
All me.

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post slags

is eddie izard a degen? can't tell



Sup Forums produces some of the best memes desu, never been a fan of the Big Guy one though haha.




thought something happened you.
good man

Eddie Izzard really fucking annoys me now


just realised seeing the gf didn't make me any happier

is this the signal to end it?

fashion trends are proof of collective consciousness

think this haircut looks good? no? well you would if it was 30 years ago

josie really needs to be sectioned desu
feel bad for her family

cat is making a VERY smell poo, i am NOT pleased.


what about alan cumming? they both might just be artists

dunno who that is



Which one of you twats did this?

>mfw I remember the south exists

work tomorrow

destroyed his cred

mullets look exceptional though

feeling rather hungry lads



only in britain do we make conservative muslims slags



looool wtf is this????

hate this gimmicks because it hits too close to home and is an always unwelcome reminder

Did people really look at this thing in 2003 and think "yeah that looks beautiful, cutting-edge that is"

can someone lend us a tenner? sent this month's paycheck to my findom mistress (Princess Tottenham)

virus do not click

What kind of technological advancements would we have if the Nazis won?

What happened to him lads?


you have need of me?

I don't understand the massive cock obsession. I see big cocks in porn that are fucking scary. One dude in hs had a big one and I wasn't impressed because he went all jackhammer to the point it wasn't enjoyable. This on and off bf I had once got to the point of being obese that his dick somehow shrunk to below average but he used it well. You guys seem to consistently (almost obsessively) talk shit about chads while simultaneously trying to be one.


poz cuckold

what's this guy's deal?

wonder what drove him to do this

aha only a week until christmas lad

with moustaches

is andy murray so emotionless because he saw his class mates gett shot?

Still looks pretty nice

cant get to church because my car doors are frozen

NEVER see anyone in a niqab or burqa, just the hijab

We'd probably be less advanced than today


'rents said they'd call back but im going to sleep

this canadian is so le epic in his spamming the same average looking slut every thread
love him XDD

was in highschool during that era
most unaesthetic of times


>go to /balt/ or any other foreign thread
>comment "why are there so many scandis/t*rks/french etc, in /brit/"
>report back

what do you lads think about THE GRAND TOUR?

so far its been shit, episode 5 was decent though.




>>The current Editor-in-Chief of the National Geographic Magazine is Susan Goldberg.[1]

>user you're looking hench! where do you work out?

in my bedroom haha


step-dad's posting on fb again

Off work tomorrow lads

>black male: straight
how progressive

>The current Editor-in-Chief of the National Geographic Magazine is Susan Goldberg.[1]

Home gym

Can show round if you'd like ;)

I'm spending new years in Latvia alone instead of sitting in my bedroom again


>tfw no ugly duckling square shitbox

It was though.

Think of it like this. You're looking at that thinking it looks shit, by comparison in 2003 they were looking at pic related and thinking the same thing

Done in /fr/


oiiiiiiii dis ones a percy bruv trust me

he's bored and old and computer literate

william shatner does the same


each episode has been the exact same and the banter is just a shit tea break.


remember when moot tried to force that "jeeeeeewwwwwwwwwws" gimmick but it never really took off?

cant do this because then they will ask why IM in /brit/ aha the CONUNDRUM

I need a game to play lads
what should I download

I don't, all natural baby



REALLY made me think

Dumb rorke

This cover is about the Nubian Kushiite kingdom that was actually black

They got BTFO by Semites though

this made the penis rather erect, wish i was that dildo

>Charlie will never give you an oily thighjob

why am I alive

nitroplus blasterz heroines infinite duel

the nubians ruled for a tiny tiny fraction of ancient egypts history

because I took a look and stayed here for a while


ah yes the schizophrenia's kicking in nicely

hmm yes

user stop :(((

Hitler ruled Germany for a fraction of its history but we still talk about him

dumb rorke

stop posting this uncle tom


perusing the rolling machine


are you ok lad?