Red pill me on Hungarians. No one seems to know where the fuck they came from. They aren't Slavs...

Red pill me on Hungarians. No one seems to know where the fuck they came from. They aren't Slavs, but many historians have linked them to parts of Iran, Turkey, and Mongolia.

The issue is that Hungarians are some of the whitest people on this planet so that theory doesn't really make any sense.

Where the hell did they come from?

Other urls found in this thread:–Hungarian_warsđari_u_Vojvodini

>Where the hell did they come from?
andromeda galaxy

Hungarians are Finno-Ugric. They came from behind Urals u dummy

Oh hi!

we r aylins

they are a finno-uralic slavicized population

huje vagytok es kisci faszod van negtek

Magyars came from Bashkiria and were racially asiatic.

Hungarians are just language shifters, having learned the language from magyars.They are just a cocktail mix of every european population.

All three brothers in one thread yay

mongol bros

more like Asia

That is what I am saying. It just seems weird that all their backgrounds stem from some mud blood or asian gene pools but they are somehow white today


maybe because they are surrounded by white people?

why is it weird they've lived in central europe for a long time,what do you expect them to look like genghis?

take a look on genetics of the population on eupedia.

a nomadic tribe from the urals came in to the carpathian basin in the late 9th century
modern hungarians come from the locals that were assimilated by these nomads

>Oghuz Turks conquered Persia
>Prefered to speak Persian
>Many Persian dynasties were Turkic but they were defending Persia against Turkics

>Bulgar (Bulogurs) Turks conquered today's Bulgaria
>Prefered to speak Bulgarian (Slavic)
>the Bulgarian dynasty were Turkic but they were defending Bulgaria against Turkics

>Magyar (Onogurs) Turks conquered Carpathia
>The majority of them speaking Ugric so they prefered Ugric
>the Magyar dynasty were Turkic but they were defending Bulgaria against Turkics.

>Mughal Turks conquered India
>Prefered to speak Indian
>the Mughal dynasty were Turkic but they were defending India against Turkics.

This is the main thing of Turkics. Sometimes they keep the language sometimes they don't. They're like water. If you put it in bowl it becomes a bowl. If you put it in a teacup it becomes the teacup. You can see Turkics as Arabs, as Jews, as Europeans, as Central Asians, as Indians, as Persians, as Byzantines or as Greeco-Armenians(!). This is they're nature.

Plus you can see "Western Tourkia (Turkey)" instead of Hungary or Magyaria in the early Greek sources

The same reason as Turkey. A minortiy of Turkic tribes (in Hungary's case the Hunns) cucked the entire region to adopt Turkic language

Are they actually relate to Huns or that was just some historica lmeme?

Fuck off with your turanism shit.Turks are subhuman.

meme.bad translation of on-ogur from latin.

But that doesn't make any sense. People living in Turkey are brown colored Arab shit heads. That couldn't be any further from Bulgaria or Hungary

>Cucked by Bulgars
>Cucked by Avars
>Cucked by Cumans
>Cucked by Pecheneges
>Cucked by Kipchaks
>Cucked by Magyars
>Cucked by Mongols (still Altaic)
>Cucked by Ottomans

It's cool man. I get it.

"Hey, I'm 14 years old and I know more about history than (You) did ever"


stfu laszlo
amerifriend asked a question so i anwered

In your dream shitskin.

Idk why but Turkics in Persia were Persianized. Even the Seljuks' offical language was Persian. Somehow Anatolian Turkics manage to Turkified the locals and made them speak Turkish. Plus Atatürk force people to accept the Turkish identity and speak Turkish thou...


enough on the memes ahmed, and turn your head towards mecca, it's that time again

they're slavshits who speak the language of their conquerors

just like turks are anatolshits who speak the language of their conquerors


should apologize for backstabbing us and taking Vidin tho

Your shitty country is full of Gypsies and hated by everyone, I would rather be Alb*nian than ******** you subhuman ape

Turkey has more gypsies than Romania.

But if your country is better than Romania then why not post from it, Ahmed?

as usual, a subhuman mongrel cant see past his nose.

You've got to be joking

The disgusting creature responded to me, I should probably take a decontamination shower and burn all of my clothes to avoid any illnesses this beast carries with it

>but many historians have linked them to parts of Iran, Turkey, and Mongolia.
>The issue is that Hungarians are some of the whitest people on this planet so that theory doesn't really make any sense.

Not him, but why so serious and edgy on the internet?

So you admitted you're a mongrel.I rest my case.

By the way, proto-turks were central asiatic mongols, turks today are just another mongrel mix of all nations, but unlike Hungary, they have substantially more south-european(balkanic) + arab/persian + gypsy mix.

Dont ever reply to me again, mutt.

>Where the hell did they come from?
They were spawned by a scripted event. like all nomadic hordes.

I would rather die in a bombing from k*rds than even take a shit on the turf you call R*m*n*a, you people unironically need to be wiped out like the parasites you are

Not like if I'd be a huge fan of my eastern neighbors, but you're saying it as a third world sandnigger living on a foreign country's money.

>calls someone a parasite
>is unnironically a parasite in Germany

turks being dumb.wonder if it has to do with islam and inbreeding.

