ancient Roman city of Brasov, with all it's originally Roman population of 2000 people. Legend has it they barricaded themselves in the local church situated on the local mountain peak for 1800 years until the soviets left only to later repopulate all the Romanian lands with young virile and strong boned youth, ultimately being the reason why we speak a romance language to this day.

Another pretty picture.

Ask questions please, muchos gracias and besos

Romanians here are pretty integrate and successfull (i mean real romanians as you, not obvisulsy the ziganos), but keep in mind that we're under massive immigration only from 10-12 years while UK received a lot of people since colonial times. We weren't organized so pro-immigrant services were and for some aspects still are poor

You'd be surprised. I've moved out of London roughly 8 months ago, into eastern Anglia and holy shit people here are absolutely peasant tier. Really, London is a country of its own, any British person knows this but sorta coasts along.

How do you personally feel about the immigrants and do you know any Romanians who have been, at least, moderately successful?

Will you ever go back to romania to use the money you made elsewhere for a good life there or is the country not good to your liking anymore as it offered you no adequate oppurtunity?

I'm in Soho come and meet me right now and I will beat you up Rumeno

Everytime I get some rest I think yeah sure I'll go back and build something back home but then I get back to work and think fuck i want moar and shift my plans towards going further west. Romania simply offers no developing opportunities that come even close and I mean personal development. You can definitely make money back home.


Why do you keep saying Rumeno instead of Romanian? That pronunciation is ancient bruv

What do you like most and least about ar cuntree?

Post Cat

I'm from Northwest (where a lot of romanians live) and almost ALL of them have incomes and quality of life comparable/identical to us (with exceptions obviously), you speak a very good italian, your youth here is successfull (all works or are taking B.Degree or Ph.D). For example, I personally know a guy from Lugoj (i don't know the correct name of the city) who arrived here with something as 100 euros and no language and now hold a plumbing businnes with even many italian employees.

>personal developement
Could you climb the latter in the far west so high up that you'd end up with the oppurtunity to make a busyness yourself to employ people?
Nothing more personal then that and a favour to the homeland if done back home.

Most I like the fact that you give people a chance despite the funny accent, as long as they know what you're doing, and that you make fantastic low-key jokes that are great to participate in.

I like least when you think everything I do is illegal somehow and you need 3 types of verifications for anything I do with you. Like "European" means golden status to everybody else but to you it's like "is it russian? I bet it's russian"

I have no pets.

Yeah, starting off with 100 euros sounds great. So how do you feel about the whole thing?/

Starting a business and employing people is easy and it's what emotionally lazy people do. Personal development is reserved for only the most capitalistic and individualistic nations. I would however definitely not support the UK once they leave the EU, the European fatherland is indeed above all.

Some people here can't stand romanians but nof because you're romanian, but because don' want immigrants. I pesonally like your people and i wish there were more of you and less maghrebi pakistani indians and other shits.

Funny fact: there are 1.200.000 legal romanian immigrants and other 400.000 illegals... plus 300.000 moldovans... if you do the calculation, in total there are something as 2 millions of ethnic romanians here.

I get what you're saying

Now that I think about it, what do you mean by illegal romanians? We are citizens of the European Union, how exactly are we illegal?

Do you fancy block paving my driveway?

How much an hour lad? No more than 36 hours a day btw, I have standards