
I'm just here to make you think edition

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This image really made me think
Have another image to really make you think

the gf

Fuggg whitey XDXDXD

I find it weird and disturbing that someone made this

its your fault you dont understand me

Just pinched off a big messy thought

la novia

African American culture

it's nicely drawn and colored too.
you can tell a group of fags worked somewhat hard on this

tus novia es feita.



Not an argument

>Wasted millions of dollars, getting ridiculed by every famous person on Earth except Putin, speaks his mind and incites violence among the triggered
>The C*nadian actually believes Donald would willingly go through with this if America was doing fine.

tu novia tiene panocha masculina

panocha masculina

que maraca más fea


who Sup Forums here?


ITT: no one thinking

It doesn't bother amerisharts that trump cried about the average worker being treated unfairly when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth!
>b-but hilldawg is worse
Not an argument

why is Lenin in that picture?



Not an argument

No, Cara es linda!, linda!


Clinton got rich off of selling favors to foreign governments and companies. Trump got rich employing people.

/jojo/, /FliFla/, and /Ass wars/

basically, yeah

Exploiting* people


Collection of philosophers, scientists, and political theorists / revolutionaries

Well he did campaign extensively in blue-collar areas, so it's not a coincidence that blue-collar constituents voted for him.

>greentexting because you cant tell a coherent story

>why yes, I only visit generals

What does poop taste like? Need an answer.



How much do you think this sells for?

you should know this by now

bout tree fiddy

Ich suche nach meinem deutschen Kumpel. Hat jemand hier ihn gesehen?

I-is that a bad thing?

I can tell you how piss tastes like, really salty.

Dont know about poop.

You're really annoying desu, and that's coming from a sperg like me.

They are free to quit


Delet this.

we speak ENGLISH here

>bout tree fiddy

anime is cool

maybe 30-40k
it looks damn good

White bois were made for the bbc

'bout 40 grand?

Unless you've seen him, fuck off!

>I can tell you how piss tastes like, really salty.


there are maybe three people here who get it

what is with this 2 door meme? 4 doors are so much more practical. Theres probably only one cup holder too I bet

Right, and many did. That doesn't mean it's ok to but pay them for the work they'd already done.

My dad has the same car but he painted it forest green when I was younger because it was the original color, I'm wondering if I should buy it from him because I know he isnt going to give it to me until he's in the grave

Is not like i tried it on purpose. It was going down on a girl and it happened, didnt say anything cuz im a gentlemen.

Threadly reminder to watch Moana

But we can be friends ?

how about no

brown hair, big tits, thicc thighs is the way to go

he better give you a good deal on it.
i'd shit a brick if let you have it for like under 10 grand
or wait till you can inherit it, hopefully.

ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

no, see Rogue One or Arrival instead


I'm usually into thickness, but TayTay really gets me going

>But we can be friends ?

>cuck wars
It's a great movie

After I introduced Sup Forums to this slag and people started posting her here she made her instagram page private lel
>pro nude model with a bunch of slutty IG posts
>gets butthurt people save and repost her titties
wew 2bh

Girls are pretty:


>>cuck wars

might jerk off to kay-awn

I swear that if i hear about moana again i will grab the chainsaw.

Rogue one was an okay action flick but a shitty star wars movie

Avoid it

is rouge one even worth seeing?
i saw the force awakens in theaters and felt like i wasted my money
it's still a good movie, just wasn't worth waiting till midnight and paying all that money

Dont sexualize keions

>tfw no tall gf

they're so rare

it was better than the force awakens and is the second best star wars movie


i'm just gonna go with what this guy said

The people in the electoral college are supposed to vote for those candidates that have the majority votes with the people in the state, which is basically always either Democrats or Republicans. So if 47% of people vote Republican and 47% vote Democrat, then the guys in the electoral college will probably vote 50% Democrat and 50% Republican.
The legitimate 6% of third-party votes are effectively thrown out, because it's not the people who vote, but the electoral college.
So America is effectively a two-party system, all third parties are just there for show

I've never had a gf

Disney shills get fucked

ill do a non-sexual masturbation

And they also only want men taller than them too
Except Taytay I'm sure
I bet she'd love to hold me down and milk me for my baby batter

What do women ant Ukraine bro?

but anime is made to be sexualized

I need to quit weed desu

every semester Ill get half way through, then just smoke myself silly and forget about school

Not keions

remember being a kid and this shit starts playing on the tv?
how hyped did it make you to watch this shit

Fucking SPIC!

Do cocaine
It'll help with school

>he trusts the opinion of Sup Forums users

go see it whether we like it or not and form your own opinion, or dont see it at all because you just dont want to

>It's a great movie
Why is it a great movie? You're shilling this movie and you haven't said a single thing about it.

Was geht alter?

so what you are saying is that you have an addiction

Shut up. The president is voted by the states, and it is up to the states to decide how they use their delegates