Despite languages, what are the main difference between them?

Despite languages, what are the main difference between them?

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The fact that Norway cockblocks Sweden from the sea pleases me

>stillborn thread

Not really, there are a few openings


You mean Finland not Sweden?

Answer my question pls

Denmark is not Scandinavian they are European bog men and Icelanders are a reject slave race.

Denmark:Imperialist pigs and liars
Sweden: Noble people who tried to create an empire but didn't success
Norway: Old Danes
Iceland: Very Old Danes who freed themselves from the New Danes

Swedes love the BBC.

Finns are crypto-slavs

Crypto-Russians at best, most Slavs hate Russians instead of spilling strategic secrets to them.

>Sweden: Noble people who tried to create an empire but didn't success

Wrong answer, leaf

Where's your empire now ?

Finns are autists
Scandinavians are narcistic autists

Gone, like all empires

janny plz ban this danophobic leaf

Like half of what used to be Denmark is now part of Sweden forever.

Norway has oil.
Finland has autism.
Sweden has parallel muslim societies.



radera detta

We would've won if it wasn't for that damnable winter

Explain the Battle of Poltava.

>Danes are imperialist scum, not human, but spawn from hell made to bring suffering and destruction to Earth.
That's what I learnt today

They were angry >:(


GB is on both sides. Pls explain?

Can you fucking read?

Things don't happen in a vacuum. The winter caused 2000 men to die even before any battles started. Furthermore being the coldest winter in 500 years ( meant that not only do you need more resources to stay alive which further make things worse. It's not entirely unlikely that the cold winter delayed the onset of spring, meaning even less food. Poltava is the result of the continental Swedish army retreating as it's simply not in a fighting capacity ultimately leading to the confrontation which naturally went horribly bad. It's not just some random battle that happened between fresh troops (which we'd likely win).

The decision to invade Russia might seem controversial knowing that, but they didn't at the time. At the time they knew that although Russia outnumbered us slightly, we still had better equipped and trained men and we had beaten Russia before.

The king of Britain was also the duke of Hanover and wanted sea access for Hanover. Then he got butthurt at the Russiand and wanted them to give back some of the land.

Is it what Iceland told me

I was just memeing you, Sven.

And Denmark and Iceland ?

Denmark has a little bit of everything and much more lax alcohol and weed laws

Iceland has volcanoes and Björk

>tfw you live close enough to denmark so you can buy cheaper alcohol

>you will never be a Dane, Norwegian, or Icelander


You might just be if you come from anywhere near Minnesota

Do you all swedes, finns, norwegian, danes and icelanders speak the same language with slight but irrelevant local variations?

I might have viking blood but that would come from the Rus.


Amazing how Sweden use to be a major European power and thus world power as well as having the best professional army in the world during the 17th and early 18th century. What the fuck happened Sven?

No. Finnish is a completely different language. (Though some Finns speak Swedish as their mother tongue.)

The other ones share a common ancestor: old norse. Icelandic is the closest to this whereas swedish, danish and norwegians are distant to the point of them not being mutually intelligible with Icelandic (some Norwegian dialects sorta are). They are however [asymmetrically] mutually intelligible with each other to some degree. Generally Norwegians understand the other two best. Danes and Swedes struggle with each other's languages but generally understand Norwegian (east Norwegian dialect in particular).

That's forever tainted, sorry

norwegian, danish and swedish are very close
icelandic is quite different
finnish might aswell be japanese

>That's forever tainted, sorry
I didn't expect otherwise considering that I'm a Slav

An inordinate amount of bad luck, unfavorable geography leading to us overextending and constant economic issues.

Thanks for answering. I started norwegian in duolingo for the lulz and was wondering if it will let me understand you guys. I'm interested in being able to watch and understand scandi kino

Japanese is easier to learn than Finnish.

Finns are good guys and others are bad guys

>coming from bad guy: the country

Sad that Sweden didn't achieve what it could have been. My favourite empire total war faction to play during a campaign is Sweden.

Scandos are the exact opposites of balkanics.

t.random factoid

>be Swede
>lose entire empire

The empire coming to an end wasn't actually that bad of a thing. We were horrendously poor at the time. The only thing I'd change if I could is staying neutral during the French invasion of Russia.

Norwegians are the richest, Danes are the most chill, Swedes the most arrogant and Finns are the scariest.

We were so poor literally 1 in 5 born between 1850-1910 emigrated. In total ~1.2 million people. To put that into perspective we had a population of 3.5 million in 1850. Not having a war every other 20 years was the best thing we ever did, too bad we didn't stop sooner.

>Danes are the chillest
I thought they oppressed Greenland...

I just want a qt.314 scandi girl to love me forever.


Anybody know this feel?

What about reading between Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish?


The most popular form of written Norwegian, bokmål, is literally based on Danish so they are very similar. It's not hard for Swedes to read Danish or Norwegian either but it requires more getting used to the differences (but it's by no means difficult).

i'll just leave this here

I can generally understand written Danish but not spoken. I'd imagine the same goes for them with Swedish.

Sorry dude ASMR gives me the creeps

This kind of shit is disgusting

you can literally hear the tongue sloshing around in saliva

They're all essentially the same, but they can only beat my superior country if they cheat with oil shekels.

>The well-being score
care to explain?