*walks towards you*

*walks towards you*

Other urls found in this thread:



>starts giving him the succ

*call him with n word*

My benis is really small, fug

Ate you doing to suck his dick or what?

>du gamla, du fria starts playing..

How would you do that with his dick in your mouth?

really though, that has to be edited, right?

i get the BBC meme, but that isn't anatomically appropriate

>but that isn't anatomically appropriate
>wh*te "male" literally in disbelief over the manhood of the black man


*licks lips*

got a collection there? :^)

Why would you even want such a big dick sex would just be painful for you and 99.9% of women

While results vary across studies, the consensus is that the average erect human penis is approximately 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length with 95% of adult males falling within the interval 10.7–19.1 cm (4.2–7.5 in). Neither age nor size of the flaccid penis accurately predicted erectile length. Stretched length most closely correlated with erect length.[4][5][6] The average penis size is slightly larger than the median size (i.e., most penises are below average in size).


What if they like the pain

>sex would just be painful for you and 99.9% of women

Only the untamed kongolese man with his superior length can truly reach the pleasure centres of the woman


>blackies and their prosthetic benis

theres a difference between oo that hurts good and ripping a vagina apart

on /soc/ femanons confirm that a big dick is nice, a big dick meaning about 7 to 8 inches, an inch or two over average. larger is painful and unenjoyable for them they say.

7 inch is big?
What the fugg I always thought mine was average.

It cannot possibly be fake.....

If you look for interviews of ex pornstars, or non commercial ones (ie not those fake interviews for porn advertising), most of them agree that giant dicks like that are very unpleasant and that are risky about hitting the cervix and causing heavy pain.

Porn has ruined the minds of entire generations

about 5.5 to 6.5 is average or so

porn really fucks with perception of big, 7" is supposed to be an above average dick

White """"""men"""""""

you have a warped perception of length if you think the penis in op picture is 7-8 inches

that's the point, his dick, if it's real, is unappealing to women.

Neat, so if I ever have sex in my life at least she'll be able to enjoy it I guess.

*Grabs you*

Why does his stiffy bend downwards

they also say that size is nice, but you have to be good in bed to please a woman. size isn't everything, but it is something.

There is more to sex than just lying there thrusting, chances are you will be crap on your first attempt like everyone else.

Does yours not?

Trust fucking americans to be cucks

Ain't nothing wrong with being a ""cuck""" honey

>black girl thread gets deleted immediately after someone posts porn
>this one stays up for an hour

Really made me think, huh jannies

>one hour and 4 minutes ago

Guess why black women have huge asses and wide cunts. They are used to it but tiny white girls aren't

fuck off bigot

No. Why would it? I'm average, so that might be the reason

wanna fight?

*teleports behind you*
*unsheates surgical knife*
*unsheates torah*
*paralizes you with special discount offer*
'Nothing personel, kiddo. It's G-d's will'
*converts you to judaism*
'Now you are


What's better is a dude who doesn't cum after 2-10 minutes.

It's not long enough to orgasm, especially if the guy sucks at foreplay.

this gotta be a pumped dick no way a dick can be this huge