No one knows what the precise Magyar contribution to the Hungarian gene pool is because the original racial type of Magyars is unknown.

the dude's an obvious troll, there's no use in trying to weed out any reason from this t*rkroach. he would rather be a malignant tumor for others than do something resourceful in his life.

>gypsy proving his lack of education

same here


it's self reported senpai

and half of romania is populated by hungarians so you only get the average of 12 if they have a specific average of 4.47cm... fucking hobbits with hairy feet man...



that big dick


muh mongol bros

>I have to work and pay taxes so that the EU money can be used for R*m*n*a* building projects, such as the best first functioning electricity outlet in shitholia

Your country is just so fucking horrible and irrelevant


well we are a culture of dead souls that just refuse to fucking roll over and die out properly.
even tho it would be better for everyone involved.

origins are currently believed extraterrestrial by the political mainstream. many also believes jesus was actually a hungarian and so were sumers. that's as good an explanation as the finno-ugoric thing. has about the same solid scientific basis.


i would beat up a Bulgarian if i met one in real life

nah sorry, i was wrong at the math i divided it by 2 when i shouldn't have it's 8.95.

b-but look at that number

Western Siberia

you would probably get culturally enriched by them if you ever went there. i have been there it's not for civilized pussies like your kind.



This is interesting. Are Turkics basically bulls that subvert into cucks

>the Bulgarian dynasty were Turkic but they were defending Bulgaria against Turkics

the rulling dynasty stopped being Bulgar basically by the time of Boris, you roach filth, they got cucked out of existence by slavs and thracians pretty quick

you mean Bodony? i'm hazy on history but we barely held it for like 5 years or so. it was something about the turks or what...

Hungarians are native Carpathian basin dwellers who got culturally enriched by Siberians about a thousand years or so ago.

people living in turkey have nothing to do with turks, most of them are anatolians(greeks), while some of them are bascially bulgarians/serbs in the north and some of them arabs in the south.
no turk looks like pic related–Hungarian_wars

>Are Turkics basically bulls that subvert into cucks
>be rejects of the greatest empire on earth
>be nation of outlaws and cutthroats
>live on alien land that is so unforgiving and dangerous it's a never ending meme
>prosper on a tiny slice of hell on earth
>later on get cucked by large chickens
>ban guns and freedoms and small tits
>be the most cucked nation on earth by their government literally enacting direct internet censorship on citizens
>fucking pol-correct feminist infested shithole

you serious? you are the dictionary definition of cucks.

jesus fuck user why you torture me with this stuff?

triggered the Slav gook eh

i'm not exactly triggered, and don't exactly like turks especially nowadays with all that's been happening.

it's just you guys are the biggest cucks even beating the japs even and that says something.

Never understood how can anybody believe that mongoloturk meme.

It's not even a good one.

When it comes to government control we're quite cucked yes, but we aren't overrun with hostile foreigners like other Europe and north America.

Orban is a cool guy but that's about all I know of Hungary and Hungarians desu :d

yeah those turks and these roaches have nothing in common anyhow just as we have zero relations to huns.

now i am officially triggered

>but we aren't overrun
but no walls and no oceans can stop migries only mines and machine guns can. and you couldn't beat those dumb chickens with your machine guns.

another khans who went to europe and assimilated with local euros so theyre more like whites with khan language

european version of us

kek! good one my roach friend! well played!


Why? I know orban from a movie

i'm not walking into that twice, be glad you fooled me once. it was a very cunning trap.

I don't know what you're talking about though , op asked about Hungarians and I told all I know

I am not the first user who typed about Orban. I did sent the Master Orban wikilink.

well there were times in our history where the population was so culled by mongols or whatnot passing by, that only like 12% or so remained and that wasn't a 100% to begin with, not even the original tribes were really one people from the same origin. so if you repeat this shit a few times, cull a nation that bad and repopulate the lands by imports (someone had to work the lands after all), you will have nothing left from the original gene pool.

hungarians were after a while the nobility pretty much and that explains their hatred for their peasants why they betrayed their own nation time and time again pretty much at every opportunity.

but on the upside we are a world power in porn.

I've been to Hungary. Very beautiful women and great language. Someone combined Slav+ Western Yurop in a country. I'd love to go back.

But to answer, probably from eastern steppe or some shit idk. Occam's razor and all that.

>implying not samefags and baiting me again


Finnics from central asia who mixed with germanics and slavs just like finns did, brothers dont be ashamed

so neither of you was talking about our fucking pm? i mean you can't fucking tell a hungarian you think orban is a great guy in present tense and expect him to associate to a traitor that died hundreds of years ago!

i guess i gave you way too much credit you really are clueless dumb fucks.

how the fuck I could know who the pm of hungary was ? sorry man I am a normie I don't look into useless stuff

They came from China which had just invented gunpowder and put a sword on the necks of all Slavs and Germanics and anyone else, and everyone turned to spoke the language of the nobility.


I was just coincidentally reading about Hungarians in Vojvodina, Serbiađari_u_Vojvodini
There are about 290 000 living there, which is a pretty big number, I had no idea about that. What the hell do they do there? Apparently there are towns on Tisza with almost entire Hungarian population.
What goes on in there?
I'm scared.

By my knowledge they are finnis mixtured with turks and slavs. My father is hungarian and I have lived there as a kid, hungarians called me blonde but finnish kids called me nigger.

>I'm scared.
that was something i never expected a serb would say...