When you are too white to be called a third world country

When you are too white to be called a third world country.

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no such country

what's their fucking problem?


What do you call an ARMA 3 game mode where both teams are Russian?

[spoiler]The Donbass War[/spoiler]

top kek

Aside from pizza, what does this country even produce?

It's nominal GDP per capita is 3 times lower than a war torn country with 0 economic diversity. Really makes you think.

no such thing

Nice :D

I wouldn't trust Iraqi figures at all

It's not their figures

Half of Ukrainians are turk looking shitskins

Ukraine has a right to be a sovereign state.
As do Kosovo, Israel, Palestine, Taiwan, and other less relevant controversial states.

Nah, I'd call Ukraine a third-world shithole any day whether they're white or not

Still, catchy tunes


The other half is literally:

Lechites (see Kievan Polans, Radimichi, Vyatichi).

I traveled around Ukraine and then went from Uzhhorod into Slovakia.
There were far more gypsies and shitskins in Slovakia (especially Kosice) compared to anywhere in Ukraine.

That's because the communists used gypsies and other undesirables to repopulate areas that were either Hungarian or german when they were apart of Czechoslovakia

I don't really know anything about that. I just saw a ton of them throughout Slovakia and really nowhere else between Ukraine, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

Doesnt change the fact that half of Ukraine are literal ugly brown Turks

I hardly saw any non-whites while I was there and I assume most of the non-whites over there are from the caucuses.

Go to the part of the czech republic that used to be german. Its nothing but human trash

Ukraine is fucking joke. There are villages where you wont find other eye color than blue or grey and then parts that are Ankara v2. Whole country can be divided i nto like 6 parts that have nothing in common with eachother

I could say the same about Slovakia


Is this deja vu?

They practically speak Russian, should they be part of Russia?

Also, why isn't Belarus part of Russia? Their language is basically Russian too right?

Belarusian and Ukrainian are separate languages that came from the same language. Belaruse got indoctrinated hard by the ussr. The Ukraine not so much. But the ussr and the czars used russians as colonists in the eastern parts of the country

no you couldnt you fucking deluded retard

but they are a meme country and they speak russian and the dialects of it.

there is no such language as ukrainian. it is a group of dialects influenced by the russian, polish, slovakian and probably hungarian dialects.

I already did


You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop embarassing yourself

No, that's the wrong way. We need a one world government.

ther is xd

Quads fucking settles it.

Is this a warzone? Is this a Leppo?

I'm not sure about Ukrainian, but I hate when people claim that Brazilian Portuguese is different enough to be its own language.

>Ukraine is poorer than Bolivia.


>Comparing ghetto with cultural areas as big as thousands of KM

Yes. Very American of you

I thought that was a screenshot from Garry's Mod from looking at the thumbnail.

U play my mod man? right on dude.


You practically speak English, shouldn't you be a part of England?

You mean, "shouldn't England be a part of us?"

>also: you're next

You have no right to bully Ukraine it's the same as bully a kid which dying from cancer.


Most of it is scat, though.

Russian people isn't reacher than ukrainians. Yes we are both thirdworld shot holes as most of exussr cunts. Ussr fucked up its colonies and allies. Now we complain that America is bad while russia is the virus of poverty, degeneration,wars, dictatorships. Look at cuba, syria, north korea, belarus, kazakhstan etc. Our allies are pieces of crap with dictators who dont want to leave their power for decades. Putin and russia fights for it. He hates freedom and his own people, i cant believe there are people supporting him. Thats why ukraine is trying to keep distance from russia. They even kicked out a previous russian puppet president. putin hates them for that now.

i have 20 dollars what your mum would do for them?

>Israel, Palestine
lol no it's one or the other not both of them
i'm sorry but you have to choose, westerners needs to stop pussyfooting around the question like "yes we need a peaceful 2 states solution and we hope for mutual cooperation and a bright future, although we express deep concern at the current situation"
like lmao this is wishful fantasies as long as this is the official position then it all will never be dealt with

please just choose a side

Nah fuck England but we can include Ireland in the US. Your accents are very similar to ours. Music to my ears. I can understand your youtube videos without the subtitles. That properly sounding american 'r'. You probably watching too much of our TV. Do you also say aluminum?

What is a leppo?

But sounds like you are in the minority. It appears that most Russians totally support Putin's international policies.


