Why are we so superior? Why does rest of the world crave our cock so much? Why they look up on us?

Why are we so superior? Why does rest of the world crave our cock so much? Why they look up on us?

i wouldnt live in any of these countries except maybe nz

this is the top 10 countries in HDI as well iirc

why though, you spic?

Irrelevant cuckholes

t. bald swampnigger



>best reputation in the world outside of this finnish woodwork forum

that's a dead giveaway for why it's full shit

everyone knows america is the most loved

America isn't even the most loved country by Americans

then what is?

definitely not your joke of a "country"

>tfw everyone wants yellow Canadian cock

All these countries have fairly low populations, other than Australia and Canada.

Small countries aren't interesting.

It is unironically my joke of a "country."

t. pavee

Years ago that was Canada's only Sup Forums meme
Those were good times tbqh

If a Canadian shitposted everyone just accused him of being an American using a Canuck proxy so people would like him.



Most of those countries do consistently score in, or very near, either the top 10 of almost every positive metric or well above their weight class

so, again

you topping the rank being a dead giveaway for bullcrap

feels good man

my country is fucking EXCELLENT, haters be jelly up to their ears

yes, according to le good goy index


wow, hardcore :^)

Either I don't follow your logic or you don't understand how polls work.




Are irish people really like that?


according to everything I've seen living here + visiting other parts of the world

self hating swedes just don't have any perspective on how much worse other countries are


you arent any better than other first world euro countries though. just bland and boring with no culture whatsoever

sweden is ok but kinda meh

Solid argument


>no culture
are you a Swedish lefty?

going for the diplomatic victory i see

t. never been outside the states and has gotten all his info on other countries from Sup Forums and Sup Forums


>why are we so irrelevant


at least they're right about some things

you're all just americans who speak swedish and live in sweden.


>just Americans

There are a lot of 3rd world blacks in Sweden

prove me wrong.

yeah you have that midsummer thing but other than that you're pretty much just americans.

most of the things you enjoy is due to us


that's what I thought; can't prove me wrong so you just give me le meme answer


give me another one NOW

do it you submissive cuckboi

>68793006 (You)

Good boi *taps your head*

Now back to shed, shoo


t. bald swampnigger

>no culture
More than most countries

How many countries have 1000yr+++ old traditions like sweden does, honestly?

Idk m8

Why are you speaking my language and I'm not speaking your language if you're so """cultured"""?

I love you Ireland.

>There are a lot of 3rd world blacks in Sweden
Just like in USA

Indeed, we both have our trash

but the thing is American Whites >>> Swedish "whites"

>but the thing is American Whites >>> Swedish "whites"

That language isn't yours though

You know it's true.

>this is you atm

Yes, that was the joke

what a funny joke you chinkleaf

Because 1. you have a high standard of living and 2. you're pretty irrelevant so no one has a reason to hate you

>How many countries have 1000yr+++ old traditions like sweden does, honestly?


Reputation -> HDI 2014
Sweden 1 -> 14
Canada 2 -> 9
Switzerland 3 -> 3
Australia 4 -> 2
Norway 5 ->1
Finland 6 -> 24
New Zealand 7 -> 9
Denmark 8 -> 4
Ireland 9 -> 6
Netherlands 10 -> 5

Mostly true, except Finland and Sweden are losers, and the USA and Germany are underrated.

>German disputing claim
Now I see. Then again with rapefugees, Sweden and Germany are going to drop 5-10 HDI rankings in the next decade anyway.

>still believing in memehdi

We're the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels


>still believing in memehdi

>I don't like one arbitrary number system so let me use another one
