Thoughts on Canada?

Thoughts on Canada?

it's like america's brother that's always getting friend zoned

America's little bitch along with the UK, Australia, Japan, France and Germany.
Feels good living in an absolutely independent country.
>inb4 EU
It's not the same.

Vastly overrated by American liberals but still a good country. 8/10


Isn't that, that place in place in minecraft?

On what?

My next vacation destination

being in the EU makes your country Germany's bitch. you're off worse because you're actually having your status as a country removed

pretty comfy

no complaints from me


You meant "ShitaroundQuebecnada" ?

bit large, surely they do not need all that land for themselves,

Do you even Quebec history?

They fought bravely at the plains of Abraham and killed the British general
Excellent post

Somerset you have to make though choices and is not like we had a lot of resources to spare, defending the mainland was seen as more than a bunch of fur trading posts on the other side of the world

Wtf I hate France now!

Car ils préfèrent les nègres qu'aux blancs
Do you even Quebec history?

French people had the choice to keep either Canada or French Indies


Beautiful country, shame about the people. Although I do quite like French Canadians for some reason.

America's hat xD

A place that does not include Alaska xD

Based sergeant-at-arms xD

Also a genuinely nice place to live.

Those last two were pretty nice, thanks

Canada should just be 10km north of the US border since everyone lives there


Best country in the world desu

I used to like canada and hate mexico befo
re Sup Forums but now i like mexico and kinda hate canada, though the latter is probably just a reaction to this

French Canada is best Canada

Basically America but better.

If you like the US, you'll love Canada.
If you hate the US, you'll not like Canada much better.

BTW, a very regional country - most people have no idea what life is like elsewhere in the country, though we are well-traveled and worldly. Unlike many other nation-states, you would need to travel across the country to generalize.

Is it cold everywhere ?

bretty gud neighbors

>23 years

I think south west B.C has the most mild weather. Even places like Southern Ontario has a huge temperature range

Québec is pretty cool.