Why are whites so fucking stupid?

why are whites so fucking stupid?

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We have actual art, so our kids aren't forced to memoize books.

PISA is designed to found out whether students can use whatever they have learnt in school and apply that knowledge to real life situations and problems, the test is less interested in knowing whether students can repeat like parrots what they have been thought in class

See more here:

Lack of coherent and continuous forward thinking education policies.

I'm pretty confident that china would have their students study specifically for these tests. We have similar benchmark tests in Aus called NAPLAN and they're taken pretty seriously, many schools study specifically for the kinds of questions on the tests.

Asian education systems are often based around study skills for test taking, in the west (australia at least) a lot more focus is put on critical thinking and analytical skills. And more and more we're focussing on "mindfullness", which sounds like gay bullshit but it's actually pretty good.

t. high school teacher

>I'm pretty confident
Of course you are

what did you mean by this?

>Le Asian education systems are often based around study skills for test taking meme


>Lack of coherent and continuous forward thinking education policies.

our education system is a fucking joke i'll give you that

12 years or more and the final product still doesn't have any employable traits

Asian = small penis, big intelligence (including Fingolia).
White = average penis, average intelligence
Black = big penis, little intelligence.

This is a well known fact.

>Le China cheats meme
see OECD Secretary General Angel Gurría Treviño remarks about that here, from 20:47 to 25:03
and also the Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills of the OECD Andreas Schleicher here:

>Le penis meme

You are welcomed to disagree with me but you know it is true.

Clearly you don't have any Asian buddies if you're this misguided. I have many Chinese classmates (from Vancouver ofc) that tell me how brutal the "one-exam-that-decides-your-future" practice is. I think its the same for many South Korean and Indian students too. It's not a pleasant experience being raised up in that environment, and so my friends will speak very gratingly about it.

It's true, I have taught in asia and they really do often just regurgitate the information given to them. It's often just rote learning. This works well for maths but not necessarily for other subjects.

Also often testing is used for funding models. It's not a great system but they are what they are.

it's not terrible but it's not great

>test creators defend their test
How surprising. I'm not a big fan of tests as an indicator of knowledge, but they definitely have their place. Anyway I totally believe that many asians have better knowledge in those areas, their education systems are very strict and reward achievement.

I would however like to see how their students go overall, because asian societies still have heaps of people going unskilled labour jobs. I'd like to see how they measure growth (each student's personal improvement) for each student, rather than just results. I didn't see any of that in china when I taught there.

Whites can have monster penises though. Asians pretty much can't. Whites have more geniuses than Asians too because of iq distribution.

If Asians are so smart why is Asia so poor and shitty?

>12 years or more and the final product still doesn't have any employable traits
That is actually happening around the world

If all white men stopped masturbating you would see that we really are the master race. Porn is the ultimate Jew trick because combined with the BBC meme it makes white men hopelessly jerk off. But nofapping can literally grow your dick.

>Le rote learning meme

Because they aren't. Whites are really the greatest at everything. The Jews have just construed blacks as athletic and Asians as smarts so that A. whites don't feel special and B. We want to breed with their seemingly superior traits. Thus destroying the hated Aryan race.


you need to stop browsing pol

But Jews are clearly smarter than whites. Even Nazis know it's true

Just go a week without jacking off.



The average IQ of Asia is far bigger than the one of a western country. Westerns have more genius and innovation in general because they assign more resources to research and education.

Jews have an average iq of 113. They are smarter on average but in sheer numbers there are more whites with is over 140 than their are Jews. And that's only Ashkenazi Jews that are particularly smart. Sephardi Jews average 99. And Mizrahim are retarded sandniggers.


>you know it is true
No I don't wtf

China fudge's their scores to not include people in the country and Japan removes the mentally retarded and such. Not to mention they take different tests with questions about which fish are edible and shit.

Young Asians are smart, older asians not so much

Actually a closer look at the results shows that Anglo countries are the ones actually "cheating"

I've read little black girls actually have high iqs and then as they get older they drop substantially.

It's not a meme. Maybe they don't use it for maths much anymore, which I definitely saw, but maybe it's not as prevalent as it used to be, or in certain places.

Well there are really no Anglo countries since there are niggers and sandniggers in abundance in the US and UK and Netherlands is not Anglo. US actually have very high scores if you remove all the niggers.

Why have you read the PISA reports?

Are you studying teaching or something, or is this just for shitposting purposes?

He's a crazy Mexican.

From the PISA 2012 Technical Report
There were deviations from the PISA Technical Standards in Albania, CABA, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Hong Kong-China, Iceland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Qatar, Spain, Tunisia, United Kingdom and United States

>Japan removes the mentally retarded and such
Actually Japan met the PISA Technical standards for exclusions of students (no more than 5%) in 2012, meanwhile in the United States
>There was a total of 5.35% exclusions in the United States. Additional analysis supported the case that no notable bias would result from non-response. It was thought that the extra students excluded were special needs students.
>The United States had a school response rate of 77.78%. Additional analysis supported the case that no notable bias would result from non-response. The data from the United States, therefore, were included in the international database.
>There was a total of 8.29% exclusions in Florida. Data were included in the final database.
>There were fewer than 50 schools assessed (49). Data were included in the final database.

>US actually have very high scores if you remove all the niggers.
only because you have many asians. for example the people in the picture are your chemistry olympiad team

USA is a big country

Americans are not white.

>b-b-but it's the niggers fault
keeping telling yourself that

Maybe one day you'll come to terms that whites aren't so special after all


Japan 174
South Korea 60
Taiwan 39

total 273

Why can't we share technological innovation that potentially can beat USA but Japan always support our kids.

nice pic faggot

>higher scores on multiple tests
>still Caucasians have been responsible for most of the progress of humanity in the last 3 thousand years.

Really makes you think.


>you're this misguided
Of course I am

he's actually posting valuable information, unlike the retarded meme masters ITT

>citing chinese philosophers
>conparing them to the likes of plato and aristotle
baka desu

Finns confirmed for master race yet again. Not only we are smarter than these braindead whites, but we also have the most white features on earth (most blondes and blue eyed people, tall).
Feels good to be part of the master race with Estonia


we are the last remaining tribes of the once huge finnic race


Stop posting this pathetic thread. Island gook.

also, Check this out

>why are whites so fucking stupid?

If White people are so stupid why are you using a White language, a White graphic signs, a White clothes an a White global system of interconnected computer networks?



>*China represented by the provinces of [lists 4 out of the 23 most developed chinese provinces]
>Hong Kong and Macao

Yes, remove the dumb countryside and leave the capitals alone and any country will look like a country of genius people.

Taiwan, Japan and Korea are clean tho.