This thread is not about Russia. So why do you brainwashed poltard think someone care about it?

Hello there!

I have a very interesting financial proposition for you. Why don't you give me your address so I can mail it to you.

You can trust me, look at the little flag on my post. I'm most certainly not the police.

Ukraine situation is really sad. When you look at the monthly salary and the number of refugee, there is like 2millions ukrainian ot of the country but who care there are not brown and there isn't a pic of a dead little child on a beach so nobody give a fuck. The country survie tahnks to hooker money that workd everywhere and i don"t see anything that can get the situation better. It's sad when you think about all the billions, ong, help send to the nigger.


Glad I'm not the only one who thought this. Unironically thought it was flatgrass from some weird angle.

Russia has much higher wages actually.

Every language borrows from other languages. If you're asking whether Ukrainian is distinct from Russian, why not ask whether Serbian is distinct from Bulgarian or Czech? Or whether Dutch is distinct from English?

More like upper german and bavarian actually. Even those two differ more than russian and ukrainian lel.

t. poland

I don't know what you're talking about. I went to Ukraine a few years ago and we never saw any Slovaks.

Poland is like the weird kid who tries to fit in with the popular clique by being a dick to other losers.

t. european eskimo

surprisingly good post from my fellow countryman

>be white
>still third world shithole
disgrace to the white race

ukraine produce nice chocolates i still don't understand why ukraine is so poor even they are poorer than china or sea


Why in the fuck would any Slovak live in Ukraine? Ukies flee here

t. Russian mongol

You didn't understand the joke.

If the joke was that we look like Turks then its fucking bad joke because Slovaks and Slavic Ukrainians look same

False. There is less mongol admixture in Poland than in Finland and Russia

>why ukraine is so poor
Say it with me
I'm so tired of this shit.
Also daily reminder
>ignore Poles

Nice graph my Turkish friend

Isn't Western Europe and Scandinavia Turkish as well then?

Back to Ural eskimo.

It doesn't have the same effect if you're autistic.

No its just bad joke with no punchline


An organized crime syndicate specialized in organ trafficking who seizes territory helped by NATO is not a country.

>Israel, Palestine

Should be a single, secular state with equal rights for everyone, desu.


I agree. The whole "One China" thing is ridiculous at this point, but who is gonna tell the Chicoms that?

I wish things will become better for Ukrainians.I also wish for the conflict with Russia to stop, you're brothers for god's sake. The only reason EU is suddenly interested in Ukraine is because Ukraine are trying to distance themselves from Russia. Filthy NATO-backed EU is trying to take advantage of this, by acting as if they care about Ukraine or it's future, while they in reality do not. Russia and Ukraine need to normalize their relations, and I hope they will come to some form of agreement soon.

There isn't enough punch in the world to intoxicate a Slovak.

prostitution, im not even joking, the country survive thanks to the money send back home by the hooker

ok, i lost

Good post, but don't think it happens, at least so fast. Insane propaganda in Ukraine works perfect, making people hate each other, hate speeches about Russians, about people form eastern part of Ukraine, a lot of fakes, lie and so on. In Russia it works too, but without such hate, more like, look, Ukranians are autistic and a little bit nazis.

нy и нaхyй ты бaмпнyл этoт клoпoвник?

>Aside from pizza
It's good pizza admittedly.

Palestinians already have a state. It's called Jordan.

Hy извини, пиcaл дoлгo, в aнглийcкий нe oчeнь.

ukrainian women are usually pretty hot, good diversity too: tanned dark haired or blonde blue eyes, etc.

Congratulations, you're still subhuman manlets.
Aryan Ukrainians should take possession of Poland from the midget subhumans.

butthurt eskimo: the post

Stop using words when you don't know what they mean. lol

Poles are midgets and midgets are subhuman. Is that too complex for your tiny brain?
Ukrainians are more chill because they don't have a "little man syndrome".

Girls, don't quarrel.

I could say the same of you

But both Ukraine and Belarus have direct land borders with Russia, and practically speak the same language.

I'm not saying they SHOULD, I'm asking WHY. Especially Belarus, don't the people and their government love Russia and have a strongarm semi totalitarian government anyway? Ukraine wants to be a democracy and be closer to Europe, so I get why they want independence. Seems like Belarus might as well just join Russia.

cancer maybe, but why compare to a kid