Would you Racemix with a Leaf?

Would you Racemix with a Leaf?


also no

Her DNA test showed she was precisely 0% jew


Midwesterner here.


fuck no, would rather die a virgin

I don't find asian attractives,
so no, I won't racemix with a leaf

Canada is such huge country, yet all canadian posters are shit. I want to stay away from them

Imagine actually raising a Canadian son

Worse than raising a half nigger child

Our gene pool is already muddied enough without letting foreign devils at our women. Fuck off, the lot of you.

>Mix with Chinese, get Vancouverite.
>Mix with Brit, get Canadian.
>Mix with Quebecois, get French Canadian.
>Mix with Canadian, get Ontarian French Canadian.
>Raise the kid properly, get a Québécois.

Lauren Southern a shit.
Only fat Sup Forumsack orbiters with fuck her.

Not an argument leaf.

hey my great grandfa had bastard children with french girls back in 40-s during good old ffl times we might even be cousins if you are from southern france


>he's here

25 million whites of European origin live in Canada. Canada is white despite being 67% of the total population. We must perseve the European origin of our nation with deportation of non-Europeans and importation of non-cucked euros.

>non-cucked euros

so no one?

Danes maybe

>21 years old and looks like late 30s with make-up
No. Especially not with that one.

is this "0/10 would not bang" thread?

There is no such thing as a Canadian race, we are a proud multicultural society that promotes different cultures instead of assimilating them.In fact, the brave refugees that just arrived are no less Canadian than any of us.

Yes but i wouldn't raise the child

Go back to work, Justin


t. Trudeau