Why aren't you fat yet, Sup Forums?

Literally the most comfy lifestyle

>Warm during winter
>Refreshing sweat during summer
>Your body has its on cushions meaning no more uncomfortable chairs
>Once you get fat enough, family stops asking when are you going to get a gf
>People expect you to be lazy so no more need to live up to impossible standards
>You get an excuse to bring a chair into the shower
>You develop an """unhealthy""" relationship with food (aka you feel sexual pleasure when eating)
>You can use your belly as a table
>You are allowed to wear sweatpants anywhere
>Your less attractive facial features are hidden by fat
>There are actually more chances to get laid because there are way more chub chasers than average guys chasers
>In case you get a partner, you don't have to worry about being good at sex because your fatness is enough of a turn on for them
>You will die young meaning you won't have to resort to suicide or see yourself become old and pathetic

Kill yourself, fatty.

excellent post

I got up to 195 and it was horrible.

I'm back down to 165 now and counting my calories until I'm at a healthy weight before I hopefully can re-join my old gym.

Being fat is not comfortable at all.

I am skelly but I am not jealous.


But i am a fat cunt.

no one unironically wants to be fat.
stupid OP.
besides fat acceptance is cringe worthy and stupid.

>tfw slightly overweight

Smfh, need to hit the gym

Kill yourselves, fatties.

Oink, oink.


>You get an excuse to bring a chair into the shower

Because I just can't get fat. It doesn't matter how much I eat, my weight won't chance a little bit. When I was a kid, my parents allowed me to eat in McDonald's everyday, for example, and nothing happened (probably affected my health, but whatever). I already tried working on it for weeks and literally didn't lose or gain anything.

>tfw I'll never be a fat ass

Lol no thanks

If I was fat I'd. E pumping iron and getting tank. But alas I'm Skelly, I have to settle for otter mode

Because I am japanese.

Ja! Pon

I'd rather die. I'm not saying that lightly, I literally would rather die a painful death than be fat.
There is no advantage whatsoever, because it's not a quality, it's a defect.

Unless... I guess if you had a flesh eating virus and you were so fat that you kept gaining the mass the virus ate and eventually it'd just give up and fuck off, then that's one positive aspect (true story too, it happened to a lady), but I'd still just prefer good old death.

You're probably under 25. I wouldn't gain any weight until that age, I was around 54kg, skinnier than my gf. Then metabolism decided to fuck off, now I weight 67. That was all gained in a single year.

kek. Interesting prespective.

How many mudcakes have you eaten today?

Yes, I am under 25, but my brother is 28 and still has this very same problem. Also, wow, that's a lot for a single year.

I am going to be schlicking to this post later. Thanks OP.


pics please

>I guess if you had a flesh eating virus and you were so fat that you kept gaining the mass the virus ate and eventually it'd just give up and fuck off, then that's one positive aspect (true story too, it happened to a lady),


Can you donate some fat? I'm a blackhole for food but still a skelly ever since I'm delivered to this world. ;_;

when you have a fat fetish and some obese finn keeps making saucy posts about how fat he is but never replies to you

Are you that girl?


I doubt I have followed every thread this guy has made but if he's the mud cakes guy I was trying pretty hard in a few of them


Tell me how fat you are

I'm pretty lean

>Refreshing sweat

There's nothing good in being fat

t. fat

Wow those are some good points ebin :D

Why aren't you fat?

1. Country
2. Weight
3. Thoughts on this?

I limit myself to $3/day for food so I don't really eat enough to get fat.

I told you you wouldn't be able to lose the weight.
Serves you right for ignoring me.

I wont eat this without milk. I can't eat any type of cake/bread without milk.

It's unhealthy and looks bad.

this finn is teasing us so hard, reeeeeeee

no it doesn't

I live in California and would be made fun of for being fat. Also it's too hot.

That looks awful

He literally has tits

Hey buddy

I forgot what your deal was. You're chubby but losing weight, right?

anyway, what kinda fat guys (and girls?) do you like?

their pics are the cutest, fugg

I'm on a diet right now. Lost 8 killos already

>their pics are the cutest, fugg

>a 2/10 girl feeding her lover to death

You are awesome. Dont listen to skinny retards. Fat people are chill and nice

>He literally has tits
It is so fucking hot, dude.

Yeah, I'm trying to lose weight, but I can't stop pigging out :3
pic is me

i prefer the ones that aren't very hairy
the lazy ones, that just sit around doing nothing but eating and burping like nothing matters, you know?
hot as fuck

>TFW no T H I C K fat gf

Why even live?

>It is so fucking hot, dude.

whatever you say lol

All fat people must die

It's a fetish, I didn't really decide to like that stuff. In reality I feel pretty bad about it, I don't think I could ever go through with encouraging someone to be that fat (I'm pretty health-conscious irl), but it gets me hot for some inexplicable reason. I'm just glad I didn't end up with something even more disturbing as a turn-on

Fat women scare me. See pic related.

