
/feels/ edition

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it's all mad

Lads has anybody had a week or two where they don't feel themselves ever? What did you do?

Normally I'm absolutely fine, of sound mental footing and all that, but for about a week I've been waking up and feeling a sudden sense of dread, I've lost my appetite and barely eat more than one meal a day and have been shitting myself constantly because of lack of nutrition. I've randomly fell asleep and I have felt strong mood swings, even though things in my life are alright.

I've never felt like this before, and now I'm starting to feel much better, but I am a bit concerned hw it all suddenly came along. Anybody know this feel??



*you shuffle into me as I'm taking a hefty ket bump*
*shoves you*

I know the feel but I'm not sure how to fix it

alri dreps

mong who doesn't put the edition in the name field

yeah but it was because of a mandy comedown


gf just posted this

Nothing better than commuting like a slave to get to your office slavery job and having your entire life wasted surrounded by irritating pricks whilst getting very little holiday allowance.

>as in, he's terminally ill

we all are lad

some of us just last longer than others


she wants a man from brum but she'll settle for a boy from burton

woah man i'm really sorry, just here to enjoy the tunes you know lemme buy you a red stripe

bit foggy out


london heathrow weather

im so hungry i could eat an octarok

Why am I such an autistic bumbling social retard?

Works Christmas do is tonight. Started at 7. I'm not there, clearly.

I WAS there on time. At a pretty fancy hotel. Got to the car park, wearing my champagne suit trousers with a black turtle neck. Proper normie smart casual shit.
Before I got out the car, I noticed some people (not from my work group) were walking into the building in fucking tuxedos and proper black tie shit. I freaked out and sped home.

Got into the suit I usually wear at weddings, a blue suit from Reiss. Pretty expensive. Drove back to the place. At this point I was 45 minutes late and was anxious walking in that late anyway. But then I see more people walk into the building wearing smart casual shit. I was so fucking confused and just decided to bail on the entire thing.

Sitting in my pants browsing the chon now trying to come up with an excuse to tell people why I didn't turn up (or reply to the texts asking where I am)


>its a "one bad line ruins the whole song" episode
ah yes

What's got you down lad?

SAD. Pretty common during the winter.

Doesn't make it any better but I get where you're coming from




I know how it is to feel nervous about what style of clothes to wear but I find after about ten minutes everybody stops noticing anyway, particularly after a drink.

keep seeing people posting funny pictures with the captions "howling", "screaming", etc. on facebook lads

that took on quickly

bought some locally made mead from the christmas market lads

have to say im a fan

I understand that and would usually think the same. Only thing that threw it for me was the people wearing tuxedos.

had tea about 30 minutes ago but i'm gagging for a takeaway

what's the best one i could eat on a half full stomach? chinese?

murrfags inform me on what that injun protest going in dakota is about ...

and be objective. just give me the minutes

reckon we should start saying 'writhing'

imagine someone saw you in the car park lmao

how would you explain that one

Can't wait for Brexit to fully kick in and the normies' lifestyle starts perishing.

Decided to go on the uni ski holiday. What a colossal fucking mistake, literally everyone here is an utter cunt. I just wanted to ski.

listening to sad songs desu

>bought some locally made mead from the christmas market lads
>have to say im a fan

yeah yeah fair dos lad
*opens red stripe and it fizzes up all down my slightly faded skin tight Hype t-shirt (circa Topman 2013)*

>bought some locally made mead from the christmas market lads

turkish lad, order a mixed grill

wahey spillage is lickage lad haha

Some cunt hasn't turned up ton the work party. Only one that didn't turn up and he's ignoring my texts. He's totally going to be the outcast in work now. Retard

is mead any good?

i always listen to really happy songs when im sad desu

makes it worse

mental how even without knowing my race you all still oppress me anyway

bought some locally made mead from the christmas market lads

have to say im a fan

why does /brit/ have such meme power

They're all "lad" types that are breaking shit and going "fucking mental"

safe boys

i had that the other night, don't think i could eat a large amount of meat, especially not doner

dooping mental*

eating some mead lads

oh dear you've fucked it one could say

What was the dress code though

questionable artist name

hope teresa doesn't see this

*falls into a k-hole*

Not even a cheeky chicken shawarma?

In that case thai then, they have god-tier veggie dishes

Yes, becaaue no one ever used those words before.

raunchy slags, could use a spanking

watched Rogue One
not sure what to make of it

people like you shouldn't exist anymore. genes like this should've been washed out.

Xmas party lad here. Still utterly horrified that I finally have an autistic green text story. My life was fairly normie desu.

spillage is snortage lad



Pics of party


Post webms


I didn't turn up la. Just the car park. Home now

just fucking give it to us you clown

the turkish one is a nice takeaway but they only do chicken, lamb, kofte, shish and doner

don't have a thai place, only 2 chinese

they seen you in the car park you've fucked it

ah yes, the so called "alt-right"

took a fat shit on the christmas card from the lib dem councillors in my area lads


did he get better?

>but they only do chicken, lamb, kofte, shish and doner

so they don't deliver?

Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same;
opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all
paradoxes may be reconciled

Chewin 5 gum?


Leave-tards on suicide watch

why don't you get horrible infections from shitting when your arse is cut/bleeding?

No they didnt. I made sure to park in a spot far away enough from other cars but close enough to see what other there people were wearing

Lads, just got £1 note like holy fucking shit I didn't even know it exist.
Now the only last thing I got to see with my own eyes is the £100 note.

-posted from Belfast

he's got some big pores!

Pill was banging lad, he lost his jaw haha

i have a £1 england/wales note from the 50s or something

ahh so no one at work mentioned the dress code or what they were wearing
and you never thought to ask if you were thid paranoid

I have no malice against Farage.

In the words of the legendary /brit/ frog poster:

"fuck the EU"

>he lives on a tiny island


>his pm is justin trudeau

I didn't think about it until the tuxedo lads turned up and I panicked

I wish we had £1 as a note rather than a coin.
Or do it like Hong Kong does with $10, have both.