What do Germans mean by this?

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I think it's 'beta", you beta anime boy


we aren't allowed to use ss anymore, so we have to use ß

it's a b

the reason this exists is to bother other countries that use èéà so that we have to switch the keyboard layout everytime we type something in german

It is a "sharp s".Probably the polish influence.


Is this true? So it is a ssss sound?

it's pronounced exactly the same as ss

yes, it's a sharp s

If you don't want to type it, you can use ss and people will know what you're trying to say

You just changed to french as offical language because we were mewn to you in WW2....

Also you need to do it anyway due to äöü.

Please don't tell me that's the actual reason


i'm not sure if it is but it might be , considering that the swiss still use ss

He is somewhat joking, the german language organisation made from austria,germany,switzerland and Liechtenstein just unify spelling and grammar all the time and try to kill inconsistencies and have a connectiont between writing and pronounciation.

You should do that in english.

>You should do that in english.


We wouldn't get anything done because Americans are convinced Brits spell things incorrectly and vice versa, rather than just acknowledging a sort of dialectic difference

He's right you know.



America would just use it's utter dominance to get us to change our own language, nope. Not happening.

So you are ok with the Burgers saying aluminum?

Dialects and uniwue words dont get killed, people just try to unify big stuff.

Its also confusing as fuck since I started with the old spelling and had to relearn the new one also we still use dass after a ,.


a lowly motivated B

>implying we could change what the US does

hahahahahahah That'd have us pronouncing Z as Zee and spelling Colour as Color

ſ+ʒ or ſ+s = ß

Of course it's not. Since the orthographic reforms in the 1990s ß is used less than before in favor of ss btw.

I think the Meme about us english being closer to old british english than the uk is more annoying.

If at all, american english sounds more german pronounciation wise than anything else.

Reminder german americans are THE second most important ethnic group in the US and an example hoe people should assimilate.

I grew up in the UK and Canada for my first few years, so I started to learn to read in British English. I still use words like color and colour somewhat interchangeably

The U being left out in words always triggers me, it just looks... Uglier? I wouldn't mind changing words like Centre to Center though because I like the way it looks more.

People say that about accents, not spelling. Our spelling was done deliberately as an attempt to simplify perceived inconsistencies in the English language by Noah Webster iirc

I genuinely didn't know there was a difference until I started coming to Sup Forums


Why do they use P for the R sound?
And what do they use for P?

They use an entirely different alphabet


ß is for a voiceless s
you write ß when you have a long vocal like "Straße" or by a diphthong "heißen"
it's just a "ss"

Its a bit outdate nowadays but its usally used in words behind when it has 2 vocal in a row. Sometimes the word exists with "s" at the end too and has a different meaning which makes the main reason clear: better variation for words that are spoken as the same.
weiß - white
but the same word exists with an "s" as well.
ich weis - I know

But secretly we are trying conquer the world again. We welcomed so many refugees to ensure we have enough slaves for later to nonstop produce whatever we need. Did you actually think our weapon productions are only because of the profit of some richfags? No! Its just to have an excuse that we have something like that nowadays.
In 20 years we will meet again here and everyone will welcome me with a straight "HEIL DEM FUHRER!"
see ya

> ich weis - I know

Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung. Ich hab mir den Scheiß nicht ausgedacht und waere auch niemals darauf gekommen Mayonaise als Majonese zu aendern, aber das ist sandniggerfreundlicher, weil in Neu-Ankara (Stuttgart) sowas schon nicht mehr verstanden wird.

its thinly veiled slav toungue in german

like szczczc

Also hier in Schleswig-Holstein hab ich davon noch nie gehört.

Polish sz = German sch