
Peace through puppers edition

good sheltie desu


the gf

>he for she

But she is feminist.

Can you guess his age?

a CUTE feminist

No idea desu

She's not ugly but something about her looks off.

African American culture

He's 13

I wanna kiss a girl...

4loko > irish coffee

>tfw no African American bf that watches anime

fuck you all motherfuckers yaaaaaaaaaa
*shoots everyone with an ak47*
yea mothafuckers yeaaaaa


>I was only a hologram

She has that perpetual adolescent look. Like she'll never grow into a woman

My freshman year roommate just got expelled for plagiarism. Don't be a dumbass kids.

she has the look of a qtpi


la concha de la weaaa


t. Cock pro

I think you got those backwards bud.

If you are attracted to femininity, why not just stick to real girls?

Feminine dick>Vagina's

>Feminine dick>Vagina's

should I get one of the Transformers games on sale right now on Steam? War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron look kind of neat but idk


If you fag want a trap penis inside your gay ass,
Moon Man will send you gay ass into the gas

Because vaginas are gross and relations to women imply the social battles of the sexes for power also being fought privately, and women tend to use everything they can to gain the upper hand.

I wish I was an alcoholic

its never too alte to start

>tfw you are an alcoholic

should i use this as a pp friends??

just popped in here after an evening of drinking to say good night to my pals at /cum/™

me too, I can't drink more than two days in a row


It would be great. It's the best disease there is. No other disease lets you sit around drinking all day every day.

I wish I wasnt a piece of shit


saw star wars

it was fantastic desu, enjoyed it tremendously

probably the best star wars movie

fuck off nerd


bit rude

>Better than Empire
Fucking neck yourself

Because males are the superior sex

desu i just learned that love between girls is actually the purest.

gays only concentrate on sexual pleasure

I concentrate on cuddling


Fuck off disney shill


its what god intended

Sex is disgusting

well I just bought both of them for 22 bucks
hopefully FoC multiplayer isn't dead

It had a rebel ship ram into a star destroyer to push it into another star destroyer


not a shill, just my opinion.

devastation is the only really good one as far as I know

My friend was wearing this shirt today. He really really liked it.

What do I do?

Straight vape that fool

embrace the vape, user
embrace the fucking vape

break all his vape sticks

rape him

>better than clone wars

sabotage his vapes so that they explode

>vape him

>trusting doggos

when did your parents give up on you

absolutely DEVILISH!

Watch Moana

Don't watch Moana

don't not watch moana

Business Idea: make taytay my gf

Taytay a shit

>liking souless mean giraffic women

>tfw that guy is actually 6'6


Business Idea: Don't make Taytay anyone's gf

tall girls a shit
160-165cm is best height

bud is raccis

degenerate af thread

Business idea:

set goal of gf2017 and actually go through with it this time

who /fat/ here

any plans to get in shape for 2017

Business idea: Sabotage this fool's chances of getting a gf

Business idea: make canada my gf

would be VERY successful venture

>Unironically being fat in the year of our lord

good idea: quit copying /brit/ you fucking faggots

Business idea: keep copying /brit/ memes

memes don't have copyright, my friend

bad idea: post on Sup Forums

>proud of being fat

too fucking late

going to the circus, they got rid of the elephants so im pretty upset

what reaction/emotion is this pic trying to convey?

Going to the circus and I just found out that they fired this fat fuck and his mother???

lads i just got fired from the circus

fat people don't get women like that

haha, just fired this stupid danish guy from the circus

shit was cash

I'm sorry for your loss