You probably just have self-esteem issues and feel more comfortable to have a boyfriend who is disgusting to everyone else in society because it makes you feel less threatened

>i prefer the ones that aren't very hairy

me too. I don't like the "bear"/"daddy" thing at all.

I like it when the person is kind of embarassed about it but keeps giving in

lol, no not at all. I've had this tendency since I was like 5 or 6 years old, was drawing pics of fat people and humping stuff before I really even knew what I was doing or why it felt good. It being that far in the past I really have no idea where it came from.

were you fingered by your fat stepdad or something?

some people just like different stuff dude.

I have self-control and self-respect

as always the eternal leaf shitposting as hard as he can

You know
I'm only 170 lbs but I've developed a decadence/food fetish where I go buy junk food then jerk off and eat and lewdpost here for hours
It's only rarely but it needs to stop and I hate myself for it. The fetish sort of ruins itself because the appeal of it lies in apathy and "just doing fun things" but I hate that so much and after the days over I just feel like shit

No, my childhood had nothing like that.

My theory is that I must have been touching myself randomly as kids do and discovered masturbation/orgasm probably at the same moment that I saw a fat cartoon character on TV and associated the good feeling with it. Otherwise I have no idea.

Nobody who comes to this website regularly ever does.

Me too. Never been fat but I clearly remember as early as kindergarten being into that. Like there was this one picture book we had to read and the main character was some bratty girl who broke computers or something, anyway she was just slightly chubby in the pictures but for an assignment I drew her fat and then kept erasing and drawing her fatter and fatter. I wonder what my teacher ever thought of that.

TMI tbqh

>fat cartoon character on TV
HOLY SHIT, are you me?
this same thing happened to me!
it was an episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy
I was humping the ground the whole episode

>humping the ground
I did this as a kid and I have never actually jerked off normally
I've tried but I can't cum

Hahahaha fugg

I've wondered if this is how furries happen too, since most media for kids has animal characters

>tfw dodged the furryism bullet in exchange for fat bullet

damn cartoons making us horny kek

wtf okay guys another part of the mystery is clearing up, because I usually masturbate on my stomach too...

Do we just like pressure on our stomachs?

shit's really making me think

Okay i must concede

bitches like this are ok i guess

A-are we connected somehow?

Woah what the fuck

I've been overweight to obese all my life. Last year I finally got in shape, normal BMI, and I can tell you it was the best decision I ever done. I still can't believe what all things and moves is my body capable to do. How many of the health problems I had just went away. What muscles and bones do I actually have. And so on.
Make up your mind, fatty



>I wont eat this without milk. I can't eat any type of cake/bread without milk.

Holy shit, mah nigga..

I've been eating cake inside a bowl of milk since I was a little kid. That shit is delicious especially after drinking the sugary milk

Only virgin

>commie measurements


>Oink, oink.
Having flashbacks to Calvin and Hobbes.

5' 10"

You already are pathetic

people who hate on fat people just strike me as very insecure and also very delusional.

When you train ~10 hours a week at a gym you really don't feel angry towards less healthy people. I guess once any physical self-hate has completely left you it's hard to replicate that onto other people. I suspect the le fat people hate crowd are pathetic kids who are just as unhealthy as fats only not having their unhealthiness be so visibly apparent

just because you're not fat does not give you license to make fun of the overweight, chances are you're not as healthy as you think you are. I'm more than willing to bet that 99% of the

Dude lmao, I always do that with cake and muffins, mix it together in milk like a pudding. Different texture depending how much milk I use.
Not around other people of course cause they'd be like wtf, but alone I can enjoy chocolatey sweets the autistic way.

>be 20
>be fat cunt 260 lbs
>be 21
>lose weight
>get to 190
>be 22
>get lazy
>gain everything plus more back
>tfw 270lbs

>people who hate on fat people just strike me as very insecure and also very delusional.

they're probably just disgusted by peoples' lack of self-control, at the very basic level

183cm/53kg semigod is here, guys, ask ur answers.

nigga you weigh less than a girl lmao

yea but why hate? especially coming from the /fit/ crowd and the redditors (/r/fatpeoplehate/) it just strikes me as major projection of your own self body image issues onto other people

it's just another way to make yourself feel good about yourself without really doing anything.

Noice work user, keep it up.


everyone on Sup Forums is taller than me

These are the little things that make me warm at my heart

Got it?
>Little things

I'm 164cm

triggered me a lil' bit

hahaha a bit
i bet people love to lift you off the ground just to piss you off



too bad I'm strangled in the air most of the times I'm picked up

You know what's the best thing in losing fat? That people say you look younger. When I was over 100 kg a gf of my cousin once told me I look older than I am and she was right. With my longer hair I looked like an old fat miserable cunt, not manly at all.
Now they ask me for ID when I'm buying a beer :-) I got my teenage years back. I'm 24.

Czech your privilege, 183 makes me 6'0 in freedom measurments.

I'm a bit scared because of the loose skin.