Do cities in West get decorated during Eids?

Do cities in West get decorated during Eids?

Picture shows how we decorate it for Christmas in a 95% Muslim city.

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This is in a 120k city...

This seems more like they are making fun of christmas

Sorry for being poor.


>95% Muslim
That still means that, as a percentage, non-Muslims are 5x a larger part of the population there than Muslims are here.
In my town, there are no Muslims. None.

Are they serious? Because to me it realy looks like someone vandalized it or someone went really great lenght to find ugliest christmas tree possible.

What do you mean by this?

They were, our mayor is quite the cheapskate, but I suppose he'll have to change it, after public shaming.

The US has a Muslim population of ~1%. Our Jewish population is 2x the size of our Muslim population.
1% is still too much tbqh

What do you mean by this?

>muh double standards
Don't care. All Muslims in your city have to deal with is a Christian tree. We might not have decorations for Muslim holidays, but we have to deal with cuck shit and suck Muslim cock en masse over how "rich" Muslim "culture" is

Breaking news: They removed it, and apologized. :'D

"Muslims" (Bosniaks) are the ones that complained because it didn't look beautiful enough.

that's more insulting that respectfull


Muslims are fucking Christianboos



aldo isn't the average muslim though he literally runs a so called far right youtube channel

Good. It is shirk anyways ya akhi.

what a sad looking tree

Didn't mean him, but what he said. He says in the vid that Christmas is loved in Muslim countries.


I think you're confusing Arabs with us.