Hey Sweden why did you throw away the great homogeneous society you had?

Hey Sweden why did you throw away the great homogeneous society you had?

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you're one to talk aussie kun

because inbreeding

We always had Abos and then we could get white guilted because we stole this land by Europeans never had any reason to accept immigrants.

We had Native Americans and massacred those mother fuckers. Most of the SJWs don't even talk about them that much, it's great. Although I will say, they were much better looking than Abos. Why didn't you massacre the Abos?

Pretty sure we fucked them to try and breed the abo out

Why massacre ancient humans? It's obvious they are not as capable or equal to us.

i know, they let all those god damned fucking shitskinnned muslims in, its over for Sweden, no more nordic blue-eyed sweeties, bye bye sweeden i morn for you

They lived in the shitty areas that are still pretty much uninhabited

Our natives lived mostly on the coasts, and we had to moved them forecully

dö or die

I don't really care and I won't miss anything

You know why.

>tfw too smart for homogeneous societies

Because of scheming Danes undermining Sweden society and culture?

what a cute little butt

>tfw no aryan gf

What an edgy post.

>We had Native Americans and massacred those mother fuckers.
Disease massacred them
>Most of the SJWs don't even talk about them that much
The news feeds have been lousy with protesters over the standing rock soiux tribe's fight with an oil pipeline. Literally thousands came out and built an entire tent town
>Why didn't you massacre the Abos?
Because residential schools and genetic assimilation are the civilised way to handle these things

You didn't do shit, bitch.

>tfw I'll never have a white blondie gf like that
I'm unironically almost in tears.


>b-b-but this is payback for destroying native americans.
It's sad but it would be like saying we should exterminate all Mongolians because of the enslavement and massacred and genocides they had done along with mussies

why not lol blondes are ez

Maybe if you aren't an Asian manlet yeah.

why is she naked?

What about all the American women with Japanese men? Height isn't everything

Because its the best way to experience nature


just workout and be samurai

I hate to say it but it seems to like the Jews are doing something similar to white people or the Nordic race, so to speak.

Interracial relationship and race mixing, instead of physically killing a race. It's happening genetically, breeding all the features away that a normal Nordic person would have, blue eyes, blonde hair etc.

Genetically killing off them. Pretty diabolical in my opinion.

the guys fighting against the pipeline aren't sjw though, they are actual natives

So do white American women actually date shorter Asian men? I always thought it was only for the sake of muh diversity and some silly sjw agenda when I see amwf couples in American tv shows like Walking Dead.

I'm already working on that. I wish I could also improve my height this way.

I see lots of AMWF/AFWM couples here in California. In high school I was friends with a girl that dated an Asian guy.

She was a tall volleyball player (5'9-5'11) and he was like 5'8 or something.

Because its nice to look at

Lel their genes are dominant in most of the Euros they mix with.

My father is an immigrant from Sweden and my mother is a typical Med (albeit from the North) and I'm exactly like my father.

Blonde and blue eyed, I'm taller than him though.

Seriously? You just set my life goal user. I'll go to California and find a qt white blond gf there someday.

I don't understand why some people literally want to live in a society where there is only one kind of thought, race and culture? I mean, what's the point? You will literally live in your hugbox for the rest of your life and literally won't be challenged or have any thrill to live at all. The best thing is to either expand culturally or adapt yourselves to other ways. It's the only way human kind can progress and have a reason to live. Maybe the swedes realized that now

Dead serious. Good luck in your journey to get a white gf

its best shit ever senpai

>tfw nowhere to flee

I'm stuck in the caliphate.

>nowhere to flee


>I always thought it was only for the sake of muh diversity and some silly sjw agenda
Hello Peter.

They sure did, with all the rapes, lack of values, women beatings, pedophilia and everything that "broadening their culture" brought along.
The swedes have it figure it out.

if you want to forever live your life the same way disconnected from others without any progress at all

>Settled by nordics
>Let in Somalis
I hate people claiming genetics, but there has to be something in nordic blood or culture that resulted in this, because both Minnesota and Sweden are far too similar.

Yes we need niggers and muslims to make progress or change

groping a girl's ass in sweden is considered rape my friend. Also, you want to live in a place where everything is perfect at your world view 24/7 and don't have to worry or think about anything at all?

Yeah you do, or else your culture won't never be global and will never aggregate other races, and will probably die out in irrelevance

>they lived in shitty areas

They probably lived all around Straya but the colonists drove them out of anything they wanted for themselves

We did in tassie. Accidentally wiped out the tiger too, but hey, making omelettes rights?

