
Age of Empires 2 edition

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classical liberalism is a mental disease

excellent edition


gonna do a suicide


Us being unable to control muslims is utterly artificial.

The amount of shit muslims are allowed to get away with is a joke.

girl said I was incredibly good looking last night
do you think she want my willy in her fanny?

can't cope with life

>ahh yes, topshop in Switzerland
dumb VPN mong
it was back when i lived in the UK. stay upset GCHQ.

neoliberalism is the cure


I hate white people. I love Britons though since they aren't white but light pink

The only girl who never let me cum inside her pussy was a paki, a fit paki but still. She made me wear a condom.. I still wank over the thought of cumming inside her. Is it a dominance thing?

Racism is a disease globalisation is the cure

>Is it a dominance thing?
no it's a "I don't want to get pregnant" thing

Good lad

Wanting to miscenegate is natural and better for all of us

6'2" and about 70kg now lads

am i still a skeleton?


>Poonited States
>Gay County
>Kansas Shitty

hello goldberg!

Just been to Asda for a Christmas card for the bird who works behind the bar at the local, Cost me £2. Extortionate


>Tfw the gf refuses to go on the pill
>tfw makes me use a condom
snuck it in without a condom the other day, but didn't cum

>made me wear a condom

why wouldn't you

could have a little sheed son running around right now otherwise

I mean I did cum inside her but I had a condom on, it's not the same

new gimmick: say "hella" a lot

you haven't actually had sex with a girl if you didn't cum in her

Connor McGregor is a prime deano

>Most posters are non-Brits


REPRESSIVE tolerance from the REGRESSIVE left

Once had sex with a girl who had her tubes tied

Was very nice, would be good to find a gf who would do the same

Poor white ppl are so opressed :'((

all too munch
unable to masquerade as a normie convincingly anymore

why not just find a girl on some sort of birth control?

pommy cunts

>know I never want kids

could get the snip 2bh

>doing nofap for the last few weeks
>got back from work last night
>having a browse on the chon
>accidently open a porn webm
>heart rate goes through the roof
>shaking like I've got parkinsons
>shut my laptop down
>can't get to sleep for about 2 hours




>The Economist

Ah a fellow radical centrist I see

my god Ireland just fuck off, you lads never have anything interesting to say

More things that can go wrong
Not a 100% thing
Has side-effects

Because I'm selfish and don't want to make the change to my own body. Plus it allows me to change my mind decades from now.

>The Economist

Ah yes the so-called radical centrist

Fucking hell there are some genuinely disturbing abnormalities in humans.

Parasitic twins are fucking grim

Wouldn't this picture make more sense if the hentai was in front of the business magazine?

I'm 24, worked out that I've had sex around 2000 times.

That's 3 relationships since 16, 40 one night stands(that turned into a few more times with some of them) and around 15 meat bags that I used to pork every so often for a laugh.

Reminder that if you have no sexual experience by your early/mid twenties you'll never keep a girl if miraculously they show interest in you

I was talking about me, i'm 100% sure

yeah I wouldn't recommend it to other lads


i never cum in my gf even though she says i can because i don't trust her to be on birth control. she's talked about kids a few times and it's gotten me on high alert. for now her pet eel will have to suffice for her. she's a pastry chef.

fair enough. how are you going to kill yourself

they are though

Another shitty post from Ireland



Eat many strepsils

I read that this dog actually died which really takes the funny out of it, fucking ape


>tfw my fetish is for a girl to force me to cum in her and get her pregnant while I struggle against her


Whose hair is dat

not sure, any ideas?
was hoping to wait until jordan replies to me on facebook before I check out of this planet

Was gonna get my sister the new theroux doc, turns out it's on fucking Amazon prime, FUCK

are you me?

Anti-Canadian posters are worse than Canadians

get her a vibrator lad



>In the 1960s, when the World Trade Center was being designed, this B-25 impact incident served as motivation for the designers to consider a scenario of an accidental impact of a Boeing 707 into one of the twin towers. The towers were destroyed when two Boeing 767s were intentionally flown into them during the September 11 attacks of 2001.

whoopsie doodle

I've had this a few times

They grab hold of your arse and tell you to just do it inside them, not because they want to get pregnant though because they like it

Feels good

literally a worse gimmick than pastry eel cunt

ah yes Disnep

when i found out i was jewish it all made sense to me

all my life has followed naturally from that fact

my third eye is open and i've seen things you pawns wouldn't be able to imagine

>not just buying a box of little cards

'British values oath' my arse

Couldn't think of anything more un-British

fuck off corbynite

socialism is the way lads

the way to HELL

IMAX is awful

how can you be a virgin over the age of 18? That must be unbelievably embarrassing

i love that all these evocation to 'british values' are always undefined and things the people espousing them seldom follow/practice themselves.

shut up bet you're a new cunt that doesn't even know about jordan's antics

nice try sweetie but im a natsoc :) xxx

i want a white baby, where I can get one for free?

don't understand the whole online dating thing

must be getting old

>sixth form paid for everyone in my economics class to have a subscription to the Economist
>two years after I left I'm still having them delivered

Hope they don't cotton on haha

literally anti-british

it's the middle class lefty british values they're swearing too

meanwhile the other 90% of the country hate immigrants and foreigners in general

only subhuman normies care

this is what a 10/10 face looks like

>go to university doing electronic engineering for a year and drop out
>still have an IET subscription that they've paid for 5 years later

ah yes

>finished sixth form 2 years ago

literally not-british

weak chin


cleaned my room and bathroom

doing laundry now

might shower later if i'm feeling ambitious


thin face

Yeah lol what are you trying to say

eyes are a bit off

pretty big bulgo tbf ham