
Din e Ilahi edition

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sup bhaanchodo

Nobody's here it seems

Sounded like a good idea t b h
i wonder why it never took off

It worked where it was applied


How can I, as a western man, pick up qt desi girls?

Talk to them

Get off Sup Forums

Finished exams feels great man

Why does she look east asian? is she from nepal? the himalayas?

Are big eyes a trait of desi women in general?

Half Pakistani here

May I join the club?


I'm part Pakistani. Could I pass as a local in your country?

Why not :^(

The thumbnail made you look like CIA for some reason

>part Pakistani
What, did your great-grandfather shake hands with a Pakistani once or something, Thomas?


No. These are her parents.

She is definitely from Assam (the easternmost part of India).


We have a whole region filled with them.
My mom's side is full of chinks.

They do seem to have huge eyes

>You're a Paki Harry.

Welcome to club

Tfw no need gf

NE not need

Fucking need to sleep

>tfw no desi qt to make normal-eyed children with

With that nose no.


Let's exchange sisters

What is everyone up to? How are wasting your time? I'm playing Paladins these days because I don't want to spend money on Overwatch and tf2 is full of creepy white autists

Continuing qt bump



Soundtrack youtu.be/q4Yb8AWXgLI