I dont want my culture to be global. Why the fuck would i want that? I love travelling and whats the point if everything looked same?

No, I want to live in a diverse place that doesn't have vitriolic backwards dogmatic monkeys set on destroying everything. Not every culture wants to adapt, some want to conquer, it's deep in their fucking roots. Have you read the quoran? The talmud? These motherfuckers aren't just a few bad apples, they view anything western as devilish, impure, disgusting. They hated with all their fucking guts. They don't want to embrace it, they want to cleanse it.
Don't open your arms to a monkey with 5 knives.

Our society is still great, and was never homogeneous.

Dude, don't worry about girls that much, the right girl will come along.

T. Asian guy with gf

>I love travelling and whats the point if everything looked same?
Everybody here speaks english, but is everyone that speaks it equal to others? Your culture becoming global doesn't necessarily means that it will homogenize the whole global population and genocide the differences, it just means that humanity has progressed and accepted some core cultural elements as a human thing and not just a country's thing, like democracy, writing, philosophy and other stuff that transcends nationality. Ableing your culture to become global is literally setting your country for a prestigious thing that will change the whole status quo and give us new possibilities and hope for the future, making the life better for everyone. Wanting your culture to remain secluded because it can't handle differences is literally setting yourself for mediocrity

>Have you read the quoran? The talmud?
kek, do you know that you can't actually read it the way it is written right my friend? Also that even in Arabic, the Arabic language developed itself from it, so tons of terms and words literally have different meaning from what is actually written and you need to actually know the language and study it from an arab and historical perspective. It's like reading the Old Testment and thinking that whole Catholic culture nowadays come from it


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….

No, it's not like that at all. The catholic church suffered a reform, something that never happened to Islamism.
And they do read it as it's written. It's called gospel for a reason, it's the literal word of God, it cannot be changed and if you try to justify a change you'll be impaled.
You just have been fed too many progressive bs and you think they are just misunderstood religious people with a loving God and loving hearts. I guarantee you it's not the case.
Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=huthzhiGj2U

They don't want you to live, because they are the people of God, and you're not. That's what they believe with certainty, and they will kill you if they can.

Homogeneous societies are pointless, diversity is the way of the future


c-calm down America

Manifest Destiny time

can we get a range ban on Canada, please?

i feel like they shitpost just to continue their "internet persona" of cucks

Canadians literally do nothing wrong

Dude just go to an eastern european country and pay a blonde hooker or something.

He wants a wholesome Christian blonde woman

>TFW trying to debate with racists

You're too smart to realize how dumb you are.

Think about it

Because it is intrinsic in human nature to fuck up when everything is going good. And do something glorious when everything else is going bad.

this coming from an australian

There are some christians in eastern Europe too, mostly catholic or orthodox though.

>Mestizo feels

who the fuck wants to live in a homogenous society

holy shit fuck off righties

because finns?

I assumed the Christians were obliterated by the commies.

At least Australians are not cucks unlike cucknada. And Australia really handles diversity well.

A economically homogenous society.
Race is a meme.

so a communist nation. I.can get behind that

What did he mean by this?

One that actually works, yeah.
Communism is alright, but it is still an utopia for our society, widely unachievable.


>tfw i'm actually a quadroon
>tfw still no aryan gf

>Communism is alright
No, people in power of communist countries are never going to be equal to their citizens and they eventually just take advantage while everyone else eats shit.

Wow, never heard "quadroon" before
It seems you only read "communism is alright"


Fucking please Australias muslims are out of control

You seem to assume a lot.

Yes but in what way would it be alright? You said it yourself, it is an utopic dream, so I kind of saw a contradiction there.

communism is good but humans are inherently selfish so it will never work

>great homogeneous society
b-but das racis!


Do you consider yourselves indigenous?

Yeah. You might knot be able to resist the global sink in the long run, but at least you can try picking the trajectory.


t. Asian guy with no gf


"B urself user!"

30-40% are about nordic people

what the fuck is wrong with the people on this board?

hope you get banned, faggot

Because of what's in your pic.




>something said something I didn't like
>ban them!!!1!!1!

30-40% of threads in this board are about nordics and i know most of the people making those threads are germanics

seriously wtf?
i hate this is a white majority board, you guys post really stupid shit and ask stupid question


There is always a ton of threads about blacks girls, i don't what you're complaining about